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CHAPTER 17: Where Is the Wave Taking Google?

322 “When asked to describe the difference”: author interview with Eileen Naughton, February 28, 2008.

322 “If you can solve search”: author interview with Larry Page available on YouTube, May 1, 2002.

323 “we scale”: author interview with Sergey Brin, March 26, 2008.

323 uploading eighty-six thousand full length movies: “Letter from the Founders,” Google 2008 annual report, April 2009.

323 “Everything Google does”: Bala Lyer and Thomas H. Davenport, “Reverse Engineering Google’s Innovation Machine,” Harvard Business Review, April 2008.

324 Its social network site: author interviews with Google executives in Russia, Jason Bush, “Where Google Isn’t Goliath,” BusinessWeek, June 26, 2008.

324 “These companies air kiss”: author interview with Andrew Lack, October 4, 2007.

324 Facebook had 200 million users: author interview with Sheryl Sandberg, March 30, 2009.

324 “Anybody that gets”: author interview with Bill Campbell, October 8, 2007.

325 Lee began with: author interview with Kwan Lee, February 10, 2009.

325 “lacks a social gene”: author interview with John Borthwick, April 28, 2008.

326 “If I were Google”: author interview with Danny Sullivan, August 27, 2007.

326 The problem with horizontal search: author interview with Jason Calacanus, September 21, 2007.

327 “the semantic web”: Katie Franklin, “Google May Be Displaced, Said World Wide Web Creator Tim Berners-Lee”, Daily Telegraph, March 3, 2008.

327 “hundreds of years away”: author interview with Craig Silverstein, September 17, 2007.

327 “We are no closer”: author interview with Marc Andreessen, March 27, 2008.

327 In his provocative book: Nicholas Carr, The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google, W. W. Norton amp; Company, 2008.

328 “this was the thrust”: Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business, Viking Penguin, 1985.

328 Tara Brabazon, a professor: accounts of Professor Brabazon address in both the Economic Times and the Telegraph, January 14, 2008.

329 Miguel Helft of the New York Times wrote a series of stories in April 2009 on challenges to Google’s book settlement; amicus briefs were filed with U.S. District Court Judge Denny Chin on April 13 and 17, 2009.

330 Miguel Heft, “YouTube Blocked in China, Google Says,” New York Times, March 25, 2009.

330 “ China ordered PC makers”: “U.S. Makes Official Complaint to China over Internet Censorship,” Financial Times, June 22, 2009.

331 “What Google should fear”: author interview with Yossi Vardi, February 28, 2008.

331 When Marissa Mayer said: author interview with Mayer, August 21, 2007.

331 “What separates us”: author interview with Stacey Savides Sullivan, August 21, 2007.

331 “are utopians”: author interview with Terry Winograd, September 25, 2007.

332 In the 1990s: an excellent exploration of long-term capital’s demise is contained in Roger Lowenstein’s When Genuis Failed: The Rise and Fall of f Long-Term Capital Management, Random House, 2000.

332 “’Google returned links”: Nat Ives, “Media Giants Want to Top Google Results,” Advertising Age, March 23, 2009.

333 when Eric Schmidt envisioned: Miguel Heft, “Google Ends Its Project for Selling Radio Ads,” New York Times, February 13, 2009.

333 “They have no experience”: author interview with Danny Sullivan, March 20, 2008.

333 “a great company”: author interview with Fred Wilson, January 22, 2008.

333 “Google is like that fourteen-year-old”: author interview with Strauss Zelnick, January 9, 2008.

334 Although Mary Meeker believes Google is a great company: author interview with Mary Meeker, January 23, 2009.

334 “There is nothing about their model”: author interview with Clayton Christensen, April 17, 2009.

335 “There is no end in sight”: author interview with Fred Wilson, January 22, 2008.

335 “to the falsehood that you can grow”: author interview with Clayton Christensen, April 17, 2009.



Abrams, Jonathan


advertising formula

Google charges

mechanism of

revenue sharing

Advertising, traditional

concerns about Google

data collection methods

versus Google methods

Internet, impact on

as marketing companies

online ads, increase in

outlook for future

recession of 2008, impact on

spending on ads, increase in

Advertising by Google. See Google advertising


beginning, limitations of

CPC (cost per click), adoption of

keywords, advertiser bidding on

limitations of


Aiken, Paul

Airplane test

Allen, Herbert III

All Things Digital Conference



and cloud computing

electronic book sales

Anderson, Chris

Andreessen, Marc

and Campbell

on decline of newspapers

on Google

and Netscape

new media ventures of



Google exit from

powered by Google deals


Apple/Google board members

and Campbell

Google mobile phone competition

as wave maker

See also Jobs, Steve; specific products

Armstrong, Michael

Armstrong, Tim

leaves Google

role at Google

Arnold, Stephen E.

Arora, Nikesh

Arrillaga, Laura

Arrington, Michael

Artificial intelligence (AI)


Associated Press

Google deal

growth of

issues with Google

online, revenue compared to print

Association of American Publishers

Astound Cable


for AdWords

for IPO stock price

Authors Guild, lawsuit against Google

Ayers, Charlie



Ballmer, Steve

Barron, Seth

Battelle, John

Bechtolsheim, Andy

as Google billionaire

as investor

role at Google

Behavioral targeting

Berndt, Andy

Berners-Lee, Tim

Bernstein, Leonard

Beta testing

Bewkes, Jeff

Bezos, Jeffrey

Bharat, Krishna

Bianchini, Gina


Bisciglia, Christophe

Bloomberg, growth of

Bock, Laszlo

Boeing aircraft, purchase by Google

Books/book publishers

Authors Guild lawsuit

Book Search settlement

complaints against Google

decline of industry

Google position

libraries/Google partnership

orphaned books issue

outlook for future

See also Electronic books

Boorstin, Robert

Borthwick, John

Bouchet, Paul

Bowman, Douglas

Brabazon, Tara

Braddi, Joan

Brain reading

Branson, Richard

Braun, Larry

Braun, Lloyd

Brilliant, Dr. Larry

Brin, Sergey

background information

clarity of purpose

in computer industry

focus at Google

Google, development of

as Google billionaire

on Google contribution to society

limitations of

Parkinson’s gene

personality of

on privacy issue

relationship with Page

at TGIF, example of

title of

Washington visit

wife, Wojcicki, Anne

Bronfman, Edgar M., Jr.

Brown, Bonnie

Brown, Millward



Google as default search

Google impetus for

Buchheit, Paul

Burning Man

Bush, George W.

Business plan

Cable box

Google data gathering with

wireless replacement for

Cable programming

new media ventures of

outlook for future

revenues,increase in