But when Rosa didn't answer, she saw that her attention was still riveted on Frank's greasy smile.
"Don't mind him," she repeated, "he's just the man who delivers the provisions. He's going to be gone soon as he unloads the things he brought up from town and we won't have to see his ugly face around here."
"Oh, yeah?" chortled Frank. "You didn't think my face was so ugly when I was going to work on those tits of yours a few minutes ago."
Vera jabbed him in the ribs and scowled. She looked back to Rosa and demanded, "Come on now, where'd you get these awful photographs?"
"Th-they're not mine," Rosa exclaimed. "I… I saw Diane drop them. She doesn't know I found them. She was showing some to Claire last night and when Lynda came in a few minutes ago, they both started showing them to her. When… when I saw what kind of pictures they were, I ran over here with them."
It was bad enough that Rosa had come just when Vera was starting to let Frank have the run of her body. Now she was reminded of Lynda, and how the girl's black nakedness had been pressed against her just a short time ago.
"Diane and Claire, hmmm?" she mused. "And they were showing more like this to Lynda? Well, I'll just have to have a long talk with those little ladies. You shouldn't have seen these, Rosa. You shouldn't have seen them at all. But you did right by bringing them to me. These are… are awful things for a young girl to see."
Frank was craning his head over Vera's shoulder. "Hell, Vera, the one on top just shows a guy going down on a girl. What's wrong with that? This kid maybe hasn't done it yet, but I'll bet my ass she's thought about what it'd be like. Haven't you, sweetheart?"
Rosa flushed red all the way from her forehead down into her brief night clothes, but her naturally olive complexion almost completely obscured the reaction. She thought about the quick glance she'd taken through the window before Miss Kressler opened the door. She hadn't quite seen everything but she'd certainly seen enough to know something awfully funny was going on between her troop leader and the brash, lecherous delivery truck man. She was glad the woman stood between them. The way he was looking at her was nasty, she thought, more the way a man would look at a woman his own age. Before she was forced to answer his question, Vera interceded once more in Rosa's behalf.
"Frank! Will you please shut your damned foul mouth for one second before I…" she began. But Frank stopped her.
"Before you what, baby?" he hissed into her ear as he clutched her arm and drew her close. "I may look dumb, but I know what the score is. Anybody ever finds out about you letting me into your cabin and putting the make on you, you'll get fired from this job so fast it'll make your head swim. You were so hot you were about to beg me to sock the meat to you before this kid came along. Now that she's here, I aim to let her in on some of the action. You know fucking well she'll never tell – how cool it and let me handle things."
It pained Vera to go along with him, but she knew he was right. Her job was far more important than a few dirty pictures some precocious Campfire Girl had obviously smuggled into the place. She felt that her earlier sex bout with Lynda should have been enough to satisfy her. But she was bisexual, not simply homosexual. So when Frank had unexpectedly presented himself at her cabin, she had been downright greedy about wanting more sex. Now she was sorry she had let herself be swayed so much – because of it, Frank was able to use her excess of desire against her by blackmailing her.
He directed his attentions again on young Rosa, this time with Vera's reluctant cooperation. He sat on the couch and pulled the Mexican adolescent to his side. Her eyes were as big as saucers. He made her show him all the pictures one at a time. Vera told her it was all right, that Frank was a friend of hers and that she shouldn't allow the misunderstanding to matter. He put his arm around Rosa's shoulders and pulled Vera down by his other side.
She loved the feel of his thick arm around her shoulders but when she saw that he was fingering the collar of the youngster's clothes, she got a little worried.
"Your troop leader here can take care of the girl who brought these shots to camp," he said to Rosa. "Right now, let's just look at them, huh? Wow, look how this chick is giving head to that stud. Looks like she's about to swallow him alive, doesn't it?"
Rosa squirmed. She knew he wanted an answer from her but she was too upset to talk. And Miss Kressler wasn't doing a thing to keep the nasty man from pushing his attentions on her. His fingers weighed on her thin nighty collar like a brick and she could tell by the way he was moving them around that he wanted to do a lot more. Every time she caught Miss Kressler's eye, all she received was a guarded look of approval. Rosa wondered if she'd made a mistake by coming to her with the pictures at all.
Frank wasn't wasting any time. He went on through the pictures until he came to one that show two women with one man. "Look at that one," he pointed with relish, "those two chicks are really getting loved up. One's got her mouth full of his prick and he's eating out the other one's snatch. Bet you didn't know three people could do things together, did you, kid?"
She licked her lips and he could see the sweat on her face. "I… I never have seen anything like this. It's awfully nasty, if you ask me. Maybe some of the older girls know about things like that but I'm too young," she meekly answered.
"We'll fix that damn quick, won't we, Vera?" he said. "You're plenty old enough to know about stuff like this, kid. Them two little knockers trying to push through there proves that. Vera and I will show you all about it. When we get through getting those clothes off you, you'll find out it isn't a bit nasty like you think. Here, let me show you what I mean."
With no warning whatsoever, he gripped the collar of her skimpy nighty and pulled it off her body. She wore no bra at all. After all, she had been ready for bed when she left the girls' dorm cabin. But she was wearing panties. It was only seconds before he had his hands on her waist and then she looked down to see them being drawn off her legs and onto the floor.
Rosa twisted her olive-skinned nakedness this way and that in attempt to cover her bared secrets. She'd never had a man see so much of her young body before and she was extremely embarrassed about her appearance under Frank's intense gaze. She looked to Vera for support but was surprised to find the woman didn't respond.
"Vera, will you tell her to cool it? She's acting like I was trying to rape her or something. Hell, all I'm going to do is just fool around with her some and show her how to have fun like the girls in these pictures," Frank said.
Then he turned back to Rosa. "Come on, sugar," he leered, "don't try to make us think this is the first time you ever showed that naked little cunt of yours to anybody. Maybe no one my age has seen it, but I bet plenty of the boys in your class at school have. Shit, you ought to be proud of it – that's quite a little muff you got there for a chick only twelve years old."
Vera was still a little nervous about what she was allowing the man to do to her young charge, but spoke up in Frank's support anyway.
"Don't be scared, Rosa," she said slowly, beginning to gain control of herself. "You're… you're old enough now to learn a few new things about life. What Frank wants to show you won't hurt at all. In fact, it'll feel really great."
Frank nodded his head eagerly. He pinched Vera on the butt to indicate his pleasure at her help.
"Here's what she's talking about, Rosa," he said. He dropped his hand from her shoulder and the youngster felt his huge hand fall over her small breast. She felt his warm palm grow sweaty as it touched the tip of her virginal nipple. To her surprise and embarrassment, she felt the sensitive nipple harden like she'd seen it do on cold mornings. But she knew this was different, far from having anything to do with the weather. In spite of her discomfort at being naked in front of a stranger for the first time in her life, she realized that the touch of his palm on her bare nipple felt very good.