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If I applied for my son's visa, then everything could have come up to the surface of an illegal visa of my daughter in 1994. Here again the providence of God is traced behind the scene.

As I recall now, the customs service that held detained us immediately called the Korean Embassy to clarify the problems. It's good that the employee who issued the visa for me in 1994 turned up at the place, he picked up the phone, and the member of the customs service began to shout at him and question him. Do you remember that you applied for a visa for Moon Deborah last year? Suddenly there was silence, apparently he began to rummage through the documents, yet a year has passed, and he probably does not remember it. A few minutes later, the answer came from there: yes, I personally worked with this document. And the person from the customs service started shouting at him, how do you work that you don't check the documents!? Then he hung up and walked over to us.

He couldn't help but apologize to us. It's their faults not mine. It's good that there is a witness – this is my wife. She was also very worried about me when I was held detained by the airport authorities. Why am I writing all this so that no one dares to say that everything I write is fictitious! How can you deny the providence of God that he made me invisible in 1994 when I flew to Korea to find the remaining documents of my parents.

It seems that one problem has been solved and yet another is expected to appear. In the wake of this problem, the next problem arises; this is that my temporary certificate is considered to be fake..

Although they detained me, I was as calm as ever because I have a picture taken with the Korean embassy member after I was given this certificate at the Korean Embassy.

A few minutes later, a man comes up to me with honor and says: forgive us there is a small misunderstanding here! Now you can go. So we finally entered a country in which problem after problem awaited me.

In short, God made me invisible when I went through passport control at Kimpo Airport, Korea in 1994. Then I flew to Korea with my wife to find the roots of my father, though we could not find it. And then I got the idea that a year ago we went through passport control illegally, but due to the inattention of the South Korean airport authorities. From here, I concluded without any doubt that we crossed the border of South Korea illegally. (All documents saved if necessary)

We also had a lot of problems with an apartment on Sakhalin before leaving for Korea. People living in capitalist countries will never understand what it means to live in bureaucratic countries like Russia and other CIS countries. We had our own apartment, which we gave to another missionary as a gift. Although we gave our apartment to another person, no one had the right to move into this apartment until the problem in the management house was solved. (it was the Soviet reality)

Therefore, I repeatedly had to contact the control house. Being tired of this bureaucracy, all the way to the office, my wife and I saw a rainbow in front of us. I can tell the exact distance because the reflection of the rainbow was on the tree. Seeing such a sight, I was stunned, but my wife did not attach any importance to it. After we bumped into the rainbow, everything went as smoothly as clockwork. From this, I learned that this rainbow was a covenant made between God and me.

Prayer is the key to resolving the problems

After becoming a Christian, I was eager to learn more about Jesus. I think that every person, if he considers himself a spiritually mature Christian who has a little bit of the knowledge of the Lord, has to have a thirst and desire to learn more about Jesus. We must ask questions about who I am, and why Jesus died for me and was crucified, taking upon all our curses. The epistle to Galatians chapter 3:13 is written about this. Christ redeemed us from the oath of the law, becoming a curse for us (for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who hangs on the tree"),

Galatians 3:13 – Gal 3:13: Now, Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law. He himself bore the curse in our place (as it is said about this:"Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree"),

Paul, too, when he encountered Christ, he says: forgetting what is behind, I stretch forward to learn more about Christ. This is not surprising; it is a common process that every believer strives for.

Because of the spiritual need to learn more about God and Christ, I went to study at the seminary.

In fact, from the lecture of the seminar, I learned a lot of useful things that were unknown to me.

After seminary, I was filled with such a presence of God that I forgot that I was on earth. From a spiritual point of view, for some reason people seemed to me somehow pitiful and insignificant, devoid of hope. The seminary was held once a week, on Saturdays. Seminary students would come from different parts of the Sakhalin Region. It was very interesting that I did not notice how 8 hours flew by so quickly. There was no such case that I let go of the lesson.

In the early stages of my walk with God, God began to pour out financial blessings on me, but my wife constantly told me that this was not from God. It was not easy to give up money that just floated into your hands. But despite this, I had to obey her because she had more experience than me, and she was also a missionary.

For I was just a fetus in Christ, who was only trying to get out. Moreover, at