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My thanks go out to “the usual suspects”-Bronwen Hruska, Juliet Grames, Paul Oliver, Rachel Kowal, Rudy Martinez, Janine Agro, and the rest of the wonderful crew at Soho Press; also, the great folks at Curtis Brown-Holly Frederick, Kerry D’Agostino, Stuart Waterman, Sarah Gerton, and in particular my agent, Katherine Fausset, who has been a tremendous support for me. It is deeply appreciated.

Special thanks are due as well to some awesome people who helped me in the research of this noveclass="underline" Jodie Evans, Nikki Corda, Brian Thomas, Judie and Jim Lutz, Sarah Cortez, Tom Abrahams, Jessica Willey, Teri Kanefield and the late Samantha Spangler – I wish I could tell her again how invaluable the information she gave me was.

Any mistakes in the book are the result of my own inadequacies, not theirs.

My gratitude as well to Pilar Perez, for giving me a wonderful “getaway” refuge when I needed it.

As is often said, writing is a solitary occupation. I’m fortunate to have a great support system of fellow authors. My thanks go out to the Fiction Co-op, the Writing Wombats, the Purgatorians and especially to beta readers Dana Fredsti, Bryn Greenwood, Kris Herndon, Kat Sheridan and Catherine McKenzie.

Lisa Brackmann
