Red Sniper is the story of a rescue mission for American POWs held captive by the Russians at the end of World War II. Abandoned by their country, used as political pawns by Stalin, their last hope for getting home again is backwoods sniper Caje Cole and a team of combat veterans who undertake a daring rescue mission prompted by a U.S. Senator whose grandson is among the captives. In a final encounter that tests Cole’s skills to the limit, he will discover that forces within the U.S. government want the very existence of these prisoners kept secret at any price.
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The classic Civil War thriller! Celebrating 20 years in print! In 1864, a Confederate assassin attempts to turn the tide of the Civil War by setting his sights on Union General Ulysses S. Grant in the streets of Washington City and battlefields of Virginia.
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"Sharpshooter pours out a thrilling and fast-moving story of fictional intrigue… guaranteed to hold your attention."
— Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star
"Sharpshooter has the feel of a techno-thriller, the kind offered by Tom Clancy or Dean Koontz… Sharpshooter moves quickly and is filled with all manner of intrigue."
— The Civil War News
College professor and Nazi hunter Abraham McCoy joins a U.S. Department of Justice investigation into a string of murders that will reveal the dark truth about his father’s role in World War II.
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Confederate raiders capture the train carrying Abraham Lincoln on his way to deliver the Gettysburg Address. This title was featured on the game show Jeopardy!
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"Civil War buffs looking for something different will find ample reward in this complex, offbeat novel of deadly intrigue and hot pursuit."
— Jack D. Hunter, best-selling author of The Blue Max, on Rebel Train
"Healey's got a gift for recreating history, complete with compelling characters and the ring of authenticity in every scene."
— C.A. Mobley, best-selling author of Rites of War and Rules of Command, on Rebel Train
"A classic adventure of escape and pursuit, ending with the timeless questions about honor and duty."
— Bing West, author of The Village and The Pepperdogs, on Rebel Train
An army doctor must stop a madman who plans to start an epidemic in Washington City to bring the Union to its knees. Based on a true story.
Please click here to learn more at the Amazon store.
The House That Went Down With The Ship
Beach Bodies
Pirate Moon & Other Stories
The Sea Lord Chronicles: First Voyage
The Sea Lord Chronicles: Ship of Spies
1812: Rediscovering Chesapeake Bay’s Forgotten War
Delmarva Legends and Lore
Great Storms of the Chesapeake