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“You can read their power consumption?”

“Only marginally. The Zxerah site was part of a network of prototype artificial intelligence-controlled computers. The core was damaged almost beyond repair during the crystal bombardment but they managed to reestablish a few of the dormant computer links to the other sites. A very slight increase in power consumption was noted from this facility,” she indicated the one in the Canadian Rockies again on the map, “in the last year or so. That, combined with some other data I’m not at liberty to divulge has led the Patriarch to believe people have moved in.”

“Do you even know what the other data is?”

“Not all of it, but I’ve pieced together some from little things I’ve heard. Rumors of missing test subjects, escaped prisoners, et cetera. I think there’s a better than good chance they’re hiding out there.”

“And you want us to get in touch with them?”

“I believe with all my heart that doing just that is humanity’s best hope for the future.”

“All right.” Jim folded the maps and tucked them both into his pocket, then grabbed the bag off the bed and the rest of her things from the chair. “We’ll go through this stuff as quickly as possible. There will be someone outside in the hall if you need anything. Otherwise, I’d ask that you don’t leave this room until we come get you tomorrow morning.”

“Sure thing.” She sat, her arms folded as she watched him go. “I’ll be a good little prisoner and won’t make waves. For now.”

He turned to stare her down. “The guard is for your own good, and the good of my people. Give us some time to get to know you, Gina.”

“Oh, I think you just got to know me pretty darn well, Jim.” She felt heat rush to her cheeks as the words popped out of her mouth. Too late to call them back. She had to brazen the awkward moment out.

“I’m sorry to have put you through that but I’m not sorry I gave you an orgasm, sweetheart.” He winked, and she had to stifle a gasp at the heat that entered his gaze. “In fact, I already plan on doing it again, when you’re in a better position to agree willingly to letting me fuck your brains out.”

The raw words hit her like velvet punches to her midsection, leaving heat in their wake and an almost painful arousal. No man had ever been so bold with her. She was shocked to discover she liked his blunt talk.

“Surely you have a woman here—or two—to see to your needs. You’re in charge, aren’t you?”

“I protect my people,” he bit out, his eyes going hard. “I don’t take advantage of them. Ever. Especially the weakest of them. The women here are either part of existing families or have been traumatized. Like Tory. We protect them. We help them. We don’t take advantage of them. We’re not barbarians.”

The very real anger in his tone brought her up short. She’d grown too used to the way most human males had coped with the shortage of females since the cataclysm. Many were downright savages. Most shared whatever women they could find, “protecting” them as best they could in small groups. Gina hadn’t given much thought to how a large group like the one living here would make do, but she remembered Jim as a man of honor.

At least, he had been when she’d known him briefly in her youth. From the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice, the honor remained. Gina wondered what else of his previous existence had stayed with him and what parts had changed. She wanted to know what made him tick.

“If that’s the case, then you have my respect.”

“It is the case.” Challenge was written in every line of his tense body. Then he began to relax. “You’ll learn that for yourself once you meet the rest of my people.”

Gina thought it was telling how he claimed caretaker status over the group. He probably didn’t even realize his word choice implied so much. He said it so matter-of-factly that she knew he felt a strong sense of responsibility for the people under his care.

“Then you think there’s a chance I’ll make it past all your inspections and actually get to meet the rest of your group? I have to tell you, the only reason I came here was to meet you, Jim, and pass on what I know.”

“There’s no going back, Gina. Once you learned of our existence—and especially with the knowledge you have—I can’t let you go back to your Alvian masters.”

“They’re not my masters, Jim. The Patriarch is my sensei, my leader. I follow him of my own free will.”

“So you say.” Jim held her gaze. “We’ll take this slow for now, but know this: I want you, Gina, and I intend to have you. You’re not off limits like you were when you were a kid.”

His commanding voice sent a spear of heat through her belly as his words sank home.

“So you were looking at me when I was a teenager? I think I’m flattered.” She tried to keep her tone light. There was more truth in her words than she dared let on.

“Oh, I noticed you sashaying around the dojo, little girl.” A sexy grin lifted one side of his mouth as he stepped right up to her, invading her personal space. “I noticed you then, but kept my distance. This time nothing stands in the way. Not your age. Not your father or brothers. Not my honor.”

“You’re still a man of honor.” Her words whispered across the scant space separating them as his head lowered toward hers.

“How can you tell?” His voice was pitched low, his lips dragging across hers as his arms came around her body.

“I just know.”

Her words were swallowed by the sweep of his tongue over her lips. He kissed her then, delving deep. It was a kiss of possession, of learning and heat. She didn’t want it to end. He’d already been more intimate with her than a mere acquaintance, but they’d yet to share a kiss.

As first kisses went, this one was damned near perfect. Jim seemed to know just where to touch, just how much pressure to apply, just what to do with his talented tongue to make her bones melt. She flowed into him as his arms tightened around her, craving his nearness, his strength, his warmth. She’d never felt anything like it, never dreamed such complete possession could be so freeing, so exhilarating, so much like flying.

Her head was still spinning when he pulled back, letting her go by slow degrees. Her blood pounded through her veins, her breath labored, and she watched him with dazzled eyes to see what he’d do next.

But Jim stepped away, setting her free. It was the dead last thing she expected and the one thing that restored her faith in him as a man. He wouldn’t take advantage of her dazed senses. He wouldn’t push her into anything on such short reacquaintance. He’d give her space and the time she needed. He wasn’t the barbarian she’d nearly accused him of being.

“You have more faith in me than I do, Gina,” he said, putting his hand on the doorknob. “Keep this locked, and don’t go out until I come get you tomorrow.”

As the door closed behind him, Gina realized two very important things. First, her life had just become very complicated. And second, she finally knew who the second man in her dreams had been.

Chapter Seven

Little Gina Hanson. Jim couldn’t get her out of his mind as he continued down the hall toward his core group of men who led and protected the complex. He knew they were waiting for him.

The past few astounding minutes distracted him. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. About the past and the present. About the way her skin felt and how she’d responded to him.