0 Islamic global caliphate, purpose of which could be dual, depending on circumstances and success in its implementation:
¦ either to solve the same problems, that the marxist version could not solve in XIX-XX centuries, but under cover of a different ideology and different rituals of social magic;
¦ or to create preconditions for the “de-Islamization of the world” - positioning of Quran as a “global evil” and prohibition of unauthorized access of commoners to its text or translations (similar to what was done with “Mein Kampf” [24] after the second world war): in order for people to be deprived of information necessary for self-assessment of the historic past, and to make them treat those and other events based on ready-to-use opinions, elaborated for them by trusted professional “historians”.
Russian - bolshevist, expressed currently in CPS, presupposing transition of multinational cultures to sobornost [25] and dictatorship of conscience by the way of development of national cultures in the direction, that would ensure achievement of irreversible humane psyche type for every person by the beginning of youth [26];
Chinese - due to its own traditions of crowd-”elitist” nature and commitment of the ruling “elite” to marxism (with a certain “chinese” specific) and atheism of chinese culture throughout known history, is unable to solve problem that chinese call “paradox of yellow threat” [27], because, as the biblical project, its implementation is doomed to be attempted within God's degree of allowance from the very beginning. Actually, China declined in the past from its own globalization project in 15th century (creation of an ocean fleet and an expedition led by the eunuch Zheng He were preconditions for this) and now is making an attempt to correct this error. However, to succeed, the moral and ethical basis of the new globalization project chinese-way must change such, that PRC does not offer chinese crowd-”elitism” to other countries to replace their historically developed crowd-”elitism”.
Japanese - currently in “embryonic period”. It inherited problems from the past, impeding the project’s success:
0 crowd-”elitism” based on the “bonsai” principles, applied not to decorative plants, but to people and the society,
0 idealistic atheism, uniquely nationalistic in its nature of ancient japanese religion Shinto and buddhism, imported into the country from China and bearing specific buddhist crowd-”elitism”.
? A special role in all of the above play trotskyists due to the fact, that trotskyism is not an ideological movement, but a peculiarity of the individual and collective psyche. Trotskyism, as a mental phenomenon, is claims of a parasitic minority for the power over the society on behalf of the working majority.
The basis of such claims is a prejudice: “I am the only and irreplaceably wise, therefore my life’s mission is to politically lead the lowbrows, i.e. give them a purpose in life and rule it on their own behalf”. In the majority of cases for the carriers of psyche-trotskyism, this prejudice is self-evident to such an extent, that its justification and disclosure are unnecessary [28]. The mission of “raising themselves to the rank of chief” they offer to those on behalf of whom they want to rule (in this parameter there is no difference between Trotsky and Hitler, but there is a difference between them both and Stalin). In the collective activities, the corporate hierarchy of psyche-trotskyists is built based on mutual assessment and self-assessment of “wisdom” and leadership qualities.
A consequence of that prejudice, practically expressed in politics, is inability to constructively discuss [29] with psyche-trotskyists any kind of issues. Any discussion for them is one of the means of distracting political opponents from the practical activities, capable of impeding the implementation of psyche-trotskyist policy. While discussing:
0 the opponents discuss hoping to convince psyche-trotskyists in their wrongness and to find some mutually acceptable decision, which will be put into practice;
0 psyche-trotskyists act implementing the decision formerly made by them to satisfy their intentions.
As a result, at the end of a discussion imposed by psyche-trotskyists or to which they agreed to enter, the goals of psyche-trotskyists could be met, and their opponents in the discussion would suffer damages [30].
? Because ideology is one of the tools of social ruling (the third priority of the generalized means of ruling) trotskyism (psyche-trotskyism), understood as a social phenomenon, in politics (following the described above basic prejudice-principle) appears to be ideologically omnivorous [31], however some psyche-trotskyists, personally, could be enslaved by an addiction to any one particular ideology (like Trotsky); others could change ideological covers of their activities as required, ignoring accusations of “the lowbrow population, who do not understand their happiness” of unscrupulousness [32]. This ideological omnivorousness of psyche-trotskyism has vividly expressed itself in lives of many politicians, seemingly remote from trotskyism in ideas and in chronology.
Particularly, project curators of the worldwide Caliphate are trotskyists, since they see in “revolutionary islam” power, capable of destroying bourgeois-liberal capitalism [33], in order to free mankind of everything carried by the general crisis of capitalism: wars, biosphere-ecological problems and so on. In addition, those trotskyists (by virtue of their omnivorousness) infiltrate and influence all idealistically-political movements, supporting crowd-”elitism” publically, as well as by default [34]: including into bourgeois-liberalism (the US currently ruled by the followers of Trotsky [35]), into convergence movements, into catholicism, into islam, into orthodox christianity, etc.
Since CPS is spread in a crowd-”elitist” society, where there are many carriers of psyche-trotskyism (active, as well as waiting to be activated by circumstances), then psyche-trotskyism penetrates into adherents of CPS. However, manifestations of psyche-trotskyism among adherents of CPS, if the behavior of an individual is stably subordinate to it, as the practice shows, finish in biologically premature deaths: such is the matrix of self-defense of CPS from perversions.
? Prospects of globalization in a multiplicity of its concepts will be characterized, above all else, by the struggle of conceptions for people - supporters of each of them. Since all without exception national and confessionally conditioned cultures are crowd-”elitist”, but CPS is distributed in the society continually reproducing crowd-”elitism” [36], then: