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Faster and faster her tongue and her mouth worked on this stranger’s swollen instrument, and she held the base of his cock in her hand now, having replaced John’s hand with her own. He wrapped his fingers in her long blonde tresses, moaning abandonly at the enticing softness of her mouth and tongue on his fiery cock… softness like flowing, melted butter consuming it.

“Aaaaaahhhhhh! he moaned. “Oh Christ, that’s nice, that is SOOOOO nice the way you suck me!”

And behind her, as the subserviently kneeling young woman began to slave her mouth around his employee’s lust thickened cock, Harry leered knowingly to himself and began to thrust his hardened penis deep into Jill’s still tightly clasping rectum once again… slowly at first and then with increasing rhythm until her hips were wildly churning back against his pile-driving loins as they had before. He timed his strokes into her anus to the eager thrusts forward of John’s hips as he fucked her softly ovalled mouth, so they were both plunging into Jill’s bodily orifices in unison and withdrawing in unison. The room was filled with the sounds of love, of carnal pleasure being sought and attained… slapping and slurping and moaning and panting.

Jill was mindless and soulless now, reveling in the two pulsating hot cocks buried inside her, for nothing else mattered to her; she was, indeed, a new and free and kindred spirit. In this new world in which she dwelled, with this new motivating force of hedonistic pleasure seeking, she knew peace and tranquility and independence and great happiness. She knew sex, and sex was all-important in her new world, vitally and irrevocably important above all else…

Jill’s head pumped abandonly to and fro, slavishly licking every inch of John Barnett’s thick shaft, sucking harder and harder, her tongue twirling faster and faster. She could feel the dripping shaft batter against her larynx, but now she made no move to cease the intense ramming pressure there, her lips ovaling maddeningly as she attempted to suck the hot swirling white load of his sperm up from his balls.

At the same time she rolled and flung her gleaming white buttocks back against Harry’s forward-driving cock, feeling it deep, deep, ever deeper in her belly as her warm mouth worked harder and faster on John’s penis. The younger man groaned as her tightly ovalled lips almost drove him insane with pleasure. A wailing gasp tore from his throat as the moment of his climax drew closer, and Jill, too, was groaning and wailing and silently begging to the two magnificently attuned cocks to flood her, consume her, drown her with their geysering explosions of semen. Her lips sucked and nibbled more wildly around John’s wildly jerking cock, and her perspiration streaked buttocks heaved in an insane, frothing tempo back against Harry’s ramming loins, as her own orgasm began inexorably building and building and building. It wouldn’t be long now, she knew, it wouldn’t be long before all of them came in one total and mind-blowing release of their mutual passions.

Suddenly, John emitted a loud, grunting wail of liberation and he jammed his hips forward, burying his ejaculating rod of hot flesh deep in Jill’s soft warm mouth. Her throat tightened and untightened as torrent after gushing. torrent of his searing fluid poured forth from his madly pulsing cock, and she swallowed desperately to keep from strangling on the billowing sperm, her cheeks bloating and hollowing as the warm grotto of her mouth filled and emptied again and again.

And then, behind her, Harry’s fingers dug painfully into the soft moons of her frantically trembling buttocks, the nails drawing blood, and he began to chant crazily. “I’m cumming… I’m cumming, aaaagggghhhhhh… And his lust-thickened cock began to jerk out of control in her rectum then, as Barnett’s was doing in her mouth, and she felt the fire-hot semen erupt along his urethra tube from the boiling cauldrons of his balls to fill her rectal cavity to overflowing. The thickly heated liquid ran down along the crevice of her churning buttocks, along the backs of her pumping thighs, and puddled on the bedspread beneath her quivering young body.

“Keep sucking, keep sucking, don’t stopppppp!” John moaned convulsively levering forward and trying to shove his spewing penis even further down her willing throat. “Suck my cum, suck all of my cummmmmm!” Harry wailed behind her.

Then, as if their mutual cries of enrapturement were the final trigger of her own cumming, Jill felt the beginnings of that wild, soaring, drifting ride take hold of her wantonly excited flesh. She gurgled and squealed around John’s still ejaculating cock, never once losing a single droplet of the molten fluid. She climbed and rode the crest of her orgasm to the impossible height which she had come to know so well in the past two days, that fabulously delirious height which was the only thing worth seeking in the whole, wide universe. On she came, thrashing, climbing, her whole being wracked by the unbearable ecstasy of her passion, the two beautifully hard cocks skewering into her, taking her higher and higher to the pinnacle of hedonistic pleasure.

And then, finally, she collapsed forward on the bed, the two bliss-giving penises slipping from her cum-filled mouth and her forever stretched rectum with loud, wet simultaneous sounds of love. In her stomach and breasts, there was a pleasant burning sensation, and she thought in her gentle return to earth that it was the blending of all three cums, all the juices having flowed there from whence they were pumped into her and from her own secreting glands.

She felt her head being lifted and placed on a warm, hairy thigh, and Harry’s soft voice said, “Rest now, baby. After you have, we’ll all fuck again, and I promise you it will be as good as it was just now. I’ll fuck your mouth, and John here can have your asshole… or your cunt, if you’d like it better that way… how does that strike you, John?”

“Fine. Just fine,” Barnett grinned lewdly, turning to Jill. “You’re everything Harry said you were, baby, and more. You’re going to be a welcome addition to our little group.”

Our little group? What does he mean? Jill wondered drowsily, her brain still drugged by the banked fires of her lust. But she didn’t dwell on John Barnett’s words. Instead, she drifted off into a semi-dream world of satiation, at peace with herself and with her role as a complete sexual being.

She could hardly wait for the three of them to join together again, to feel their two giant cocks taking her once more on that wonderful journey into carnal bliss, as they had promised to do… and she knew they would do…

And as they subsequently did.


Tom Parker was awakened from his light sleep by a knock at the front door to the cottage. Turning over on his side, he looked as though he were surprised to find Gay Sommers nakedly lying by his side, as beautiful as always in the aftermath of their spent passion. That morning had been exhausting; Gay had excited him again and again, far more than he would have ever thought possible, and had again and again satisfied him in ways he had never suspected existed.

The knock on the door came again, and Tom got up and quickly slung his bathrobe around his shoulders. He crossed to the front door, and then paused briefly.

“Yes. Who is it?”

“Who do you think?” laughed Harry Sommer’s voice from the other side of the door.

Tom opened the door to find Harry and his wife standing outside, arm in arm, Harry clothed in his own bathrobe, and Jill covered with one of Harry’s wife’s. The two stepped into the room, and Jill crossed into her husband’s arms.

“Are you all right?” Tom asked her, with some concern in his voice.

“Of course, darling,” Jill smiled up at him, and then she kissed him with infinite tenderness.

“Sure she’s all right,” Harry laughed, “What did you expect? And how are you and Gay?” fine,” Tom answered somewhat self-consciously.