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Strassburg, 1915. См. также P. Ladeuze, Etude sur le Cenobitisme Pachomien, Louvain, 1898.

Palladius. Dialogus de Vita Chrysostomi, ed. ColemanNorton, C. U. P., 1928. Lausaic History, ed. Dom Cuthbert Butler, Texts and Studies 6, C. U. P. Vol. 1. Prolegomena, 1898; Vol. 2. Introduction and Text, 1904. Tr. Lowther Clarke, S. P. С. K., 1918.

Paulinus of Nola. Ed. Härtel, С. S. Ε. L. 2930, Vienna, 1894.

Paul of Elousa. Vita Theognii, A.B. 10, pp. 72118.

Paulus Helladicus. Epistula Anecdota Byzantina, ed. V. Lindström, Up

sala and Leipzig, 1902, pp. 1523.

Philostorgius. Historia Ecclesiastica, ed. Bidez, G. C. S. 21, Berlin, 1913. Prise de Jerusalem (Strategius). Georgian Version, ed. and tr. Garitte, La prise de Jerusalem par les Perses en 615, C. S. С. O., Sen Ib., 1112, 1960.

Procopius of Caesarea. Wars; Secret History ;Buildings; ed. and. tr. Dewing and Downey, Loeb Classical Library (7 vols), 1914—40. Rиti 11 us of Aquileia. Opera, P. L. 21. Historia Ecclesiastica, continuing Eusebius (bks. 1011), ed. Mommsen, G. C. S. 9, vol. II, pp. 9571040. См. F. X. Murphy, Rufinus of Aquileia (345411), His Life and Works, Catholic University of America, Studies in Mediaeval History, New Series, Vol. VI, Washington, D. C, 1945. Historia Monachorum inAegypto (Latin version), P. L. 21, 387^162.

Sarapion of Thmuis. Epistula ad Monachos, P. G. 40, 92542; Letter on the Death of St. Anthony, ed. Draguet, Le Museon 64 (1951), pp. 125. Sebeos. History of Heraclius, Armenian text and Russian translation, ed. Patkanian, St. Petersburgh, 1879; French translation, ed. Macler, Paris, 1904.

Severus of Antioch. The Sixth Book of the Select Letters of Sevens, ed. and tr. Brooks, Text and Translation Society, 1904; A Collection of Letters of Severus of Antioch, ed. and tr. Brooks, P. О. XII. 2; Lives, P. О. И; гомилии и другие сочинения см. Р. О., О. С, R. О. С, С. S. С. О., etc. См. J. Lebon, Le Monophysisme severien, Louvain, 1909.

Severus of Ashmunein. History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church, ed. Evetts, P. 0.1,99214, 381518; V. 125; X. 357552. Socrates. H. E., ed. Hussey (3 vols.), Oxford, 1853; P. G. 67, 29872. Sophronius of Jerusalem. P. G. 87. 3, 31474104; Christmas Sermon (A. D. 534), ed. graece Usener, Kleine Schrifte IV (1913), pp. 16277; DePraesentatione Domini, Bonner UniversitätsProgramm, 3rd. Aug., 1889; On the Baptism, ed. PapadopoulosKeramevs, Ανάλεκτα Ίεροσολυμιτικής Σταχυολογίας, 5 (1898), pp. 15168.

Sozomen. Η. Ε., ed. Hussey (3 vols.), Oxford, 1860; P. G. 67, 8441630.

Sulpicius Severus. Ed. Helm, C. S. E.L. 1, Vienna, 1866.

Theodoret. Η. E., ed. Gaisford, Oxford, 1854; ed. Parmentier, G. C. S. 19,

1911. Historia Religiosa, P. G. 82,12831496. Letters, ed. Azema, 5. C. 40,

98, 111, Paris, 195465 (147 из 232 сохранившихся посланий; издание

должно быть продолжено).

Theodorus Lector. Η. Ε., P. G. 86, 165228.

Theodore of Petra. Vita Theodosii Coenobiarchae, ed. Usener, Der heilige Theodosius, Leipzig (Teubner), 1890; французский перевод см. Festugiere, Les Moines d'Orient, III. 3 (Paris, 1963), pp. 85160. Varsanuphius and John. Βίβλος Βαρσανουφίου ксй Ιωάννου, ed. Nikodemos, Venice, 1816; S. Schoinas, Volos, 1960. Waddell, Helen. The Desert Fathers, translated from the Latin with an intraduction by H. W., London, 1931.

Wensinck, A. J. Legends of Eastern Saints: I. Archelides, Leyden, 1911; II. Hilaria daughter of Zeno, Leyden, 1913.

Zacharias Rhetor. Vita Esaiae, ed. Brooks, C. S. С. O., Scr. Syr. 3, t. 25, 116. Vita Severi, ed. Kugener, P. О. II, 1115. Chronicle, ed. Land, Anecdota Syriaca, 3, 2340; tr. Hamilton and Brooks, The Syriac Chronicle known as that ofZachariah of Mitylene, London, 1899. Zosimas, Abba. Τοΰ οσίου πατρός ημών άββά Ζωσιμά κεφάλαια πάνυ ωφέλιμα, ed. Avgoustinos, Jerusalem, 1913; менее полная версия в P. G. 78, 16801701.

II. Другие работы

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De Vaux, R. L 'Archeologie et les Manuscrits de la Mer Morte. O. U. P., 1961.

Diekamp, F. Die Origenistischen Streitigkeiten im sechsten Jahrhundert, Münster, 1899.

Doresse. J. Les livres secrets desgnostiques d'Egypte, Paris, 1958. Evelyn White, H. G. The Monasteries of the Wadi'n Natrnü; Part II, 777e History of the Monasteries of Nitria and Scetis; Part III, The Architecture and Archaeology; New York, 19323.

Favale, A. Teofilo d'Alessandria (345 с.412), Turin, 1958. Festugiere, A.J. Antioche paienne et chretienne, Paris, 1959. Les Moines d'Orient, I. Culture ou Saintete, Paris, 1961. II. Lives of Hypatius and of Daniel the Stylite, Paris, 1962. III. Cyril of Scythopolis' Lives, Paris, 19623. IV. Historia Monachorum and Vita Prima of Pachomius, 1965. Все названные жития во французском переводе с примечаниями. Genier, R. Vie de Saint Euthyme le Grand (377473), Paris, 1909. Hardy, Ε. R. (Jr.). Christian Egypt: Church and People, О. U. P., 1962. The Large Estates of Byzantine Egypt, New York, 1931.

Hausherr, I. Les legons d'un contemplatif. Le traite de l'oraison d'Evagre le Pontique, Paris, 1960.

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Holl, K. Enthusiasmus und Bussgewalt beim griechischen Mönchtum, Leip

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Rostovtzeff, M. Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, Oxford, 1926.

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Seeck, O. Geschichte des Untergangs der antiken Welt, Berlin, 18951913. Smith, G. Adam. The Historical Geography of the Holy Land, London, 1935 (26th edition).

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