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Bummi loved seeing her husband play rough-and-tumble with Carole, pretending he was a horse as she rode on his back for hours

giddy-up, Papa, giddy-up

she loved it when he made Carole a doll’s house from market crates, painting it, furnishing it with cardboard furniture, making dolls from pegs – what an exceptional man he was

she felt sad when he said to her one day, if we cannot make it here, perhaps our child will


dear Augustine, who died of a heart attack while driving over Westminster Bridge transporting drunken partygoers in the early hours of New Year’s Day

after too many unbroken nights with junk food on the go

doubling his salary in the busiest period of the year while halving his already unknowingly, genetically, chronically heart-diseased life

Bummi lost her Faith the minute she walked into the Chapel of Rest and saw her beloved Augustine lying there in body only

his brown complexion was drained of life and tinged with grey

his mouth was forcibly closed, his jaw clenched shut, as if pinned together

he did not open his eyes when she entered to look lovingly at her

he did not hear her when she spoke to him, he did not hold or soothe her when she sobbed

she decided there was no great spiritual being watching over her, protecting her and the people she loved

Bummi went through the motions of going to her church, the Ministry of God, it was expected, she found solace with her friends there

but she no longer believed any of the words that came out of her mouth in prayer or psalms or hymns

the space once occupied by God was now hollow, and with no god to promise everlasting salvation, it hit her hard how much she was on her own

and how she and Augustine had been trapped in a despair that had paralysed their ability to snap out of it, devastated by the weight of a rejection that had not been part of their dreams of migration

and she asked herself – how can I rise above my situation in order to raise my child as the sole wage-earner in a parenting situation of one?

she asked herself – do I not have a degree in Mathematics? further, do I not possess the intelligence to acquire a first class degree in Mathematics, without even sleeping with the professor?

do I not enjoy the challenge of problem solving?

the more she asked, the more she understood she must do what Augustine was himself too weak to do

she was going to become someone who employed others, rather than someone waiting to be employed

she was going to become the proprietor of her own cleaning company, which would be an Equal Opportunities Employer, like all other cleaning companies

she wished Augustine was around to share the joke

that night she dreamed of employing an army of women cleaners who would set forth across the planet on a mission to clean up all the damage done to the environment

they came from all over Africa and from North and South America, they came from India and China and all over Asia, they came from Europe and the Middle East, from Oceania, and from the Arctic, too

she imagined them all descending in their millions on the Niger Delta and driving out the oil companies with their mop and broom handles transformed into spears and poison-tipped swords and machine-guns

she imagined them demolishing all the equipment used for oil production, including the flare stacks that rose into the skies to burn the natural gas, her cleaners setting charges underneath each one, detonating from a safe distance and watching them being blown up

she imagined the local people cheering and celebrating with dancing, drumming and roasted fish

she imagined the international media filming it – CNN, BBC, NBC

she imagined the government unable to mobilize the poorly paid local militia because they were terrified by the sheer numbers of her Worldwide Army of Women Cleaners

who could vaporize them with their superhuman powers

afterwards, she imagined legions of singing women sifting the rivers and creeks to remove the thick slicks of grease that had polluted them, and digging up the land until they’d removed the toxic sublayers of soil

she imagined the skies opening when the job was done and the pouring of pure water from the now hygienic clouds for as long as it took for the region to be thoroughly cleansed and replenished

she imagined her father, Moses, a simple fisherman, steering his canoe through the transparent waters of the creeks, a man who was still supporting his family in the dignified tradition of their ancestors

she imagined her mama, in good health, taking it easy while farmhands looked after their land

which had not been stolen by his relatives because Moses had not died

she imagined Augustine, a Green Finance Economist coming up the garden path of their house wearing a business suit and with a smart briefcase

returning from chairing his latest Economics and the Environment conference at the United Nations in Geneva or New York

Bummi needed an injection of cash for driving lessons and other start-up costs; what to do when everybody she knew was living hand to mouth

except for Bishop Aderami Obi of her church

who started to behave differently towards her after Augustine died

who began to visually gorge upon her body whenever he saw her, like she was the first course, main course and dessert merged into one

when he talked, it was to the bountiful breasts Augustine had worshipped

when he put a reassuring arm around her after church, he slid his hand lightly down her back, sweeping it over her buttocks so slyly nobody else would notice

when she tried to move out of his way, he pressed closer to her

Bishop Obi was a rich man, a powerful man, his congregation of two thousand bestowed upon him the gift of omnipotence in his bidding to do God’s work on earth

and he behaved as if it was his right to pester his female parishioners, in which case, it was her right to ask him to loan her the money to start her business

had they not paid a tithe of 10% of their monthly conjoined income into his begging bowl for many years? money they could ill afford

Augustine had believed the pastor’s sermons, that to commit financially to his church was to commit to God, and to commit to God would lead to prosperity untold and a reserved front row seat in heaven

she saw it for what it was, a very lucrative business for a very clever man

her husband had also been a clever man, except his brains were fried with garlic when it came to believing every word that came out of Bishop Obi’s mouth

he would not be swayed otherwise, even when the bishop bought a private jet and a private island in the Philippines

with his parishioners’ money

one Monday evening when there was no service scheduled, the pastor arranged to meet her about her loan in the parlour of the old bingo hall that was now his mega church

she let him undress her with his greedy hands in the vestry

she let him excitedly caress her released C-cup breasts – as if it was Christmas

she let him pull down her lacy new undies (ten for the price of one)

she gasped and groaned as if in ecstasy when he entered her, taking too long to expel his little devils into the plastic black sheath that pumped her until he cried out, blessed be his holiness! blessed be his holy name! God O continue de place everybody for dis world and belle go continue to dey sweet everybody, hallelujah! Sister Bummi, hallelujah!

Bummi smiled demurely at the pastor when his goal had been achieved, and swiftly reassembled herself

she wrapped herself back up in her blue and purple outfit and re-tied her headscarf while he re-zipped his flies and re-buckled his belt

she was now a businesswoman

this was her first transaction

she looked discreetly away when he withdrew an envelope of cash from his jacket pocket, a low-interest loan to be repaid over two years

it would have taken twice as long to save a quarter of it on her salary

thank you, sah, she said, curtsying, humble, God don butta my bread

she walked home, filled her bath with salts, lay in it for hours, topping it up at regular intervals, trying to sweat him out of her

she would never tell anyone how low she had gone to elevate herself and her daughter

every time she closed her eyes, she could feel his hot, voracious, harsh tongue licking her ears, his lips telling her she was his dutty whore, his fat cheeks against her, his big hands squeezing her buttocks, his huge stomach pushing against hers

as he speared the most sacred part of her body.