I had to think about that one.
'Um,' I said, watching Rommel as he, seeing that Grandmere was otherwise occupied, leaned over and surreptitiously began
licking all the fur off one of his paws. 'I guess . . . Michael wants to play in his band?'
'Bien,' Grandmere said, which means good in French. 'But what else might he want?'
'Um,' I said. 'I don't know.' I was still thinking about the band thing. It is the duty of the freshman, sophomore and junior
classes to put on the prom for the seniors, even though we ourselves do not get to go, unless invited by a senior. I tried to remember what the Prom Committee had reported in TheAtom, so far as the arrangements they'd made for music at the
prom. I think they'd hired a DJ or something.
'Of course you know what Michael wants,' Grandmere said sharply. 'Michael wants what every man wants.'
'You mean . . .' I felt stunned by the rapidity with which my grandmother's mind worked. 'You mean I should ask the prom committee to let Michael's band play at the prom?'
Grandmere started to choke for some reason. 'Wh-what?' she demanded, hacking up half a lung, practically.
I sat back in my seat, completely at a loss for words. It had never occurred to me before, but Grandmere's solution to the problem was totally perfect. Nothing would delight Michael more than an actual, paying gig for Skinner Box. And I would get to go to the prom . . . and not just with the man of my dreams, but with an actual member of the band. Is there anything cooler in the world than being at the prom with a member of the band playing at the prom? Um, no. No, there is not.
'Grandmere,' I breathed. 'You're a genius!'
Grandmere was slurping up the last of the ice in her Sidecar. 'I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about, Amelia,' she said.
But I knew that, for the first time in her life, Grandmere was just being modest.
Then I remembered that I was supposed to be angry with her, on account of Jangbu. So I went, 'But, Grandmere, be serious
a minute. This thing with the busboys ... the strike. You've got to do something. It's all your fault, you know.'
Grandmere eyed me over all the blue smoke coming out of the new cigarette she'd just lit.
'Why, you ungrateful little chit,' she said. 'I solve all of your problems, and this is the thanks you show me?'
'I'm serious, Grandmere,' I said. 'You've got to call Les Hautes Manger and tell them about Rommel. Tell them it was your
fault that Jangbu tripped, and that they've got to hire him back. It isn't fair, otherwise. I mean, the poor guy lost his job!'
'He'll find another,' Grandmere said dismissively.
'Not without references,' I pointed out.
'So he can go back to his native land,' Grandmere said. , 'I'm sure his parents miss him.' |
'Grandmere, he's from Tibet, a country that has been under Chinese oppression for decades. He can't go back there.
There are no jobs. He'll starve.'
'I no longer care to discuss this,' Grandmere said loftily. 'Tell me the ten different courses traditionally served at a royal Genovian wedding.'
'Tell me!'
So I had no choice but to rattle off the ten different courses traditionally served at a Genovian wedding - olives, antipasto, pasta, fish, meat, salad, bread, cheese, fruit, dessert (note to self: when Michael and I get married, remember not to do it in Genovia, unless the palace'll do an all-vegetarian meal).
I don't understand how someone who has embraced the dark side as fully as Grandmere can come up with brilliant stuff like getting Michael's band to play at the prom.
But I guess even Darth Vader had his moments. I can't think of any right now, but I'm sure he had some.
Monday, May 5, 9 p.m., the Loft
Bad news:
I spent the whole evening pouring over back issues of The Atom, trying to figure out who was head of the Prom Committee,
so I could email him/her with my request that Skinner Box be approached as a possible live entertainment alternative to the
DJ I know they've got lined up. So you can only imagine my surprise and disappointment when I finally stumbled across the article I was looking for, and saw the horrifying answer right there in black and white:
Lana Weinberger.
LANA WEINBERGER is head of this year's Prom Committee.
Well, that's it. I'm dead. There is NO WAY I'm going to get to go to the prom now. I mean, Lana would sooner go off her Atkins diet than hire my boyfriend's band. I mean, Lana hates my guts, and always has.
And I can't say the feeling isn't mutual.
What am I going to do NOW? I CAN'T miss the prom. I just CAN'T!!!!!!!!!
But I guess I don't have the biggest problems in the world. I mean, there are people with worse ones. Like Boris, for instance.
I got this email from him just now:
Mia, I just wanted to say thanks for what you did for me today. I don't know why I behaved so stupidly. I guess I was just overcome with emotion. I love her so much! But it is clear to me now that we are not destined for one another, as I so long thought (erroneously, I realize at last). No, Lilly is like a wild mustang, born to run free. I see now that no man — least of all someone like me — can ever hope to tame her.
Treasure what you have with Michael, Mia. It is a rare and beautiful thing, to love, and be loved in return.
Boris Pelkowski
PS My mother says she will get your sweater dry-cleaned so I can give it back to you at the end of this week. She says Star Cleaners think they can get the blood out without any permanent staining. B. P.
Poor Boris! Imagine thinking of Lilly as a wild mustang. Wild mushroom, maybe. But a mustang? I don't think so.
I figured I'd better check on how she was doing, since last time I'd seen her, Lilly'd been looking kind of green around the gills. I sent her a totally non-accusatory, completely friendly email, inquiring into her mental health after her ordeal earlier in the day.
You can imagine my outrage when this is what I got for my efforts:
WomynRule: Hey, P.O.G!
(Pog is the nickname Lilly decided to give me a few weeks ago. It stands for Princess of Genovia. I have asked her repeatedly not to use it but she persists, probably because I made the mistake of letting her know it bugs me.)
Whazzup? Missed you at tonight's SATWDOJPA press conference. Looks like we may actually get the hotel workers' union behind our cause. If we can get hotels 2 strike as well as the restaurant workers,
We'll bring the city 2 its knees! Finally, people will start realizing that service industry personnel are not to be messed with! The common man deserves to be paid a
living wage!
Wasn't that wild about Boris this afternoon? I have to say, it gave me quite a scare. I had no idea he was such a psycho. Then again, he IS a musician. I should have known. That was pretty cool the way you and Michael handled the situation, tho. You two were just like Dr. McCoy and Nurse Chappell. Though you'd probably prefer it if I said you were like Dr. Kovach and Nurse Abby. Which I guess you kind of were. Well, gtg. My mom wants me to put the dishes away.