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"Yes, Daughter. My cove will be waiting to welcome you, and I will always answer your call." She raised one brow and smiled mischievously. "Perhaps one day you will gift me with a land-loving granddaughter."

"How about several of them?" CC laughed.

Before Gaea could answer they were interrupted by Isabel's distinctly gravely voice coming from the entrance of the chapel.

"Yes! If I need your protection from her witchcraft, I shall certainly call. But I must bring her food. If she weakens and dies it will not go well for us when her father, the king, appears." Isabel's gruff voice easily traveled the length of the chapel. She sighed theatrically before the guard closed the door behind her.

CC giggled and winked at Gaea. "She really should have been an actress; she's enjoying this a little too much."

Expecting the goddess to disappear as usual, CC turned to greet the old woman and took several steps toward her, intending to take the heavy tray from her. Isabel was limping down the side aisle, scanning all of the pews to be certain they were alone. When she saw there were no monks lurking around praying, her disgruntled expression shifted into a wide grin.

"I brought you a new kind of st—" The old woman stopped speaking. She was staring at something behind CC.

Confused, CC glanced over her shoulder to see what had startled Isabel. There stood Gaea, next to the statue of Mary. And yet it wasn't Gaea. The woman was very pretty, but she was most definitely mortal. Delicate wrinkles gave her face a comfortable, lived-in look, and laugh lines betrayed her good humor. She was clothed in simple robes of undyed linen. A brown shawl was draped over her head, hiding most of her coffee-colored hair, but what escaped the shawl was just beginning to show a fine weaving of silver. Despite the evidence of age, her face had a timeless look. She could have been twenty or forty, it was impossible to tell. She smiled at Isabel.

"Excuse me, Princess Undine. I did not realize that you were not alone." Isabel set the tray on a nearby pew and turned hastily to leave.

"Please, there is no need for you to go." Gaea's voice was melodic and accented much like Andras's. "My name is Galena. I came to Caldei to barter ewes for my father's flock. I heard word of the restoration of the Holy Mother, and I could not leave without visiting her shrine."

Isabel was studying Gaea with an intent expression of open curiosity. "Forgive me for saying so, but it is unusual that a father would allow a daughter to tend to his business."

"My father has no sons, and I have no husband. In his old age he is wise enough to trust me."

"See, I told you some men respect women," CC said, recovering her voice.

"You are correct, Princess, some men do," Gaea said with a soft smile. "But no matter the beliefs of men, women will always have a special power within themselves." Her gaze touched the gleaming statue. "I believe Mary would agree with me."

"You sound much like the princess," Isabel said.

Gaea's smile widened. "What a lovely coincidence, as is my visit today."

Isabel's eyes hadn't left Gaea's face. Suddenly, they widened in discovery. "Forgive me for staring, but you bear a striking resemblance to the statue of the Holy Mother."

Gaea's laughter was a musical sound. CC hoped that Isabel wouldn't notice that the flames of the candles surrounding the statue leapt and danced in response.

"Is that so surprising?" the goddess said. "Do you not believe that every woman carries the spark of the Divine Feminine within her?"

"I…" Isabel cleared her throat. "I have never heard it spoken so."

Gaea's voice was filled with compassion. "Come close. I have something to show the two of you."

On unsure feet Isabel let CC lead her to the disguised goddess's side.

Gaea held one hand out in front of her, palm down. "Place your hands beside mine."

Without hesitation, CC put her hand next to Gaea's, and Isabel followed suit.

"Look at how amazing we are, we three, as we reflect the three aspects of the Divine Feminine," Gaea said. She pointed to each of the women's hands in turn, beginning with CC's, which were shapely and unlined. "The maiden, lovely and young, with her life stretching before her, magical and new. She is vibrant and fresh, drawing the power of springtime to her."

Then she pointed at her own hand. It was stronger and the knuckles were already beginning to show lines. It was a hand that could do a full day's work and then comfort a sick child. "The mother, full and ripe, filled with the power of summer and autumn. She is life-giver and nurturer. She is the heart of her hearth and home. Without honoring the mother, the family cannot thrive."

Then, with an infinitely gentle gesture, she touched Isabel's gnarled hand. "And the crone, although I prefer her matriarchal title, the wise woman. She is rich with wisdom and experience, a leader to those who will someday take her place when she is gone, and a comfort to those who are at the end of their life's journey. Her power is of great depth. It is that of the experience of ages forged with the strength of winter." Gaea spoke solemnly, clasping their hands in hers. "Alone, each is important and unique. But joined together, they form a three-fold link that is soldered by the Divine Feminine. We need each other—that is how we are fashioned. To deny this is to live a life less than fulfilled."

"Women need to stick together," CC agreed. "Even if we are different."

"Isn't that what woman is? A magical, complex blending of differences," Gaea said.

"I am ashamed that it has taken me a lifetime to know this," Isabel said.

Gaea's smile was filled with unending love. "So you see, it should be of no surprise when you recognize the reflection of the divine within another woman."

"You are very wise, Galena," Isabel said, still holding Gaea's hand.

"I am a shepherdess who has had long hours of solitude in which to think and pray," she said simply. Then she squeezed Isabel's and CC's hands before slipping loose from them. "And now I can hear my flock calling me. They are impatient for my return. I must bid you good day, ladies."

"May the blessing of the Holy Mother go with you," Isabel said.

"Yes, have a safe journey home," CC added quickly.

Gaea nodded to each of them, then she bowed briefly before the statue of the Holy Virgin. When she raised her head, CC caught the sparkle in her eyes. The disguised goddess called a farewell to them as she walked toward the chapel's exit. The ever-present mist of incense seemed to swallow her as she faded into the shadows.

"A very interesting woman," Isabel said thoughtfully.

"She sure is."

"I will consider her words. They are new thoughts for me, but they touched my heart in a way that I have never before felt…" Her words faded as the squire threw open the door.

"Is all well here?" he asked, blinking quickly like a nervous bird as his eyes became accustomed to the dark. "I heard something odd."

"Everything is fine. I'm just going to keep this old woman in here to help me with the rest of the heavy cleaning. You should probably send word to the kitchen that she's going to be busy for the remainder of the afternoon." CC made a shooing gesture at him.

He looked doubtful, but CC's impotency threat still weighed heavily on his mind. "I am only a short distance away," he told the silent Isabel as he backed out the door.

CC and Isabel looked at each other.

"I thought maybe you'd want to stay here for a while," CC said simply.

"Thank you. I would like nothing more than to aid you in restoring the Mother's chapel. And I do so enjoy spending time with you."

CC grinned. "I like it, too."

Isabel took a deep breath and asked the question that had been haunting her mind. "When must you leave us?"

CC felt a pang of regret. "I must leave on the third night. But it doesn't have to be forever. I'll still be here—I'll just, well, live in the water and look a little different, that is, from my waist down."