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Hair, adaptability of, 33 care, 32-43 brushing, 35 cutting, 40 setting, 37-39 shampooing, 36-37 health, 33 importance, 32 styling, 40-42 Hair-dressing, styles of, 40-42 Hands, care of, 50-53

control, 66 Heels, height of, 61-62

Faces, types of, 40-41 Fads, 115

Fashion, following of, 43 individuality in, 113 trends, 88


Ice cubes, for complexion, 27 Indi viduality, 113 Integration, 114



Jobs, part-time, 92-93 steady, 92 summer, 95


Legs, management of, 66 Line, in dress, 80 Lipstick, 47

Lunch, suggestions for, 11-12 M

Makeup, 44-54

eyes, 49-50

mouth, 47-48

natural, 45

problems, 44-54 Manicure, 51-52 Mascara, 50 Menus, breakfast, 9

dinner, 14-16 "Mix and match," 90 Model agencies, 104-105 Model schools, 104 Modeling, 55-67

carriage, 57

muscular control in, 56, 63 requirements for, 102 stance, 57 training, 104 types, 103 walk, 57-59 Money for extras, 91-105 baby-sitting, 92-93

cooking, 94-95

vacation jobs, 95 Mouth, makeup for, 47-48 Mouthwash, 49, 70-71


Nail polish, 51-52


Overweight, problem of, 7


Parties, money-raising, 96-97 Perfume, 70 Permanent, home, 39 Personality, 83

acquirement of, 110

attributes, 110-113

importance, 106-118

integration of, 114 Perspiration, 69

Photographs, posing for, 64-67 Pimples, 28-29 Popularity, 110 Posing, 64-66

for yearbook photograph, 67 Posture, for tall girls, 61

importance, 56-57

in dancing, 60-61

in walking, 57-59 Powder, application of, 46

choice, 45


Rashes, 30 Rouge, 46-47


Salads, 12 Saving, 98

Self-analysis, 117-118

Sewing, 85-86

Shampooing, 36-37

Shaving, 71-72

Shoes, choice of, 61-62

Skin, cleansing of, 24-27 effect of diet on, 23-24 effect of dirt on, 24-25 oiliness of, 28, 29, 30 problems, 22-31

Slips, 77

Snacks, between-meal, 7-8 Soap, for oily skin, 29-30

importance, 24-25

types, 26 Stockings, 76 Style, individual, 114


Teaneck, N.J., 2, 4

Teeth, care of, 48-49 Toenails, 53-54 Tolerance, 111 Travel, value of, 4


Underwear, care of, 73-74, 76 V

Vitamins, 20


Walk, model's, 57-59 Wardrobe, high school, 86-87 Washcloth, 27

cleanliness, 25, 27 Weight, correct, 19-20 Whiteheads, 29


Yearbook photograph, 67 Youth Center, 4

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