Jane was woken by the deafening sound of Pearl’s alarm clock in the next bedroom. It sounded as if she was lying next to Big Ben. By the time she had wrapped a robe around herself and gone into the kitchen Pearl was sitting eating her bowl of muesli, with a glass of awful-looking green liquid.
‘Morning! Your friend Natalie called again. She’s quite persistent, isn’t she?’
‘I saw your message… We were friends at training school. She left the police and we lost contact until recently. I expect she just wants to catch up. How come you’re up so early?’
‘I thought I might have a jog in the park before I go into work.’
‘Oh, that’s nice.’ Jane put the kettle on and got out the tin of instant coffee, spooning two heaps into a mug.
‘Did you have a nice time last night?’
‘Yes, I did.’
‘You know,’ Pearl said as Jane filled her mug, ‘that stuff is full of preservatives… and you shouldn’t use sweeteners. They’re not good for you either.’
‘I know. I couldn’t face that seaweed thing you’re drinking, not first thing in the morning.’
‘You get used to it… and it gives me so much energy.’
Jane made no reply and walked back to her bedroom. It was six thirty and she decided she’d have another half an hour in bed. She heard Pearl leaving and felt irritated that she was out jogging as she knew that she should do some exercise herself, but all she could think of was going out to buy some new clothes and making a hair appointment for the weekend.
It was just after eight when a sweating, panting, Pearl returned and went into the bathroom to run a bath. Jane had fortunately already dressed and was ready to leave for work when the phone rang.
‘Hi, is that Jane?’
‘Yes, who’s this?’
‘It’s Natalie… I’m sorry if I’ve called too early but I have to go to work and wanted to catch you. I rang last night and someone else answered, but I was worried they might not have passed on the message.’
‘I’m sorry, I was out and didn’t get back until late. I was going to call you later.’
‘Well, perhaps we can we meet up? Are you free this evening?’
‘Yes, I should be home around seven.’
‘Why don’t we meet up at eight? I can come to you, or you could come over to my place?’
Pearl banged out of the steam-filled bathroom and Jane covered the phone.
‘Are you home this evening, Pearl?’
‘Yes… be here about six.’
Jane nodded and uncovered the mouthpiece to speak to Natalie. ‘Why don’t I come to you… whereabouts do you live?’
‘My flat’s in Belsize Park, but I work in Marble Arch. I finish work at five. Where do you live?’
‘I’m near Baker Street.’
‘Well, I can come over to you if it’ll be more convenient. Do you know somewhere we can eat?’
Jane hesitated. She hadn’t had time to explore the area and wasn’t sure where to suggest. ‘Er… there’s an Italian restaurant not far from the underground station… It’s called Fratelli’s. I haven’t actually tried it, but it looks OK.’
‘Why don’t we meet up there then?’
Natalie was being very persistent. Jane felt she couldn’t get out of it.
‘All right, eight this evening, then?’
‘Great! I’m really looking forward to seeing you, and chatting about old times.’
Jane replaced the receiver. She’d planned to have an early night, but it would be rude not to go for dinner with Natalie, especially as she hadn’t returned her calls, and Natalie was so keen to catch up with her. Pearl came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her wet hair.
‘I couldn’t borrow your hairdryer again, could I? By the way, Fratelli’s is a nice restaurant and very reasonable. I’ve often eaten there, as they do a special lunch price.’
Jane fetched her hairdryer and handed to Pearl.
‘Do you mind just leaving it in the kitchen? I’m sorry but I don’t really like you going into my bedroom.’
Pearl shrugged. ‘Fine by me. Thanks, and I’ll see you later.’
Jane fetched her coat and handbag. She was feeling irritated and slammed out of the flat to walk to Baker Street.
As usual it was a lengthy journey across London to Woolwich, but Jane’s initial irritability gradually subsided as she joined two junior trainee scientists and a female clerical officer in the canteen. They were having a conversation about all the scientists and officers, giving them marks out of ten for sexual attractiveness. Jane felt rather annoyed by their discussion, but took an interest when they started talking about Dexter. He was rated as a ten plus.
A very skinny, petite girl with incredibly thick hair was eating a bowl of rice pudding, wafting her spoon around.
‘I think he’s gorgeous… very sexy… but there’s something sort of detached about him. I was told he gets any female he wants. He’s very wealthy… his older brother was killed in a skiing accident so when his father died he inherited a fortune. His ex-girlfriend — who he lived with in Mexico — is the daughter of some famous artist. And he’s a bit of a rarity: he’s the only serving police officer who is also part of the bomb disposal unit. I was told he was in the Royal Army Ordinance Corps as an explosives officer and was initially trained by the now head of the Met’s bomb disposal unit. Dexter was exceptional at what he did during army service and received gallantry awards for bomb disposal. That’s why he’s shit hot here… after a few years’ service he was transferred to the bomb squad thanks to his knowledge of disarming explosives. He can disarm me any day!’ She laughed.
Jane couldn’t resist asking, ‘Have you been out with him?’
‘Chance’d be a fine thing! Although I think he’s got quite a lot of baggage… but that doesn’t make him any the less attractive. Mind you I couldn’t go out with someone who does a dangerous job like his… I heard someone in the lab say Dexter has a death wish.’
One of the other girls, who had been eating throughout the entire conversation, looked up. ‘I had a one night stand with him,’ she said. ‘I’d do it again, but when that Mexican woman is in town he just drops you… so I’m going to drop his mark to a seven.’ She laughed as she glanced at Jane. ‘Crowley got a minus four!’
Jane said nothing as the skinny girl pushed the remains of her rice pudding around the bowl and asked if anyone wanted a tea or coffee. None of them had seen Dexter walking up to stand behind them. He rested his hand on Jane’s shoulder.
‘Hello, Jane. So what’s this about Crowley being a minus four?’
There was an embarrassing pause. Jane had to bite her bottom lip hard to stop giggling, as the other girls flushed and jumped to their feet.
‘Oh, nothing,’ the skinny girl said. ‘Er… we’re going to get coffee. Do you want one?’
‘No, thanks, I’m just looking for Lawrence but he doesn’t seem to be here.’
Jane was left alone with Dexter, and he sat down next to her. She could see the other girls at the coffee counter whispering, then turning to look towards their table.
‘I didn’t think you were the giggling type. What’s so funny?’
‘They were marking all the men here out of ten, for sexual attraction.’
‘Really? So, tell me, how many points did they allocate to me?’
‘You did very well… you started with a ten but then dropped to a seven. I was just listening in, not taking part.’
‘What score would you give me?’
It was Jane’s turn to blush. She shrugged and Dexter leaned in closer.
‘Go on, tell me.’
‘I’d say you were easily a ten… but then, I’m biased. You bought me fish and chips.’
He stood up, smiling, and pushed the chair beneath the table. Then he leaned in and kissed her cheek.