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“Mood for what?” Grady looked confused. “I don’t understand any of what you just said. What’s a penny, and why would she give you one for your thoughts?”

Gina laughed, turning to Grady and taking his arm. “That’s just an old saying. A penny is a coin we used to use to pay for things.”

“So you were willing to pay him for his thoughts? Shouldn’t such things be free between mates?” Grady frowned at Jim, and he had a hard time not laughing in the alien’s face.

“They should indeed,” Gina agreed readily as she started walking, taking Grady with her. Jim followed along close behind.

“Where are we going?” Jim protested when they neared the main entrance to the underground complex. There was a series of tunnels before they’d reach the outside, but this short tunnel, sealed by two huge, metal blast doors, was the entrance to the facility itself.

“I heard about a special place, just outside, in one of the side tunnels. A hot spring.” She sent him a daring look that immediately fired his libido. It didn’t take much to get his motor running where Gina was concerned.

“You don’t say?”

“It’s secluded and private with an independent water source. The ladies I spoke to swore by it for bathing…and other things.”

“Really?” Jim allowed her to coax him out into the small entry tunnel.

There were guards posted at both ends of the small tunnel—one inside the facility and one just outside, in the tunnels. The man inside gave Gina a wink as he heard where they were headed. The second guard cautioned them to be back before they sealed the facility down for the night at midnight. They had a couple of hours to enjoy themselves.

The grotto was lovely. Jim peeked into the chamber before entering, noting as Gina placed a discrete marker at the entrance.

“What’s that for?”

“So we won’t be disturbed. The ladies came up with this little system.” She winked at him.

“Ingenious,” he agreed, pulling her hips to his as he leaned in for a quick kiss.

He was aware of Grady behind them, but didn’t pay the alien much mind until he brushed past. Jim raised his head and followed the alien warrior into the chamber, letting Gina precede him.

Jim crouched down at the lip of the pool, dipping his fingers into the water as he looked around. A cold waterfall doused the rocky depression, which was filled from below with piping hot water. The result was a mixture of perfect temperature, the mineral content diluted with fresh water filtered through the rocks from above. The mixture cut the earthy scent of the minerals.

Jim would bet the area around the vents was bubbly warm if one wanted to soak. He also imagined the brisk waterfall would be a refreshing way to clean up. The combination in one heavenly grotto was nature’s perfection.

Grady had stripped and was in the water before Jim even straightened. Gina, laughing, wasn’t far behind.

Jim took his time, watching Grady and Gina swim a little, enjoying the water. When they started enjoying each other, Jim stripped and entered the pool. He gave them a few minutes while he swam around a bit, exploring the boundaries and depths of the pool. The thermal vents were toasty warm and bubbly against his feet and legs on one end, the cold water of the waterfall refreshing on the other. If an architect had planned it, nothing could be more perfect in design and function.

But then again, the Great Architect had a hand in this place’s building. Jim wasn’t an overtly religious man, but he believed in the Creator. Especially when he saw someplace like this. Nature’s beauty always had a way of convincing him that somebody up there had a plan for things, and just that small reminder was enough to reassure him.

Finding Gina again made him feel that way too. A relationship that would have been impossible in the old world was not only possible now, but promising. With Gina working with him, they had a chance to positively affect the world for all humans. And Grady might be an integral part of it all.

There was no way he could have imagined it just a few days ago, but now things looked good for the future for the first time in decades. Instead of merely existing and eking out a living hidden from the aliens, humans had a chance to do something proactive to change the world for the better.

Jim took another look at his friends at the other end of the pool. He couldn’t be absolutely certain, but it sure looked like Grady was already buried balls deep in Gina’s tight pussy. That didn’t take long.

It was shallower on this end and warmer away from the waterfall. Natural ledges made this part of the pool almost like a hot tub. That was something he planned to exploit with Gina at length—once Grady was done.

He hoped Gina had eaten well today. She’d need her strength if she was going to keep up with both her men.

The thought gave him pause, but only for a moment. He kind of liked the way that sounded. Being Gina’s man would have a lot of benefits and only a few drawbacks. The sense of belonging to another person was something he’d never really expected to feel again in his life. Not since the cataclysm had changed everything.

He’d bet Grady had never experienced such a thing—not even on a superficial level, as Jim had with a few of his girlfriends during his youth. Grady had never experienced love—or any emotion—until very recently. It made Jim feel sad for the guy. He didn’t even have the memories of a family’s love to fall back on in rough times. Only his emotionless Alvian brethren who seemed more like machines at times than people.

Jim swam around a bit, watching as Gina clung to the big alien. He was definitely fucking her if her soft moans were anything to go by. He liked the way her breasts bobbed on the surface of the water while Grady pounded into her below. Her head was thrown back as the muscles in Grady’s neck strained, his big arms supporting her. His expression was fierce, and Jim wondered for a moment if he looked the same when he was close to ecstasy with this special woman.

One of Grady’s arms slipped in the bubbly water, jiggling Gina, and Jim decided it was time to give them a hand. Or two.

He approached Gina from behind, sliding up behind her in the warm, effervescent water. Grady met his gaze over her shoulder.

“Give her to me. I’ll hold her.” Jim held out his hands, and Grady relinquished her upper body into Jim’s care, transferring his hold to her hips. She was stretched out between them in the fizzing water, trusting them to see to her safety…and her pleasure.

Jim looped his arms under her shoulders from behind, supporting her against his chest. The position left his hands free to some extent. He could reach her nipples and enjoyed the little whimpering sounds that issued from her throat when he began teasing the turgid peaks.

She was so beautiful. She took his breath away. So responsive, she made his dick stand up and take notice. He wanted inside her, and he’d have her—again and again—as soon as Grady finished. Oddly, he didn’t mind the wait. The idea tantalized him instead. It appealed to his competitive nature as well. He’d do all he could to make her peak higher, her ecstasy longer than the other man.

The way he figured it, they’d all benefit from the friendly competition. Gina most of all…if they didn’t wear her out first.

Gina had never felt so decadent in her life, being attended by two gorgeous men she loved. Grady pummeled her with a hint of desperation she found endearing while Jim touched off sparks of desire wherever his fingers roamed on her eager body. She hadn’t realized she was such a slut, but with these two men, she was learning her limits were much more extreme than she’d believed.

Jim rolled her nipples between his fingers with just the right pressure. He was never too rough, his touch always just right. Grady, on the other hand, forgot himself at times. The poor man couldn’t help it. She knew he had moments where his emotions threatened to overwhelm him. Her empathic sense guided her at those times, helping her coax him into a gentler loving.