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‘Those of us who saw her in the press-simulation session need no convincing of that,’ said Dryden. ‘To sum up so far, then, we’re presenting Goldine as a girl whose childhood was scarred by tragedy, but who now emerges as a naturally gifted athlete who took to sprinting this year. Dr. Serafin recognised her potential and hired Klugman to coach her. She’s totally surprised and elated by the success she’s had, but determined to win for America in Moscow if she can. Is there anything anyone would wish to add?’ He looked generally around the table, but the question was directed at Serafin. Nothing had been said about Nazi eugenics, nor trends in human growth. If he was right, and Serafin planned to use Goldine to justify his theories, this was a chance to build them into the sell. So long as the rest of the consortium collected their two million apiece, they wouldn’t be bothered whether Goldengirl proved Aryan superiority, or anything else.

But the only contribution came from Sternberg. ‘Yeah. How do we get the sex thing in?’

‘What precisely does that mean?’ asked Cobb.

‘We want to give Dryden something to generate commercial interest, right? She’s a girl, so there has to be a sex angle. Maybe we can use some tit shots. Or she could start an affair with a French pole-vaulter. Nothing beats sex as a commercial sell. Why do you think I have dames wrestling in my promotions?’

‘We could give it an artistic dimension with the nude sequence from the film,’ added Valenti, showing his ideas didn’t stop at cleavage.

Cobb heaved a long sigh. ‘You’re both missing the purpose of what we’re doing. At this stage, Mr. Dryden is peddling an idea. It’s quite simply that an unknown American girl can become the star of the Olympics. He’s selling success, and just now there’s a big demand for it. Americans have had enough of scandals and exposures, statesmen with feet of clay, corruption in public life. They’re looking for a simple, supremely successful hero figure, and that’s what Goldengirl can be. She’s pretty, and that’s a bonus, but turning her into a sex symbol would just confuse things. The people Dryden has to deal with aren’t fools. They know how to market a girl, but that’s up to them, not us. All they want to know from us is that she really can do what we claim. The way she runs in Eugene this week should help them decide. They’ll be more impressed by a set of track results than close-ups of her bust.’

There was nothing Sternberg could say. Dryden’s respect for Cobb was growing by the minute. To salve damaged egos a little, he added, ‘I think we’ll find Goldine makes a physical impact this week without any help from us. Let’s not underrate the spectacle of a tall blonde in a tracksuit.’

‘You said it!’ Valenti perked up. ‘The start of a women’s dash is one of the finest sights in sport — if you get it from the right angle.’

‘We appear to have reached agreement that you present Goldengirl as a simple success story,’ said Serafin.

‘So who do we approach?’ said Sternberg. ‘Coca-Cola, you mentioned.’

‘Why not?’ said Dryden. ‘But let’s look at it systematically. There are different spheres of potential commercial interest. Most obviously, the sports industry. The war between Adidas and Puma is waged more strenuously in track than any other sport. It’s an old game to play one off against the other, but I’m for trying it again. It usually succeeds. Equally, I hope to get something going among the manufacturers of track surfaces — 3M, Reslite, Grasstex and the rest. The electronics industry now has a sizable market in stopwatches. “Goldine’s World Record was timed with a Cronus.” For “Cronus,” read “Accusplit,” “Tempo” or “Olympia” if they care to top the Cronus bid.

‘The next group who will have a lot of interest in Goldine are the food manufacturers, particularly those whose selling point is health. An endorsement from a sports star can move a lot of wheat germ, liquid food, breakfast cereal, milk, oranges. I have a very extensive list, which you can examine at leisure after this.

‘Next, bearing in mind that she’ll be America’s best-known woman, there are the luxury markets: cosmetics — how about a Goldengirl line? Fashion — I’m hoping to get something going with Galsgear, or at least one of your groups, Mr. Cobb.’

‘Why not?’ said Cobb.

‘Pharmaceuticals, too,’ put in Valenti. ‘You can come to an arrangement with me.’

Sternberg shook with laughter. ‘How the hell do you expect a track star to sell Valenti cough cure?’

‘No trouble,’ said Valenti, turning petulantly away from the vibrating fat man. ‘It’s nothing new. You might not think a basketball star could push nasal spray, but Wilt Chamberlain did. They found the right slogan, you see. Afrin Nasal Spray Has Long Duration of Action with Virtually No Rebound Problems. Count me in, Dryden. Valenti Products will do business with Goldengirl.’

‘That’s good to know,’ said Dryden. ‘I was about to say, anyway, that the multimillion-dollar concerns aren’t too bothered about having any obvious tie-in with sports. If the celebrity is big enough, they’ll buy. I’m thinking of the automobile industry, domestic goods, detergents and so on.’

‘Cigarettes?’ said Armitage. ‘The tobacco industry has strong links with my sport.’

‘I’m not sure that is such a good idea,’ said Serafin, frowning. ‘I think we should be selective about this.’

‘That’s why it’s important to have a clear idea of the image we’re presenting,’ said Dryden. ‘I think Dr. Serafin is right here. Product identification counts. It may mean turning down some big offers, but you have to weigh that against contracts you might lose. For the present, Dick, I think we’ll hold back on that suggestion.’

‘Just as you say,’ said Armitage.

‘Before we leave the endorsement possibilities,’ Dryden went on, ‘there’s one other angle that might get us some business. I’ve been looking at the range of products that utilize the concept of gold as a selling point. You have the jewelry industry itself, naturally — I should be able to work out some merchandising there — but then, there are all those products packaged in gold. You know them; let’s not take up time by listing them. Dick, I know cigarettes are still on your mind, but this takes in confectionery too. Food products. Manufactured goods. Every sales campaign that uses the old gimmick of a gold seal or a gold star to confer distinction on the product.’

‘If I sense the feeling of the meeting accurately, you’ve satisfied us that the opportunities are there, Mr. Dryden,’ said Serafin, finding it impossible not to take the chairman’s role. ‘I’m confident, too, that you will preserve Goldengirl’s image. I think people now have come to accept that athletes are entitled to cash in on their success, and need expert help like yours. Things have moved on a lot since the Los Angeles Times suggested that the merchandising of Mark Spitz presented him like a “chunk of plastic livestock.” You don’t expect any unfavorable comment on your activities?’

‘It’s a free country,’ said Dryden ambivalently. ‘Actually, I’m working on something that could dignify Goldine a lot in the eyes of the public. Quite by chance, the Olympics are held in the same four-year cycle as U.S. presidential elections. By August, the campaigns should really be heating up. I’m no authority on politics, but I have the feeling that an approach to the President himself after Goldine’s victories might secure something mutually advantageous. I’m thinking along the lines of a TV linkup by satellite with Moscow, or the President to congratulate her and invite her to a White House reception on her return to America.’