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Of course, Jill had seen John Barnett before, at very close quarters. John’s wife was named Laura, and she was a stunning beauty; tall, redheaded with huge, high breasts and slightly pouting lips. Jill wondered why John would ever have any need for other women, Laura Barnett was so incredibly attractive.

Besides themselves, the Sommers, and the Barnetts, there were two other couples present. Will Prescott, the first vice-president of Jamieson, was a tall, suave, sophisticated man in his late thirties, with the unmistakable expression of a man of the world. He was dressed expensively, as was his wife, Edie. Edie Prescott was blonde and slender, with tautly rounded breasts and a wide, full lipped mouth. Her hair flowed down onto her shoulders like spun gold, and her laugh had a musical quality that was contagious.

George Wellington was another account executive, but older than Tom. He had flashing green eyes that testified to his sharp wit and quick intellect. He was heavy set, with thick black hair, and he moved about sensuously like a cat about to pounce on his prey. His wife, Beth, was small and symmetrically proportioned, with beautifully rounded hips and pert, eye-catching breasts; her eyes were huge and mischievous, and her lips with a sensuous pink in the tanned hue of her face.

Jill liked both couples on sight, and as the evening progressed, her opinion of them grew by leaps and bounds. They were carefree and full of life, and knew how to have fun. She laughed a lot, as they did and as the others did… and she consumed a great deal of liquor. After awhile, the softly lit room seemed to whirl pleasantly, as if with a motion of its own; she knew she was high, but the euphoric feeling was all too perfect to sober from. She kept right on drinking with the others.

There was a sudden shout from one end of the room, and Jill turned to locate the source of the yell. It had come from Harry Sommers, who was grinning and standing next to his wife Gay, his arm about her shoulders. “Can I have your attention, everybody?” she said. “All of you come over here and gather round. I’ve got a little surprise brewing for Tom and Jill Parker, the new members of our little group.”

“You going to show them how it’s done, Harry?” John Barnett shouted, and everyone in the room laughed.

“No, John old buddy,” Harry shouted. “You are!”

Everyone turned laughingly to John, who was not in the least daunted.

“That’s all right with me, Harry!” he yelled. “You just pick the lucky lady.”

“Let’s all get undressed first,” suggested Beth Wellington, who by this time was quite tipsy. “You can’t judge a book by its cover, you know.”

Again everyone laughed, but was quiet as Jill spoke up.

“I’m sorry,” she said apologetically, “But I don’t understand what’s going on.”

Harry came over to her, and put his arm gently around her shoulder.

“It’s nothing, Jill. This is just a little game we play with all of our new members. You might call it a kind of initiation rite.” Everyone standing around laughed appreciatively.

Jill felt her heart pounding with trip hammer speed in her chest, and her wetly throbbing cunt was tingling with the beginning flow of her lubricating fluid. She knew that this game, whatever it was, could only lead to an evening of… what? She hadn’t allowed her mind to really consider the potentialities inherent in a party like this, a party of swingers of the magnitude of Harry and Gay Sommers, for the simple reason that she might not have come if she had. There was still inside her vestiges of her old self, paled considerably by the emergence of the new Jill Parker, but nevertheless still alive and with a strong voice which only passion seemed to muffle. And so, knowing this, Jill had both unwittingly, and by a conscious effort put such considerations far back in her mind, refusing to dwell on them at all.

Now, however, the voice of her old self was growing loud and shrill in her brain, demanding to know what kind of lewd, carnal debaucheries she was allowing herself to be a part of, what new perverse activities the evening held in store for her. And yet, with the advent of that voice, there also came growing arousal… perhaps the weapon of the new Jill Parker in order to combat and destroy what remained of the old. Her nipples hardened beneath her blouse (she did not have a bra on), and her warmly tingling cunt continued to flower with the juices of her passion. She caught her breath sharply, standing rigid and waiting for some further explanation.

“It’s very simple, Jill,” Harry continued. “It’s a way to… well, to get everybody warmed up, so to speak.”

“You don’t have to get me warmed up,” laughed Will Prescott. “I’m hotter’n a pistol right now.

“What we’ll do,” Harry continued, laughing, “is to all strip down, completely naked, and watch two of the older, wiser, and more. experienced members of our little group perform for us.”

Perform? The word chilled Jill to the very marrow. Did she have to watch two other people making love? Was this a part of it? Horrifying visions of her husband hunched between the spread legs of Gay Sommers came back to haunt her, and Jill trembled.

“Well, my friends, what do you say?” Harry stood patiently with a questioning look on his face.

Jill looked up at Tom, and found that he was nodding yes to her. She hesitated, and then, suddenly, it didn’t matter anymore.

Why couldn’t she? She was free now, wasn’t she? She’d done most everything else, why should she draw the line now? And yes, she was becoming more and more aroused… her cunt was becoming more heated and her nipples were hard and she wanted and needed desperately to be fulfilled. The thought of it was exciting, why deny it? It was tremendously.

God, almost overwhelmingly exciting! The more she thought about it, the more thrilling it became

Jill looked up at Tom, and there passed between them a mute look of love and of conviction to go all the way, now that they had committed themselves. Both knew that the other was excited, and eager, and both respected that and wanted fulfillment and happiness for the other, knowing that they would be together afterward.

“Yes,” Jill said slowly. “Yes, all right.”

“Then we won’t waste any more time,” Harry said, and then turned laughingly to the rest of the group. “What’s the matter? Everybody’s still dressed!”

The next few seconds were ones of intense confusion, as almost every possible kind of masculine and feminine garment were hurled every which way. There were gleeful shouts and giggles and panting breaths, and Jill found herself tugging and pulling at her blouse and dress with fumbling eagerness. Tom was equally fumbling, but soon they stood completely naked, along with all the others.

“Well,” John Barnett called to Harry, “Who’s my lucky partner?”

“I am!”

It was Beth Wellington’s voice. There were laughter and shouts, and a red-necked grin from John. His long throbbing cock was already hard as he stepped into the middle of the room to meet Beth. Her small, high proud breasts, with tiny ruby-red nipples almost as rigid as his cock, swayed ever so slightly as she moved unashamedly forward. They stood facing one another, grinning and Jill saw that the pale natural blondeness of the woman’s pubic hair was already glistening with the moisture of her arousal. Jill was breathing harshly by then, her mind awhirl with mounting and seething passion that rendered all else insignificant in her brain. Once more, the arousal of her burning desires effectively fended off the old Jill, bringing into even stronger prominence her free-spirited new being. She stole a glance around the circle, seeing that all of the men had powerful erections, including Tom, whose penis seemed to shudder with inner heat. Then her gaze, like the gazes of the others, fastened on the couple in the center of the circle.