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The pad of his thumb circled her clit and her fingers dug into his hand. Her body tightened. He licked the back of her neck again. “Miki?”

She pushed herself back into him, her body beginning to shake. “Do it, Conall. Please.”

“You sure, baby?”

“Please,” she asked again. And he knew it was a dream because Miki would have kicked him in the nuts by now. Not begged him.

He extended his fangs and, turning his head to the side, bit the back of her neck. She gave a little cry but he wasn’t sure if it was from the bite or the bone-shaking orgasm she was having. To be honest, he didn’t care. As he licked the blood off, he only knew one thing. She was his now. And nothing would ever change that.

At least not here, in his dreams.

Miki was having the most rockin’ dream ever. A dream that consisted of one of those screaming orgasms only Conall seemed to have the ability to wring out of her. This time with nothing more than his hands and teeth. In this dream she let him mark her. Practically begged him to, in fact. It felt so right, though. And it was a dream, so she didn’t have to be scared or worry about getting hurt. Or about being in love.

She could do anything she wanted here. She pulled his hand out of her and turned in his arms, kissing him deep and slow. Their tongues connecting, sliding, teasing. She felt his dick against her leg. It was hard and hot and all hers. She reached down and gripped it, her thumb sweeping across the head.

Conall growled into her mouth. “God, Miki-baby.” His hands took hold of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Her bra went next. Then he was kissing his way down her body as he dragged her sweatpants and panties off. He kissed his way back up, lingering on her breasts. Then her neck. Kissing her mouth again. Taking his time to explore.

His body always felt so good to her. So right next to hers. He moved over her and she felt his dick slide inside her. Her back arched, almost throwing Conall off.

He felt so good inside her. He wasn’t wearing a condom and her muscles gripped him tight, pulling him deep. He growled again and she felt it across her body.

His thrusts were slow and deep and she was completely lost in them. Her body rose to meet his, loving the feel of his flesh. Nothing had ever felt so right before.

Before she knew it, an orgasm slammed into her and she gripped Conall to her tight. Then he was coming inside of her. Another orgasm rocked her just after the last one ended. She clamped onto Conall’s chest with her teeth and bit down. She tasted blood and, before she knew it, she was licking his wound clean. As both their bodies settled down, she unclamped her teeth and released his flesh, but she held on tight to the man.

“I love you, Viking,” she whispered, enjoying her dream moment.

“I love you, Miki-baby.” Then her dream man started snoring.

Chapter Twenty-one

Conall woke up when the sun hit his eyes through the window. He felt great. Better than great. That was the cool thing about the fever. If you survived it, you usually felt better than you did before you got hurt.

Miki was in his arms and he relished it. Especially since the last thing he remembered from the night before was having a huge screaming argument with her. But he didn’t want to think about that now. He pulled her closer and she sighed softly in her sleep.

As right as this all felt, he knew something was wrong. He just couldn’t quite figure out what. He looked down at her. Asleep and as beautiful as always, she was also naked and had her limbs around him. It took him a second, but he realized he was inside her. Inside her without a condom.


The pillow behind her head had blood on it. He winced as he gently reached around and touched the back of her neck. Then it was her turn to wince from him touching the wound.

He remembered that the day before she’d been going into heat. He leaned in and sniffed her. Her scent had changed. Which meant only one thing.

He closed his eyes. She is going to kick my ass.

She stirred underneath him and he immediately got hard again. Boy, was this bad timing.

Miki stretched, her arms going wide, pushing him off and out of her. She yawned and rubbed her hands over her face. She looked around and then seemed to remember why she was…well, wherever the hell they were.

“Conall?” She turned and looked at him. “Conall? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, Mik. I’m fine.” She leaned over him and felt his forehead. Her bare breasts rubbed against his arm and he had the sudden urge to have her again.

“Your fever broke. That’s good.” She gave him the oddest expression. Then she suddenly launched herself into his arms. He was so startled, he fell back on the bed. He pulled her close and she hugged him tight. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” she whispered fiercely.

He closed his eyes. Nothing ever felt so right as when this woman was in his arms. And knowing she actually cared about him enough to worry…nothing before had ever made him feel so good.

Miki, clearly not comfortable with showing her emotions, pulled herself out of his arms. She sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m really sorry about yesterday, ya know.” She glanced at him, then turned away again. “You took me by surprise. And I never thought you’d want…I just never had…” She shook her head and he saw her smile. “Forget it. We’ll talk about this later. Really talk. You and me. Okay?”

But before he could answer her. Before he could tell her the decision had already been made for them, she slid out of bed and headed to the bathroom. “When I’m done, I’ll let Van Holtz and the Pack know you’re okay.”

Christ, they were on another Pack’s territory. Well that explained the strange wolf scent he smelled everywhere.

Conall lay back on the bed and waited. Waited for her to realize what had happened. She probably thought like he first did. That it had been a dream. But he had marked her. She was his. Would be for life. And there would never be another woman for him. Never.

But he knew Miki almost better than he knew himself now. She wasn’t going to take this well. She’d feel trapped. And she hated feeling trapped. He was having trouble remembering last night but he knew they’d been caught up in something primal and older than most of the gods. In fact, he was almost positive she’d told him to mark her. Knew what he intended without him actually saying it. The wolf in him wanted her. Knew she was the mate for him. And she was.

Miki could have run yesterday. Taken off with Conridge and never looked back. But she’d faced down a vicious Clan of hyenas to protect him and his Pack mates. She hadn’t even been worried about herself. Only him. Those were the actions of a mate. His mate.

He heard the toilet flush and Conall counted. “Five. Four. Three. Two—”


“One.” He sighed and waited.

Miki stormed out of the bathroom, wearing only white sweat socks and a really pissed-off look.

“What the fuck is this?” She pointed at the back of her neck. He didn’t bother to look. Not when she was standing in front of him naked.

“My mark.”

She stared at him. He waited for it. The explosion of anger. The rants. All of it. He knew it was coming.

But it didn’t come. Miki just stared at him. Then she silently grabbed her clothes off the floor and returned to the bathroom, quietly closing the door behind her.