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‘What!’ he said, snapping awake.

‘Get up,’ I said and spun around and woke Leila.

‘Don’t,’ she said, still asleep.

‘Hey!’ I kept shaking her until her eyes popped open.

Cassidy arrived and, with a hand under her armpit, roughly lifted the celebrity to her feet and then started dragging her toward the raft.

‘Stop!’ she yelled.

Cassidy let her go and she turned and stumbled back to snatch the makeup case hanging off one of the saplings supporting her cot.

‘Leave it,’ I told her, but she reached it and clutched it closer to her chest.

A moment later, we were all on the move and splashing through the reeds, sprinting toward the raft.

‘Push,’ West yelled when we arrived. He was trying to heave it out of the shallows and into the river single-handedly, his feet slipping in the mud.

The first gunshots from the FARDC were unaimed and inaccurate, but the bright moonlight wasn’t doing us any favors. A Dong burst through the bushes into the area at the rear of the cleared land and the first RPG of the day streaked through the air, over our heads and lit up the trees on the opposite bank with an almighty clap of percussion.

West and Boink got the fuel drum at the bow of the raft into the river.

‘Push!’ yelled Cassidy.

Twenny, Leila, Ayesha, Ryder, Rutherford, Cassidy and I heaved and grunted and slipped around and the heavy main body of the raft began to slide over the reeds. A burst of automatic fire chewed into the bundle of saplings between Cassidy and me, sending blinding clouds of powdered wood into my eyes.

‘Get on!’ Cassidy and I shouted at our principals.

Searchlights on the truck suddenly blazed and lit up the reed beds and the air was alive with tracer, deadly supersonic red fireflies.

Ryder and Ayesha leaped onto the bundled saplings. I lifted Leila and threw her onto the raft after them. Twenny jumped on, followed by Boink. The tail of the raft slipped off the reeds into the deeper water and started to drift away with the current, leaving Cassidy and me behind in the reeds.

Cassidy jumped off the bank and got his hand on one of the saplings. I sprang after him, managed to grab a handful of his webbing and trailed behind him underwater. I coughed and gagged when I pulled myself above the water, but the weight of my gear dragged me under again. I felt myself hauled to the surface. I looked up and saw Rutherford, his hand clenched around my collar. Boink was pulling Cassidy onto the saplings. West came to Rutherford’s aid, grabbed my hand and pulled me up onto the raft as I hacked up a cupful of river slime.

Ayesha and Ryder were poling us along, glancing behind them as they dug into the mud. I looked back toward the clearing. The beams from the FARDC searchlights were dancing around, illuminating the spot in the otherwise unbroken darkness of the riverbank, and I saw that we were already a hundred meters down river. I caught a muzzle flash from an RPG and the grenade streaked toward us. It rocketed just over our heads and into the darkness of the forest and exploded in a bright orange display a hundred and fifty meters away, the delayed boom reaching us over a second later.

‘We got a problem here,’ said West over his shoulder.

‘Oh, really?’ I said under my breath. I moved unsteadily toward him and saw that the raft had split in two. The long burst of automatic fire had torn through the liana that held the front and back of our craft together.

‘There are a dozen big holes in that drum up front, too,’ he said. ‘It’s filling fast and it’s going to sink.’

The raft spun lazily around its bow where the drum was located, our makeshift vessel coming apart, turning into driftwood.

Me and my black hat.

‘Everyone move to the rear section,’ West yelled as he cut through the last of the liana with his Ka-bar.

All of us were now sitting on just two of the bundles of saplings, which, carrying all our weight, were barely above the level of the water. As the wood became waterlogged, the raft would sink.

‘Are we gonna to be okay?’ I heard Leila ask.

‘We’re gonna be just fine,’ I heard Twenny say.

Fine. Yeah, that about summed it up.

Rutherford poled us around a couple of bends as the dawn turned into a dull morning, the sky low and heavy with rain clouds that looked like they’d gotten out of bed on the wrong side. Mist clung to the trees and hung over the water. Occasional howls and screeches from the rainforest knifed through the early morning quiet.

‘We got maybe another hour before we go under,’ West told me quietly.

‘We go as far as we can,’ I said. ‘Start looking for a place to step off. Let Rutherford know. I’ll tell Cassidy and Ryder to keep their eyes open.’

There was three inches of water lapping over the raft before, an hour and ten minutes later, we found another break in the heavy dark green greenery crowding the riverbank. The landing was well hidden by overhanging branches, but rows of thin poles were sunk into the mud a dozen meters into the main current, giving away its presence.

‘There’s going to be a village nearby,’ said West, gesturing at the poles. ‘They string nets to catch fish between them. And where there are nets, there are pirogues.’

I must have given him a look.

‘Pirogues — boats, dugouts,’ he said.

There was no sign of any village — just a solid wall of green that rose quickly to the base of a near-vertical wall of limestone around three hundred feet high, hung with ferns and vines.

Rutherford and Ryder took us over to the riverbank and we clambered onto white mud and then the raised ground behind it. All around was evidence of human activity hidden from the water: a table made from hardwood; and trash, lots of trash — old tins, plastic bags and drink containers, old lengths of rotted bamboo, tangled fishnet, plastic water bottles used as floats and watermelon rinds. A quick search of the surrounding brush didn’t turn up any boats, but there were steps cut into the damp earth in the hill behind the clearing, reinforced with worn hardwood logs.

West returned to the raft. Carrying no weight, it was floating a couple of inches above the surface of the water. He pushed it off the bank and using a pole shoved it out toward the main current. He was thinking the same thing I was: Lissouba wouldn’t stop. He’d come looking for us. Best not to hang out a sign that said ‘look here’.

‘If there is a village nearby, you’d think they’d come and see who just turned up on their front doorstep, wouldn’t you?’ Cassidy whispered to me out of our principals’ earshot.

Strangers in this place seemed to want to cut things, like appendages, off folks. Perhaps they were just plain wary. Whatever the reason, Cassidy was right. This place was quiet — like they say in the classics, too quiet.

‘I’m going to take Rutherford and scout around,’ I said. ‘What have we got left in the way of discouragement?’

‘A little frag, one Claymore, lots of smoke and whatever mags we’re carrying.’

In short, throwing spitballs was becoming an option. Also, the river continuing its course west rather than east, we were further away from Goma, Cyangugu and Mukatano. But, at least for now, no one was shooting at us, which made a pleasant change.

‘Keep a watch on the river,’ I said.

If there was one person I didn’t have to remind to stay sharp, it was Cassidy, but he nodded anyway.

Rutherford glanced in my direction. I sucked some water from my camelback to get the taste of the river out of my mouth and gestured at him to come over.

‘We’re going to have a snoop around,’ I told him. ‘Find out where every one’s hiding.’ Prior experience told me that I had to hold a conference and announce my intentions so that they could be approved. I went over to Leila and Twenny.

‘Where are we?’ Leila asked.

‘As a matter of fact,’ I said, ‘Rutherford and I are just going to take a quick walk up the hill and ask someone that very question. We’ll be back soon.’