She stands straight, as if she’s steeling herself for the unenviable task of telling me. “Well, it all—”
“There they are!”
We both frown, confused, and look behind us. Nicki and Hannah are walking purposefully toward us, striding confidently in their heels. Behind them, six men are huddled together, looking angry. They’re all big guys, and they look capable and organized. They all have tanned skin and thick, black beards, painstakingly groomed in a variety of different styles.
Nicki steps forward. “Hey, asshole… no one turns us down, do you hear me?”
Lily and I exchange another glance. She smiles. “This should be fun!”
I rub my eyes with tired frustration. “I think you and I interpret fun very differently…”
I turn to face the approaching mob, my mind already running at full speed, playing out my first few moves. I glance at Lily. “Just follow my lead, okay?”
She pats my arm. “All yours, hotshot.”
We don’t make a move, we just stand and let the group come to us. The girls stop a few feet away from us, standing defiantly with their arms crossed and a hip cocked to the side — the universal position that pissed-off women assume right before a confrontation.
The huddle of men fans out to surround us, taking up the full width of the sidewalk. The few passers-by hurry to give us a wide berth. Nicki and Hannah push their way into the middle, smiling arrogantly as if they’ve gotten one over on us both.
A man from the right steps forward and moves next to the women. His hand disappears inside his pocket, and comes out a moment later wearing a set of brass knuckles.
I take a deep, calming breath, trying to keep my heart rate steady. I can sense Lily doing the same beside me. We both stand loose, ready for anything.
Hannah shakes her head. “You should’ve just come with us, Brad. Yeah, we were gonna rob you, but chances are you wouldn’t have been hurt that much.”
Nicki nods in agreement. “Plus, you are pretty cute. We might have taken pity on you…”
I ignore them both and look at the man standing with them. He’s a powerfully built guy, a bit shorter than me, but wider, with more obvious muscle mass. His bulky fingers look swollen, forced into the grip of the brass knuckles. He’s staring at me, trying to look intimidating.
In my head, I’ve already planned how I’m going to take out all six of these pricks. Shouldn’t be too difficult, especially seeing as I have Lily with me. But I want to understand something first…
I point to the guy in front of me. “Are you in charge?”
He doesn’t say anything, but I notice the two women glance at him expectantly, so I guess he is.
“I’ll take your silence as a yes… So, what is this, exactly? Are you really just a gang who go from club to club, using these two bicycles…” I nod at Hannah and Nicki. “…to lure rich, gullible idiots outside so you and your boys can rob them?”
Hannah tuts loudly. “Hey! Who are you calling a bicycle? What does that even mean, anyway, asshole?”
I smile. “I’m insinuating that, like a bicycle, I suspect most people have ridden you at some point…”
Next to me, Lily snorts as she laughs aloud.
Hannah’s eyes go wide and she scoffs with shock. Nicki looks angry and lunges at me, winding up a big slap. I barely need to move to catch her hand, but I do, firmly, as it comes round aimed at my face. I grip her wrist tightly enough to stop her moving, but no more than necessary. She’s just a dumb kid at the end of the day, and I don’t want to hurt her.
“Don’t be silly…” I push her arm away. “Now be quiet, darlin’—the grown-ups are talking.”
The circle of men all visibly tense, dropping their arms and getting ready to fight.
I ignore them, focusing again on the main guy standing with us. “Let me save you some time here, Chief. There aren’t enough of you to take anything from me. I appreciate the gesture — I’m sure it’s a sweet little set-up you have here… But I’m the wrong guy, alright? So let’s save everyone some time and some pain. Just cut your losses and walk away, no harm, no foul.”
He shakes his head and smiles. “You don’t know who you’re fucking with…”
I raise an eyebrow. I actually feel pretty bad for the guy…
I look at Lily. “Are you still bored?”
She cracks her neck and winks at me. “Believe it or not, I’m starting to feel a little entertained.”
“Glad to hear it.” I look back at the guy. “Okay, you little fucktrumpet, this is your only warning — your only shot at walking away from this unscathed and unaided. I suggest you take it, before it’s too late.”
He steps toward me, raising both arms and clenching his fists.
Here we go…
I don’t move forward to meet him. Instead, I stay still and simply push my foot forward and down, connecting with his kneecap. Then I take a step forward, keeping the momentum going, so I follow through as if I’m stomping a cockroach and want to put my foot through the ground. All his weight is currently on that leg, and it snaps like a twig. He screams and buckles, falling quickly to his side. He lands hard, clutching his injured leg, which is flopping lifelessly around in his hands.
“Oh, nice!” shouts Lily, hitting my arm in a congratulatory fashion.
The two women are stunned. They gasp and hug each other, shuffling outside the circle to safety. The remaining men exchange uncertain glances, but no one moves.
In my experience — which is, sadly, quite vast in this area — if you have a group of adversaries like this, the best strategy is to hit the first one who moves or talks. Put them down, hard and fast, with little or no warning. Usually, the one who acts first is in charge, and if you drop them, the rest of the group will be shocked and confused, which gives you a great advantage.
I look at each one in turn. “Anyone else? Anyone still think this is a good idea?”
There’s a guy on our left, maybe a step or two behind us, who’s the only one close enough to grab us if he wanted to. He needs to go next, just to hammer the point home. I subtly nudge Lily’s arm. Without a word, she quickly steps toward the guy, turns counterclockwise and slams her forearm and elbow into his temple. He didn’t even see her move, let alone process the strike or attempt to block it. He was just standing there, minding his own business, preoccupied with trying to look imposing. She caught him right on the money and he dropped like a stone.
I look back at the group, who have now all taken a step back. “Seriously… anyone else feel compelled to finish what you started?”
“…is the smart answer — well done. Now, fuck off, all of you.”
Without hesitation, they scoop up their unconscious friends and walk away from the club, tails between their legs, leaving Lily and myself with the two women. Hannah and Nicki look terrified. As they should. I take a step back, and Lily moves toward them. They visibly shrink on the spot.
Lily lets out a tired breath. “You two should choose your friends better. Do you actually realize how close you both came to dying tonight?”
They exchange a glance and look confused.
“Wha-what do you mean?” asks Nicki.
Lily steps backward, drawing level with me, and in a lightning-fast movement, reaches behind me and takes out my Beretta. She levels the gun at the pair of them, her arm steady.
“I mean… I’m trying very hard not to shoot you both, you stupid bitch.”
They both scream. Loudly.
I hear the faint sound of a siren in the distance. They’re playing our song…