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“This is my cousin.” He released her. “Gudrun Víga-Feilan.” That was all he could manage at the moment. Not a problem, though. Sara pushed him back and the two females squared off while he and Einarr continued to glower at each other.

Sara took a protective stance in front of Conall. Kind of funny, since he towered over her. But he’d seen this woman in action. Gudrun, however, had not.

“Pretty scar,” his cousin sneered.

He would have launched himself at her again, but Zach grabbed his arm and held him back. He realized Zach didn’t want him involved. Not because it was two females fighting, but because the man loved watching Sara do damage. It made him hard.

“Wow. That was witty. I’ve never heard that one before.”

Gudrun’s eyes narrowed. Conall could smell his cousin’s annoyance that her insults weren’t bothering Sara. And they really weren’t. The girl had lived with worse for years. Hell, she’d lived with her grandmother for years. That alone made her tough.

So, seeing that Sara wasn’t an easy target, Gudrun looked back at him. “That little midget.” She glanced in Miki’s direction. “So weak. So vulnerable.”

Sara snorted. “She almost took your brother’s balls off and wore them as ear muffs. And ‘little midget’ is redundant. Midget implies little, dumb ass.”

“I told her that,” Miki announced from behind Jake.

Gudrun couldn’t stand being made fun of and that weakness seemed to make her irrational or just plain stupid. She punched Sara in the face.

A long stretch of silence followed as Sara stared at Gudrun, her hand rubbing her jaw. Yet leave it to Miki to solidify the moment. “She is going to kick your fat ass.”

That’s when Sara moved. She grabbed Gudrun and slammed her head first into the wall. Then she brought her back and down while bringing her knee up. He heard his cousin’s nose break. Smelled Gudrun’s blood. Then Sara wrapped her hand in the woman’s short blond hair and dragged her past them all.

“Time for you to go, sunshine. You and your Pack are no longer welcome.” Gudrun’s Pack followed closely behind and the Magnus Pack followed the Víga-Feilans. Miki was right next to him as Sara dragged his cousin down the stairs, making sure she hit a few walls and the banister with the woman’s head along the way. They went out the side door and spilled into the alley beside the club. That’s when Sara lifted the woman up and threw her out on the sidewalk.

She looked at Einarr. “Get this bitch off my territory. I see any of you back here again, I’ll kill you. Not them.” She motioned to the rest of the Víga-Feilans. “You. Now get the fuck out of my sight.” Einarr stared at her. He tried to stare her down, but Sara didn’t flinch. She didn’t look away. Conall was pretty sure she didn’t blink. They could all feel it. That moment when Sara would lose it and tear the man’s throat out. No one stared at Sara too long for just that reason. Well, no one but Zach.

Einarr backed away, still staring at Sara. At this point, it was his only way to save face with his Pack.

Carrying Gudrun, the Pack went to their vehicles parked across the street, and disappeared.

Conall closed his eyes. He couldn’t look at Sara or Miki. His family never failed to embarrass the living hell out of him.

He felt Sara’s cool hand on his cheek. “Hey, stretch. It’s okay.”

“I’m sorry, Sara.”

“I’m the one person you never have to apologize about family to. Remember that.”

He smiled at her. How could Zach not have fallen in love with her? And, apparently, Zach felt that way, too. He slid his arms around his mate’s waist and nuzzled her neck. Then he grabbed her left thigh and just like that tough, fearless Sara freaked.

First she squealed. A real girly squeal. Then she backed away from her mate. “Don’t you dare, Zacharias Sheridan!”

“Come here, baby.”

She burst out laughing and ran back to the club, Zach following slowly behind her. He didn’t have to run. He knew he’d catch her and then he’d drag her back to their office. Probably so he could fuck her brains out.

The Pack looked at each other, then headed back to the club. They’d never understand their Alphas, but in the end they really didn’t have to.

Miki looked up at him. “What the hell was that?”

“Do you really want to know?”

Miki went quiet for a second, then shook her head. “Probably not.”

“Look, Mik. I’m sorry about my cousins. And thanks for threatening Einarr’s balls for me.”

Miki shrugged as if she hadn’t challenged a man who could have literally ripped her apart. “No problem.”

“You know you were protecting me.”

“See. There’s that Viking grin. And that really unnerves me.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Yes, you do. And what I did in the club doesn’t mean anything.” He moved toward her and she backed away. He was really starting to enjoy this little dance of theirs.

“It means everything to me.”

She took another step back, tripped over her own two feet and fell back. Conall caught her before she hit the ground. Both arms around her, holding her. And that’s when he smelled it.

He leaned in and sniffed her again. “Where the hell have you been?”

“No where.” She tried to pull away, but he gripped her tighter. “I smell something…and blood. Are you bleeding?”

“It’s that time of the month, is all.”

He stared down at her. “Miki. We know the difference between open wounds and menstrual blood. Don’t bullshit me.”

“Mind your own business, Viking. Now let me go.”

She pulled out of his arms and turned to walk away. With a growl, he grabbed her jacket and snatched it off her back. When she spun around to yell at him, he saw the bleeding wounds on her forearm. Something had pawed her. Whatever owned that scent had touched her. Hurt her. And that something wasn’t his cousin.

He grabbed Miki around the waist, ignoring her “You asshole! Get your hands off me!” And carried her back into the club.

Chapter Seven

Conall held her close to his side. He could smell her blood. He could smell them. They’d touched her. They’d touched what he considered his.

He took her back to the Pack part of the club. As soon as they walked in, all the wolves stopped and looked at him and Miki. He didn’t stop, though. Instead, he continued to carry her back through the club to Sara and Zach’s office. He banged on the door.

“What?” That from Zach. At the moment, he probably had his dick so far inside Sara she could taste him in the back of her throat. But Conall didn’t care.

“It’s Conall.”

“Hold on.”

Normally he’d never interrupt the two of them, pretty much because he liked not having his throat torn out. But this was different. After three minutes, the door opened. A sweaty Zach glaring at them. He could smell Sara all over the man.

But Zach took one look at Conall’s face and Miki’s arm and stepped back, letting them in.

Sara was just zipping her jeans up when she saw Miki. “What’s going on, Mik?”

“This asshole won’t get his hands off me!”

He released her, letting her drop to the floor. She had to grab his arm to stop herself from falling on her ass. “Someone attacked her.”

Sara walked over to Miki and stared at her arm. “Gudrun?”

“No,” Conall answered before Miki had the chance. That earned him a glare.

Sara took Miki to the couch. “Sit down. Zach, in the drawer.”

“Yeah. I got it.”

Sara looked at her friend. “Okay, girl. What the fuck happened?”