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“Give me a hand, dear,” Harry’s soft, gentle voice demanded. “Give me your hand. Obediently Jill lifted one hand and Harry took the glass from it and placed it on the table. Then he placed her hand on his thigh and he reached over and ever so slowly slid the sweater up under her arms, pulling up the wool to reveal the now gently rising and falling breasts straining against the confinement of her brassiere. His hand went around one full cup and squeezed lightly, stroking the cloth and rubbing his finger over the tip. He could tell that her softly quivering breast was hardening into a firm fleshy ball of sexual excitement, and that under his ministrations, her nipple had become like a diamond chip, ready to burst in full erection if given the opportunity. And Harry was the one to offer just such an opportunity. He bent further forward, touched his lips to hers, and flicked his tongue inside her warm wet mouth while his hand made tantalizing little caresses against her nylon-clad cuntal crevice up between her limply open legs.

Jill moaned, and in a response she was consciously unaware of, she raised her other arm and wrapped it around Harry’s neck. and stretched her lush young body out, her passion growing hot and eager, and threatening to overcome her. Her wetly quivering vaginal lips were swelling in their hunger and she began to splay her legs out so that his gently working hand could gain deeper entrance and more area of her now eagerly pulsing cunt

“Arch your back, dear,” Harry sighed, “Arch your back so that I can take your bra off”

She did without question, lost in the vaporous madness of liquor and sensuality. There came the touch of his fingers on the strap, the hooking of his hand so that the little snaps would come undone… and then her brassiere was free.

A little puff of air crossed over her now ripely exposed breasts, and her hard, red tinted nipples, so perfectly formed and centered in the darker pools of her aureolas, jumped with the sudden turgidness that comes from need… and it was that distinct feeling, that difference between being dressed and being naked, which finally snapped Jill into awareness. She was still drunk, and still hazy as to what and where and who… but she knew in that instant that it was not her husband making love to her! Her eyes flew open and she comprehended her near nakedness and the lusting light of lasciviousness which shown like lanterns in Harry’s eyes. with his hands caressing her hotly throbbing vaginal slit and her warmly tingling breasts. Oh dear God! her mind screamed. What is this; What is he trying to do to

“Noooo,” she cried out, and gagging she jackknifed to her feet, throwing Harry aside. She clutched at her crumpled sweater, crouching slightly as though she were trying to protect her warm and still frantically pulsating vagina from his beady, leering eyes.

“You monster! You took advantage of me. You waited until I was so drunk that I didn’t know what I was doing and then you… you tried to to use me… as a… a whore!”

Harry raised himself back to a sitting position and smoothed back his hair casually. His face broke out in a wide grin “Now Jill.” he said suavely to her, “You were enjoying it for awhile. What turned you off? You might have liked it, you know.”

“Shut up! Shut your disgust… disgusting mouth up!” Jill’s voice rose in a shuddering wail. “How dare you… how dare you think that I would… that I could..

“Oh, come off it, Jill.” Harry said calmly. “From what you’ve told me, it’s obvious that you’re frustrated sexually. You’re not at all frigid like your husband thinks. You’ve just never been opened up to all the wonders of physical joy.”

Jill’s ears pounded and she shuddered from the casual vulgarity of this man she had trusted. “Just because… because… of what I told you has happened between my husband and myself doesn’t give you the right to assume I… would allow you liberties… so disgusting as… as.

Harry’s lewd laugh interrupted her.

“I’m… I’m going to tell Tom on you, do you hear?” Jill screamed hysterically.

“That won’t do you any good. He’s probably out getting his fill of strange pussy right now, and even if you tell him later, he won’t believe you.” Harry stood up, an obscene grin across his face. “And if he does, I could say that you propositioned me and that we ended up screwing half the night away. Now calm down, Jill, and be reasonable.

Jill stood in agonized silence for a long moment. Oh God, what can I do? With the instinctive intuition of a woman, she knew that Harry would not hesitate to do as he threatened, and Tom, as impulsive and resentful toward her as he was, would probably believe him. But she just couldn’t sit back and let the incident be forgotten, could she? Could she?

The tears came in a torrential rush then, and Jill turned and flung herself across the room and out the door. The door slammed behind her, cutting off the sardonic laughter of Harry Sommers.


Harry Sommers stood where he was for a moment, his laughter gradually settling down into a wide, toothy grin. Everything had gone just as he’d planned, even better than he’d planned. Now if his wife had only been as successful in her part of the bargain

“Gay?” he called, and then smiled at his voluptuous young wife as she came out from behind an inconspicuous bamboo curtain set up in one corner of the room. dressed in a provocative housecoat that barely concealed the dark aureolas of her firmly ample breasts.

“That was quite a performance darling.” Gay smiled back at him. “You almost had me convinced you meant it.”

“Ah, but I did,” Harry teased. “Every word.”

“Fuck you” the beautiful brunette said good-naturedly.

“Right now?” Harry asked with surprise.

Gay laughed, and crossed the room to press her ripely seductive body against that of her husband.

“You are completely incorrigible, dear husband. Did you know that?”

“Well, I should be,” Harry grinned. “I work damn hard at it.”

Again they both laughed, and Harry brought his wife over toward the sofa.

“Did you get the pictures?” he asked.

“Of course I did. Have you ever known me to fail? But I was worried for a minute that she’d hear me.”

“The way she was bombed? Where are they?” Gay moved across the room, and brought back a Polaroid camera and four fresh pictures from behind the bamboo screen, spreading them out for her husband on the coffee table.

“Nice, don’t you think?” she queried.

Harry nodded his head, and examined all the pictures closely. The best one was where the young wife had her head thrown back while he held a nipple in one hand and used the other hand up between her legs. What made it so good was Jill’s wanton expression, her sensuous lips wetly parted, the look of hot implacable hunger on her face! It was too bad he hadn’t been able to go all the way with the innocent little Jill Parker, but there would soon be other chances for that, especially if the plan worked out as well as it had in the past. Besides, the four pictures spread before him were damning enough.

“Harry,” Gay said, lifting her husband’s face from his perusal of the photographs, “Do you think Tom Parker will buy all this? I mean you said he thought his wife was frigid, and if that’s so..

“Of course he’ll buy it,” Harry answered her. “What husband wouldn’t buy it, when he sees pictures like these? And besides, since he thinks his wife is frigid with him, it’ll make him all the more angry when he thinks she isn’t as cold with somebody else. Don’t you remember, that’s just the way it was with the Barnett’s.”

Gay nodded, and moved to the sofa. Just six months ago, in fact, she and Harry had used very much this same plan to initiate John and Laura Barnett into their little club. John Barnett had been at that time a freshman copy editor with Jamieson Advertising, and had in many ways resembled Tom Parker. And now, he and his wife were two of the most exciting and innovative members of Jamieson Advertising’s unofficial and clandestine swap club.