Oh, God! - Marina shouted.
- Girl, you wanted be a fairy? So be it! I'm going on vacation. I'm not a slave to work for centuries without leave! Wearied. Work, goddess! the voice of God came from above.
People lying on the floor shrank in fear and began to crawl out of the room on their knees. Their eyes wandered hungrily on Marina's figure.
- Where are you all going? - asked Marina in a terrible voice. - You'll be my apostles!
- How do you say, the Queen you are our Graphite - said the ubiquitous Nymph Igor, she quickly recovered.
Of course, no Marina Virtual fairy did not think, but the other titles, it began to shower from head to toe. Interesting fact, but people listened to her! She requested a bedchamber with white and black stripes. She wanted dishes decorated with white and black pearls. Her wishes were quickly fulfilled by domestic servants.
On the second day Marina demanded to collect animals, to paint their skins in color of graphite or a simple pencil and to place in white cages. All shades of black were used by those who obsequiously believed in a new Shrine - the Graphite goddess.
On the third day, Marina got sick of playing the fairy. She was tired of her own body, she wanted to be the same girl and not even a fairy! But God went on vacation and didn't say how many days or centuries he was gone. Marina began to tear apart new thoughts, she wanted control over all the people of the planet, not only over her classmates! And no more and no less! Above all!
And how does God govern all men? And then she remembered that there are different religions, so she will not have to follow all the people, but only the Orthodox. She breathed a sigh of relief!
All my life I commanded only myself, and here it is necessary to rule over all! No, she didn't want to be a fairy on principle! God rested three days - and could go back to work! Marina Is Tired. Oh, tired!
Animals from unusual colouring became evil. Above the surroundings stood a beastly roar. Barked painted the same color of the dog. Marina looked at herself and roared in unison to the beasts.
The room came Nymph Igorevna:
- What do you want, your Highness?
- I'm a fairy! I'm almost a goddess!
- I'm sorry, Marina, but in the earth the posts not the title 'goddess', but is a king, a Princess, President.
- Nymph I., You can not argue. Then give me advice on how to keep an eye on all mankind?
- What do you need it for? Surveillance-work is very tedious. And then, on the map Virtual Kingdom-the state is not visible. I understand that you are a goddess or a fairy, I do not accept this, but I obey!
- Be human, Nymph I., give me the old look!
- Marina, cut your nails, dye your hair...
Nymph Igorevna did not have time to finish, as three people flew into the room. They collapsed to the floor and stretched out a long screen to Marina, who was carrying.
- This is a screen to watch humanity! said average of the three, a man named Oleg, who was in the school lesson of Cybernetics.
- That, all, it turns out, can be done! Why the panoramic screen? - asked majestically Marina.
- This screen is designed to monitor entire regions. You will be brought a flat map of the world, it will be located handles to move around the map, and the screen will reflect the reality, - said the young man with feigned servility.
In the room made a card with handles and set the screen.
It's all right, - said Marina - but how am I going to possess the souls of people?
Marina, and to rule over the souls of men necessarily? - asked maliciously Nymph Igorevna, standing aside from the movements of people with surveillance equipment. - Look at the screen, that's enough.
- What do you mean enough?! - roared Marina.
And that means that God alone works, and you have darkness living at the whim of his subordinates, continued to instruct her Nymph Igorevna.
Marina, I like the older friend, I want to say a word, ' said the handsome Oleg.
- Oleg, You me word on week say a word or on month? - Marina smiled smugly.
- There's a way to follow people's souls. You care about that? Soul shower, colander, ' said Oleg nervously, bending fingers on a hand.
- In Short, Oleg! Deal talk less! - Marina raised her voice.
- Anywho! You need to take an optical fiber, make a bouquet out of it. On the one hand you will look through the magnifying glass at the outputs of the fibers, and your eyes penetrate the souls of many people. The day you'll protandrous the whole region, and the rumor among the population will spread that the Virtual goddess sees everything.
- Look, I like you! I appoint you my first Apostle.
"I am always glad to serve the gods, but in my free time, which I do not have, so I can not be an Apostle.
- Rattled! So make a shower for the soul of optical fibers and attach it to the screen! - Marina exclaimed joyfully and stretched out in a chair in all directions.
Oleg looked at Marina sitting in the chair, his eyes flashed sly, and he said:
- Your Majesty, you are our goddess! There is one delicate request: it is necessary to remove all detectives from all books.
- What's left in them? Who will fight for justice? Who will protect the reputation of the law?
- I ask to remove detectives from books, not from life!
- And how will we correct the books of the writers who have gone to the other world? Where do we get authors if they're not in the world? - asked Marina.
- It is necessary to establish the law under which all heroes of books have to be live up to the end of the book.
That's impossible! Who Let you in on me?
- He passed, - said Oleg, and went through the wall.
Why did he run? - Marina addressed to Nymph Igorevna. - You could have talked to me again. He has an interesting proposal and concerns the shower. Give me a book from the table, did you read it yourself? Is it alive? Why is there amber on the book? He, for the souls of the people responsible or their mental attitude?
Marina, in the book dies favorite person of the main character.
- That's not right! If he's a loved one, then he's a man. And men are Adam, and they are needed to create a kind. And there is an opportunity to revive a loved one sad heroine?
- He is injured, is leafing through the book, said the Nymph Igorevna. - As a man he is a whole, and as a thinker-died.
But if the brain is dead, the person is considered dead. Tell me about the soul, where is his soul? Does the book say where his soul is? We Fax his soul and restore him as the hero of the series.
- Then he'll be a living dead! - cried the Nymph of I. with round surprised eyes.
Not about that. Can we do without detectives in this book? - Marina asked with interest.
- What are we supposed to do? To revive all the characters and remove all the detectives? And if there is a theft of sapphires, the detective will be necessary.
- We will enter the book as graphite purifiers of hero souls.
Such a proposal the woman only shook her head.
God looked from heaven at the Graphite fairy and blessed her for a good cause:
Marina, you're the Graphite goddess.
But it seemed to her that part of her new strength had gone to her young man or his DoppelgangeR.
Նատալյա Патрацкая
Графитовая հեքիաթ
Մարինա շատ լավ գիտեր իր неуемный բնույթ եւ անհամար ցանկությունները ։ Եւ հիմա նա նստած էր սեւ համակարգչային սեղանի վրա եւ бредила տարօրինակ գաղափար է, թե ինչպես է դառնալ Վիրտուալ հավերժահարս. Ինչու է դա նրան պետք էր, նա չգիտեր, բայց շատ կցանկանայի դառնալ միակ եւ всесильной.
Իշխանությունը մարդկանց մոտ երբեք չի եղել, բայց նա սպիտակ եւ սեւ визитка վառ տառերով, որտեղ կանգնեցվել է նրա անունը, եւ հեռախոս ֆաքսով, որով ուղարկել տեսանելի տեքստեր եւ պատկերներ. Նա մտածում այն մասին, թե ինչպես է նրան դառնալ Վիրտուալ հեքիաթների հետ ծագում է паровоза.
Նա почесала согнутым մատը կզակ, կարծես челюстях էր ուղեղը, եւ մտախոհ նայում է голубоватое երկինք, որով ստիպել ճերմակ ամպեր. Ոչ մի նոր բան հորիզոնում, ինչպես ուզում է նրան կենդանի նստել սպիտակ ամպի եւ ոտքերով զրուցել է лаковых сапожках.
Ինչ հիմարություն է գալիս գլխին! Մարինա почесала համար ականջի, քանի որ ականջը ուղեղի ավելի մոտ է, քան կզակ. Հետո ձեռքը потянулась բոլոր ճակատին ու քթի, որում ուղեղը երբեք չի եղել ։ Իսկ նրան անհրաժեշտ է ուղեղները, որպեսզի հանդես գալ գաղափարը: ինչպես դառնալ Графитовой աստվածուհի! Այնքան էլ հեշտ. Այդ պահին նա պարզապես ֆիզիկապես զգացի, որ վերցրել իր համար шкирку եւ поднесли դեպի առաստաղը տարածքներ.
Օդում է որոտացել բառերը:
- Ես Աստուած, եւ դու ոչ ոք!
Մարինա ուշքի է հատակին. Տարածքում ոչ ոք չի եղել, հայտարարություններն ընդհանուր հաշվով որեւէ մեկին. Պատուհանները եւ դռները փակ են եղել. Նա դարձել է թախծոտ. Նա հիշեց ասելով: շատ ես ուզում, - քիչ կտամ. Աղջիկ потерла ушибленное մարմինը.
Նա ուզում է, որ նրա մարմինը չի ցավում անկման պատճառով առաստաղից հատակին. Ու մարմինը դադարել է հիվանդ. Նա вздохнула, բարձրացավ սեռից, կամաց-կամաց հասել է աթոռին, բայց նստել նրա վրա չի դարձել. Նա ետ նայեցի է նրան: գահին եւ ծառաների համար կարված fairies չեն եղել: Համակարգչի проклюнулась խնայարար.