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Miss Halclass="underline" Yes, noise. Extraordinary. How, precisely, one wonders, do you do with it what you do with it? I freely confess to a kind of global migraine every time I go anywhere near one of your records. I mean totally apart from the question of decibels, there's that intermixture of instruments or something that's so sort of shattering to one's composure, to put it mildly.

BW: That's why we're so great. We make noise. We make it louder than anybody else and also better. Any curly-haired boy can write windswept ballads. You have to crush people's heads. That's the only way to make those fuckers listen.

Mr. Porter: But what I'm really trying to get at, really, I think, is the more basic question of human values, human concerns.

Mr. Uolroyd: I think what George is really trying to get at is the effect of this type of thing…

Mr. Porter: No, no, no, no, no.

Mr. Bakey: Lunch.

Mrs. Olmstead: Do you consider yourself an artist? BW: The true artist makes people move. When people read a book or look at a painting, they just sit there or stand there. A long time ago that was okay, that was hip, that was art. Now it's different. I make people move. My sound lifts them right off their ass. I make it happen. Understand. I make it happen. What I'd like to do really is I'd like to injure people with my sound. Maybe actually kill some of them. They'd come there knowing full well. Then we'd play and sing and people in the audience would be frozen with pain or writhing with pain and some of them would actually die from the effects of our words and music. It isn't an easy thing to create, the right sound at the proper volume. People actually collapsing in pain. They'd come there knowing full well. People dying from the effects of all this beauty and power. That's art, sweetheart. I make it happen.

Mr. Niles: At this point I suspect you're only being half-serious.

BW: Which half?

Mr. Bakey: You're not saying, or are you, that the only thing you do is make loud noises and this is what explains the Wunderlick formulation or ethos. BW: My whole life is tinged with melancholy. The more I make people move, the closer I get to personal inertness. With everybody jumping the way they do and holding their heads in the manner they're inclined to hold their heads, I feel in kind of a mood of melancholy because I myself am kind of tired of all the movement and would like to flatten myself against a wall and become inert. MissHalclass="underline" Quite so.

Mr. Bradley: I wonder if you'd like to discuss the origin and meaning of the phrase pee-pee-maw-maw. I know it's traceable to you and it seems to be sweeping the country at the moment. Everywhere I go, and I do extensive traveling, I see people wearing shirts and trousers with those little syllables on them, not to mention seeing pee-pee-maw-maw on shopping bags, buttons, decals, bumper stickers, and even hearing dolls say it over and over, five-dollar talking dolls that say that phrase over and over. I know it's all traceable to you and I just wonder what it all signifies, if anything. BW: Childhood incantation. Mr.Bakey: Ah.

Mrs. Olmstead: Perhaps you'd care to elaborate. BW: As a little kid in the street I used to hear older kids saying it. It's one of the earliest memories of my life. Older kids playing in the street at night. I'd be on the stoop or watching from a window. Too little to play with the older kids. Summer nights on the street in New York. Very early memory. These kids chanting to each other. Pee-pee-maw-maw. I don't think anybody knew what it meant or where it came from. Probably twelfth century England or the Vikings or the Moors. These kids chanting it on the street. Pee-pee-maw-maw. Pee-pee-maw-maw. Chants like that can be traced to the dawn of civilization. Like games kids play can be traced a thousand years back to kids in India. Same with incantations. It's an interesting subject. You should schedule it.

Mr. Fielder: For my closing remarks, which I promise you will be kept as brief as humanly possible, given the pronounced oratorical bias of your speaker and chairman, I'd like simply to say that this has been a most dynamic round table, surely for me a most instructive one as well, as it was I believe for all of us gathered here, although each no doubt has his or her own idea of levels of merit, remembering our own Turner Bakey and his oft-quoted rejoinder to Ed-dings' paraphrase of Larue during the Arts-Leadership Committee's brunch on genocide. At any rate, thanks one and all. And now for a dip in the pool.

Three tracks from

diamond stylus

Recorded on Anspar Records amp; Tapes

International copyright secured

Cold War Lover

I worked her body with a touchLearned from the hand of a bund old manLiving in a one-room duplexIn Nashville's Chinatown
It was love truest loveUnder gunOne by oneShe was the butch of New OrleansI was her sometime beau
In those murderbeds of pimps and tricksAll those ranting nightsWe took what was and left the restAnd mailed the short hairs east to west
Oh funky city Funky city oh
We loved each other with a heatLearned from the tongue of a strung-out toutSquatting in a two-room toiletIn Tulsa's Upper Crust
It was love animal loveUnder lockRock by rockShe was the butch of New OrleansI was her sometime beau
In those murderbeds of queens and marksSultry afternoonsWe said a prayer and took a hitAnd went to church to nod a bit
Oh funky cityFunky city oh
She washed my body with a graceLearned from the rub of a burnt-out caseLocked in a padded tubIn the Memphis Steamless Baths
It was love animal loveUnder keyThree by threeShe was the butch of New OrleansI was her sometime beau
In those murderbeds of cons and prosAll those summer daysWe reached the end and bent the wickAnd placed an ad for stamps to lick
Oh funky cityFunky city oh
We broke each other with a skillLearned from the mind of a kindly dikeStuck in an airless shaftIn Harlem's Lonely Heart
It was love truest loveCannibal warMore and moreShe was the butch of New OrleansI was her sometime beau
In those murderbeds of men and wivesFinal quickest trip
She took a gun, a thirty-onePut her tongue to the bluesteel tip
Oh funky citiesMobile's paper millsI swim in the bayAnd get laid by dayAnd cry for my love all the night
Protestant Work Ethic Blues
Rising up in the morningLooking down at yourself in bedOh rising up in the morningSeeing your pale old body matter-of-factually deadOh blueNever too white to sing the blues
Getting yourself togetherPulling day and night apartOh getting yourself togetherStaring hard at your laminated astrological chartOh blueNever too white to sing the blues
Sitting up in your plastic chairSwallowing down some frozen toastOh catching that old broken window trainTake you to the placeThe placeThe placeTake you to the place that you hate the most
Oh yeah
Protestant work ethic bluesYou got those white collar blues
Dropping down behind your deskCrumpled in a puddly heapOh dropping down behind your deskWaiting for the strength to take that existential leapOh blueNever too white to sing the blues