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“I… love you, Tom,” she moaned, pressing closer.

“I love you, Jill… and I need you… came the passionate answer of her aroused husband.

* * *

Two hours later, Jill and Tom lay together, satiated and warm and very much in love. They were half asleep, almost groggy. after their record bout of fucking. A knock on the front door startled them into awareness.

“I’ll get it, dear,” Tom said. He rose from the bed, and Jill caught a glimpse of his limp, satiated cock and his leathery scrotum hitting his thigh as he jumped out. He walked to the door. “Yes?”

“Good morning, Tom!” came the hearty voice of Harry Sommers through the wood. “We’d like to come in if we may.”

“Well…” Tom looked into the bedroom at his wife as though she could supply the answer as to whether he should open the door. She shrugged her shoulders.

“Might as well. They’re persistent… and as I said, I’m not ashamed to face them,” she said.

“We’re not dressed,” Tom called to Harry.

“That’s all right. Neither are we. Just robes on.”

“Well, give me a second, all right?” Tom said, and moved quickly back into the bedroom where he jumped under the sheets.

“Come in,” he called out loudly.

The front door opened and Gay stepped in the room, smiling brightly. She was wearing a robe, but it was mainly see-through net, and all but the nipples of her proudly quivering breasts and the lower portion of her pubic mound were visible. Her full ripe buttocks swayed unhindered as she walked, and in spite of the fact that only minutes before he had ejaculated heavy spurts of his semen inside his wife, Tom couldn’t help gluing his eyes on her voluptuously promising body. His long turgid penis, which he had thought had become completely satiated from the night and morning of lovemaking with Jill, gave a new twinge of life. He couldn’t believe it! The more he ogled Gay Sommers the more he was overcome by her abandoned blatancy… and the more excited he became.

“Did you know there’s a connecting garden between our two cottages?” Gay laughed. “We sneaked up here through the rose bushes.”

Jill could understand how her husband had been attracted by Gay. As this wife of her husband’s boss eased herself into the bedroom’s one chair and crossed her legs, which sent the “robe” falling in both directions from her full firm thighs, Jill saw she was in her full glory. In spite of herself, Jill felt a small amount of jealousy. Gay’s breasts were so large and round, yet without sag as so many other women experience when full breasted, and her thin waist accented her perfectly proportioned thighs, buttocks and legs. Jill couldn’t blame Tom for being drawn into her web of passion.

Then Harry Sommers entered, smiling expansively. He wore a silk robe, scarlet and black, with a satin sash tied loosely around his middle. Jill had the strange, tantalizing suspicion that he wore nothing under the gown, just as it was obvious that Gay was naked beneath her wrap. For an instant she had the lewd thought pervade her mind of undoing the sash and letting the robe fall open so that she could view the magnificent penis and burly sac of testicles which had wreaked their delicious havoc upon her the previous day. A shock of prurient desire jolted through her, one which she tried to quash but couldn’t, and her hands trembled as they clutched the sheet up around her throat.

“What brings you here?” Tom asked, sitting up in bed.

“Well,” Harry began, “We wanted to discuss what happened yesterday.” He looked significantly first at Tom, then at Jill; Jill had promised herself not to be embarrassed or ashamed, but she felt the hot flood of blushing redness in her cheeks as Harry’s eyes fell on her.

“We wanted to know if there were any… ah, repercussions over what took place.” He paused. “That is, if Jill told you what she saw and did, Tom, and you in turn told her of your actions.”

Tom looked over at Jill and smiled. He put his hand on her face tenderly.

“Yes, we’ve told each other. And for your information, we appreciate what happened. It has brought us closer together.”

“Excellent!” said Harry. “We were afraid it might have caused you to become further alienated from each other. In fact, if you two hadn’t made a clean breast of the affair, we were going to, now. Just so that there wouldn’t be any buildup of suspicion and hatred, you understand. Truth and openness is the best policy between marrieds, I always say.”

“Both my husband and I,” interjected Gay, “were convinced that both of you had almost fathomless untapped resources of love and devotion. We felt that somehow you, alone, hadn’t been able to make use of these, as is so often the case. Too close to the subject, as it were. We believed that once confronted with wife swapping, confronted and participated in, it would act as the catalyst to open those virgin fields. It looks, Harry,” she added, glancing at her husband, “as though we were right.”

“Wife swapping…” Jill repeated, savoring the lurid phrase like some bittersweet candy. “Wife swapping. Yes, that’s what it was, all right.”

“I assume that you do this often,” Tom said.

“As often as possible,” Gay admitted.

“It’s helped us just as it helped you, Tom,”

Harry Sommers said. “Our physical enjoyment has been enhanced a thousand-fold, for the different partners have each contributed their different variation to an act which can otherwise grow stale and familiar. Moreover, the mere fact of dropping the confines of unnecessary and puritanical inhibitions has made our physical gratification more complete, more overwhelming, much more fulfilling.”

“Then… all this is out of sheer lust?” broke in Jill.

“No, not at all, my dear,” answered Harry calmly. “Please understand that group sex doesn’t mean that we are in love with the other partners. but at the same time, neither does that negate the presence of love. I love Gay very much, Jill.” “But how..

“How does our marriage stay together?” Harry chuckled. “It stays together the same way that yours has stayed together after yesterday. It stays together out of love, and because when we have relations, it means more than just lust by itself We know it means more, because we experience lust to its fullest, and it can never touch our enjoyment as lovers. I try harder, and Gay does too, and together with gratification we add heart and soul.” He stared at Tom intently. “Isn’t that what happened to you afterwards?” “What? I.

“Didn’t you make love last night, and… this morning?”

Jill blushed again, but she heard herself say, “Yes, yes we did, and it was wonderful. I enjoyed the sex we had together yesterday, Harry, but it wasn’t as good as with Tom.”

“Exactly my point!” cried Harry. “And… aren’t you closer?”

“We said we were,” Tom agreed. He looked over at his wife and the sign of love which passed between them was unmistakable. “We came together as lovers.. because we had been with others as sex partners.”

Harry walked over to the edge of the bed, and looked down into Jill’s eyes, which were troubled now.

“I see hesitation in your eyes, my dear Jill,” he said. “Don’t be afraid, it’s obvious that your love for Tom and his for you is unshakable. And I say this: what was enhanced by one swap can only be made better by another.”

“Are… are you suggesting another swap?” gasped Tom.

“Yes, he is,” Gay said with a smile. “And so am I.”

Jill stammered, choking on the bluntness of his request. “Why… I

“You liked my penis in your vagina yesterday,” he said. “And you, Tom, didn’t you enjoy my wife’s lovely body?”