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“You okay?” His voice was rough like hers now. She couldn’t see him very well in the dark, but she could see his eyes. She could feel him.

“Are you kidding?”

He licked her neck and grabbed her around the waist. “I wanted to fuck and kiss you all at the same time without arching my back, and I was thinking this might be the best way to do it.”

He didn’t seem bothered by their height differences. In fact, it seemed as if he enjoyed the challenge.

“Kiss me, Mik.”

She leaned forward, her arms around his neck, her breasts against his chest. She slowly ran her tongue along his bottom lip, then slid to the top. He tried to capture her mouth with his, but she pulled back, drawing one of his growls. She really enjoyed teasing him. He leaned back and waited. She touched his lips again with her tongue. He tasted so good. But when he tried to kiss her, she moved away.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Having a little fun.”

He groaned. One of frustration, his head rubbing against her cheek then her neck. “Dammit, woman. Kiss me.”

“All right,” she laughed. “Don’t whine.”

She kissed him and his hands tightened on her waist, his cock expanding even more inside her. She dug her hands into his hair and pulled him closer. It was like they were both trying to slide into each other’s skin.

He held her tight, his tongue stroking hers. She felt how much he wanted her. Needed her, even. No one had ever reacted this way to her before. Or made her feel the same.

She slowly began to ride him, her hips moving against him, her pussy tightening around his cock. He moaned and his fingers dug deep into her flesh. It hurt, but in a good way. A damn good way.

She didn’t rush it and he didn’t ask her to. It seemed like they were both just enjoying the moment. Enjoying each other.


She liked when he called her that. She realized it was his nickname for her. And she liked that she had a nickname. “Mhhmm?”

“You don’t have any school plans tomorrow, do you?”

“No. Why?”

“Just wondering what would happen if we kept this going for the next four or five hours.”

Miki chuckled. “I don’t sleep, Viking. Not really. So it wouldn’t matter to me.”

He licked her neck. Nipped her earlobe. And she kept riding him. “You just need somebody to wear you out.”

She snorted. “Yeah. Good luck with that.”

They both froze. Dammit.

“Uh, Conall…”

“Too late! The gauntlet’s been laid. I accept your challenge.”

“No. No. Now let’s be rational about this.” She tried to squirm away from him, but his grip tightened like a delicious vice. He wasn’t letting her go anywhere and she loved every minute of it.

“Dogs aren’t rational, baby. We’re dogs. We just want a job.” He squeezed her ass and she squeaked. “And I just found mine…”

Chapter Fifteen

Her damn cell phone ringing woke him up. He wondered where she was and why she hadn’t answered it yet. Then he realized she was asleep on his back. Not against his back. On his back. Out cold. It took some work, but he’d finally worn her out enough to get some more sleep. He had to admit, though, it was quite the party getting her there.

He gazed at the clock. They’d been asleep for about six hours. Not a big deal for him, but he knew she only got about three or four hours of sleep a night, if she were lucky.

He loved having her on his back, her soft breasts pressing against his flesh. Her arms thrown loosely over his shoulders. Her legs stretched out on top of his, although her toes barely passed the back of his knees.

The phone stopped ringing. But now it kept making a beeping sound that made it clear there was a message waiting. That would get on his nerves real quick. He hated to wake her, but she should get her phone and he really had to pee.

“Miki-baby.” She stirred a little. Her head turned and her lips pressed against his naked back. Immediately he got hard again. How? His cock should have fallen off with the work out it got last night. “Mik.”

“Mmmhmm?” She sounded sated.

“Your phone’s beeping.”

“What?” He felt the top of half of her body lift off his back and his skin barked at the loss of her. “Oh.”

She slid off his back, her groin briefly dragging across his ass. He was pretty sure nothing would ever feel better than that.

She flipped the phone open and quickly checked her messages. She frowned and speed-dialed a number.

“Hey, Craig. It’s me. Whasup?”

Conall sat up, watching her move as she held the phone. He liked watching her move.

“Yeah. I can meet you. But not now. How about breakfast at the diner across from the Watson Suites? Yeah. Yeah. That works. Cool. See ya.” She closed her cell phone.

“Everything okay?”

She shrugged. A casual move. All the tension she had when he’d touched her at the club seemed to have drifted away. “Not sure. Craig is weird. It could be something serious or something he thinks is serious that isn’t. It’s always a crapshoot with him.”

She yawned and stretched. He watched her body go taut and heard the little high-pitched noise she made at the back of her throat. Before he knew it, he’d slipped out of bed and was heading for her. But she saw him coming and stepped away.

“I don’t think so.”

He almost groaned. She wasn’t going back into “stay away from Conall” mode again, was she?

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah.” She walked to the bathroom. “You’ve got something else to do.”

“Which is?”

She looked at him from the bathroom doorway. “Help with the soap.”

* * *

One shower and three orgasms later, they’d made it to the diner. Conall kept staring at her over his orange juice while they waited for their food. She tried to ignore him but the man didn’t make it easy. Especially when he kept growling.

“Stop doing that.”

“Stop doing what?”


“It makes you wet, doesn’t it?”

She tried to glare at him over her cup of coffee but one look at that beautiful, wicked face and it took all her strength not to nail him right there in the booth.


“Not according to my mother.”

Conall was deep into his third helping of waffles and bacon—the man could really pack it away—when her friends showed up. They all tried to squeeze into the booth, but with Conall on one side that was just not happening. So Ben and Craig pulled chairs to the side and Miki made Kenny and Amy sit next to her. There was no way she’d let Amy anywhere near Conall.


Her friends exchanged glances and immediately she began to worry.


“I’ll tell her.” Amy looked at her. “Now don’t freak out, but we found a password-protected folder in Leucrotta’s computer. It had your information in it.”

“What do you mean? What information?”

“Everything. Social Security number, bank accounts, gym membership.”

Kenny Liu leaned forward. “Plus a detailed list of your daily activities the last five or six months. And by the way, you live a really boring life.”

“We did a trace and it seems like he hired a PI. Someone local to you,” Ben added.

Conall pushed his nearly empty plate away and leaned back in the booth. He wasn’t saying anything, just calmly listening to her friends.

“We also found a folder for Angelina,” Craig muttered softly. “It had the same kind of info.”

She should have been freaking out. She should have been screaming her head off and seeing all possible disastrous scenarios that could occur. And although part of her brain was working on contingency plans should things get out of hand, she didn’t feel the need to start any kind of global panic. She knew Conall and the Pack would do what they could to protect her and Angelina. She also knew she was too mean to take crap from anybody. She liked the fact that she was finally starting to enjoy that part of herself. It’s what made her who she was.