0 psyche-trotskyism has been and continues to be produced by all historically developed societies;
0 and due to aspiration for political leadership by psyche-trotskyists, before anyone else, under the banners of every one of the conceptions,
– psyche-trotskyism, as a social phenomenon in this struggle of globalization conceptions for people, in global, national, and confessional frontiers, will fight with itself until total self-eradication from cultures of the future mankind.
? Psyche-trotskyism, understood as a social phenomenon, has internal conflicts in aspects of social behaviour algorithms, programmed by the whole array of its ideological covers, of people enslaved by said covers; as well as conflicts in aspects of leaders and their corporations [37], about the power over the society based on one or another ideology [38]. Since in the modern cultures psyche-trotskyism, as an individual’s feature and social phenomenon (inevitably reproduced by crowd-”elitism”) is realized only in CPS, then the carriers of psyche-trotskyism are unaware of it (as a psychological basis of an individual’s worldview culture, of intellectual activity and specific psyche-trotskyist ethics of permissiveness, typical for demons and biorobots, who are unable to escape from their program themselves). Because of that, the internal conflict of psyche-trotskyism, as a global social phenomenon, will be perceived, outside of CPS’s worldview, as it was common in the past until the end of 20th century - only as a conflict of ideologies and political leaders (and their corporations), personifying each of the ideologies - globalization projects.
In addition, another aspect of the psyche-trotskyist internal conflictedness is expressed in the fact that information in an ideology (in theory) by default, denies its announcements and has a higher priority in algorithms of ideology realization (sociological theory) in practical life. If in theory (of an ideology) defaults could be revealed according to the announcements, and the principle of “practice - criterion of truth” confirms viability of the system “announcements + defaults”, then psyche-trotskyism manifests itself by replacing dialectics by “devil’s logic”or by absence of any kind of logic at all, leads to announcements, initially inherent to the ideology (sociological theory) by default, which are practically inconsistent with its announcements, and then reveals defaults, brought in by it as invariably inevitable conclusions from announcements, initially present in the ideology (sociological theory) or in some other narration [39].
? Globalization, in essence, if viewed as a “game”, has only one winner. Although, the winner could change a lot during the “game” - as a consequence of refusal from something initially characteristic to the winner, as well as because of acquisitions of characteristics atypical to him, including by integration of some qualities of defeated enemies -other globalization conceptions [40].
? The key to victory is superiority in viability capacity of the conception-victor over the conception-opponents, i.e. informational-algorithmical superiority. It could be achieved only by elimination of inconsistencies of conceptions with the human’s development potential in the mainstream of God’s Providence (and this is the most important aspect of gaining the superiority) based on developing one’s own worldview by the way of its broadening, as well as by rejection of past mistakes, including adherence to downright deceptions. Both (the broadening of one’s own worldview and liberating it from inadequacies) are:
0 either impossible, if psyche-trotskyist insists on his supposed constant righteousness, resulting in a perception of other opinions (those which are outside the borders of his understanding of the world or denying his view) as inadequate, absurd;
0 or force them to recognize limitations of their own understanding and to identify shortcomings of his own psyche as an informational-algorithmical system.
Commitment to the former leads to situations, where the carriers of psyche-trotskyism suffer minor or major damages (up to death - single or mass, depending on circumstances) under influence of their own mistakes and superiority in viability of adherents of more conformable to Providence and, therefore, more workable conceptions.
Acceptance of the latter leads to liberation of the individual’s psyche of psyche-trotskyism and creates preconditions for attaining freedom, i.e. release from under psyche-trotskyist rule, as: 1) ideological encapsulations of psyche-trotskyism and 2) the ethics of permissiveness of demons and biorobots [41].
Conscious appeal to the the problems of the first priority of generalized means of control, mastering and development of the methodology of cognition and creativity and its realization in one’s own cognitive and creative skills, blocks out the manifestations of the former and stimulates the latter.
The latter, to the extent of personal development, on a certain stage, inevitably finds its expression in the acquisition of conceptual power in the mainstream of Providence. This could happen inside of any national or confessionally conditioned culture, leading each of them to liberation from their own mistakes, and from obviously deceitful misconceptions evoked from outside. And that, in its turn, provides preconditions and generates trends of convergence and fusion of historically different cultures and subcultures today in the aspects of morality, ethics, understanding of the world. The peculiarity regional cultures due to physical and geographical factors and historically developed features not against Providence, in this case will not only remain, but will develop.
? However, the described is unacceptable for the bosses of the biblical project. Their morality and ethics allow such versions of solving these problems, as “rollback” of the global civilization in the matrix of its development into the historical past - into the Stone Age. The genre of "fantasy", which has supplanted science fiction oriented on the development of the civilization and programming its future, is directed on a “rollback” of the civilization into the past with an aim of implementation of a further attempt of complete crowd-”elitist” globalization in a different version, which will not allow mankind to become Humanity.
This version could only be potentially implemented within Hierarchically Highest Control’s degree of allowance, with a condition of nonresistance of people. But it cannot not be implemented while the genetic core of at least one regional civilization is alive and working to complete the globalization in the mainstream of Providence, resulting in direct and indirect support for their activities by God.
Internal Predictor of USSR
15 of March - 01 of April 2013
[1] This and other works of IP USSR, who represents Conception of Public Security (CPS), published in internet on the websites: www.dotu.ru, m3ra.ru, www.vodaspb.ru, http://subscribe.ru/catalog/state.politics.bkz, and a number of other sites, as well distributed on CD-ROM in the information base of IP USSR and also published typographically.