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* Amr Khaled is an Egyptian Muslim activist and preacher. His popularity has now grown all over Arab countries. He is one of the most influential televangelists and authors in the Arab world.

** There is an Arabic proverb that says: “Better the shadow of a man than the shadow of a wall.”

* Manfooha is a very old and urban area south of Riyadh, and Olayya is a bustling area in Riyadh where real estate prices are high.

* After the death of Prophet Mohammed—peace be upon him—Muslims were split on who should lead them. Khalifah Abu Baker Al-Siddeeq, Prophet Mohammed’s loyal friend, was nominated, but there were those who rejected the choice and wanted Prophet Mohammed’s cousin and son-in-law, Ali Bin Abi-Taleb, to succeed. Shiite Muslims are of the opinion of the last group and thus are referred to by some Sunnis as rejectionists.

* Breakfast meal in Ramadan.

** A popular Ramadan drink; juice of grapes, raspberries and black currants.

*** The call for prayer.

§ The religious sheikh who calls for prayers at a mosque.

* A city in the east coast of Saudi Arabia, with a big Shiite population.

* Of course they do! All men who wear thobes have to wear long white underpants—called Sunni underpants—underneath to prevent the thin material of their thobes from shearing. The name “Sunni” underpants is just a funny coincidence.

* Arabic incense. Wooden sticks that come from particular trees in India or Cambodia, and when burned, generate strong and beautiful lasting fragrance.

** Al-Hai’ah is a short name for the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, i.e., the Religious Police.

*Yalla can mean “c’mon!” or “hurry up!”

* A short pilgrimage to Mecca undertaken by Muslims. Unlike Hajj, Umrah can be done anytime of the year.

* Due to their darker complexions, Saudi girls tend to have darkened knees. Guys always pick on girls because of that, although they have the same problem! However, due to the hot climate of Saudi, dryness and the frequent use of Arabic sandals, ni’aal, guys tend to have very dry feet and dirty toenails. Girls pick on that, in return.

* Egyptian actor. The line comes from a famous black-and-white “classic” Arabic movie.

* Anonymous last names to protect the identities of those bold enough to offer a writing job to me!

** Tahini halvah: a type of dessert made of sesame paste.

* A saying used when you compare two things that are both worthless.

* A handsome, well-known Egyptian actor who starred in many Arabic romantic films.

* Taiba and Owais is a massive outdoor flea market where cheap goods are sold.

* Oh, wow!

* Male’s head covering in Saudi. Similar to a shimagh but has a plain white color instead of red and white checks.

*Ma shaa Allah is an Islamic phrase that one says in order not to jinx someone’s luck.

* Famous Saudi critic.

** It is generally frowned upon for young Saudi women to be actresses.

* Saudi prince and famous poet.

* A type of tobacco pipe popular in the UAE.

* Male garment in UAE, similar to the Saudi thobe.

** Turban.

* Old and famous Saudi singer.

** My love.

* Many native Hijazis prefer to shorten the engagement period and lengthen the time between the marriage contract-signing and the wedding, i.e., the milkah period. Unlike Najdis, who would not mind a long engagement period but do not like a long milkah period, when the couple are considered officially married and have the right to meet and go out even before the wedding ceremony takes place.

* God is Great. The starting line in every prayer.

**E Wallah means swearing in God’s name that something is true.

* Nonobligatory prayers held right after Isha prayers during the whole month of Ramadan.

** Nonobligatory prayers held in the last third of night during the last ten days of Ramadan.

* Traditional black cloak that men wear on top of their thobes for important occasions or events.

* By Nabil Shu’ail, a Kuwaiti singer.

* Muhram men are men whom a woman is allowed to go without hijab in front of; e.g., male members of her immediate family.

* While Hijazi girls call their mothers-in-law Mama, Najdi girls find that disrespectful to their own mothers, so they call the husbands’ mothers Aunt.

* Here, Sheikh refers to the patriarch of an Arabian tribe or family.

* Jurists.

* A legal opinion or ruling.

* A female Saudi poet.

* A rephrasing of her name to make an affectionate nickname.

* A Lebanese singer.

* Expensive oil perfume that is extracted from trees in limited parts of Asia.

* An abaya is a long, loose black robe worn on top of clothes whenever a woman is outdoors.

* Unlike in the United States, medical school in Saudi Arabia starts right after high school and lasts for seven years.

* Saudi men’s garments; a thobe is a long white loose dress, while a shimagh is a red and white triangular-shaped cloth worn on the head topped by an eqal to hold it in place. An eqal is a thick round, ropelike sash. Nowadays the shimaghs and thobes are designed by such famous names as Gucci, Christian Dior, Givenchy and Valentino.