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“As you wish,” said Relic.

“This is an unnecessary precaution,” said Numinous. “Even if she was armed with the Gloryhammer, she could not harm me.”

Infidel’s face was passive as she handed Relic her weapons. I felt a shiver pass down my non-existent spine as he grasped the hilt of the knife.

The king’s men and the Goons retreated to the edge of the sunlit circle, forming an impromptu arena. I noticed that Reeker had finally let go of his tongue; apparently the Truthspeaker’s command wasn’t permanent. The boy stood in the center of the circle, his stance loose, his arms dangling. His eyes were fixed on Infidel’s face. She stopped about six feet away and raised her fists, planting her feet in a boxer’s stance.

Seconds passed into moments as the two studied each other. Infidel bobbed back and forth as she waited for the boy to make his move. I could tell she still worried about hurting the kid. With his placid face, Numinous looked more like a bored observer of the fight than a participant.

Infidel was the first to lose patience. She jumped toward the boy, kicking out, her foot aimed at his gut. Numinous stepped aside fluidly, placing one hand on her ankle, another behind her knee as she flew into the space where he’d just stood. With an ear-splitting cry of “Yiaiiah!” he spun her in the air, slamming her face-down into the gravel. Before she could pick herself up, he leapt into the air, shouted, “Hiaaayah!” and landed with his full weight on the back of her neck, burying her head deeper into the small stones. He bounced off, landing gracefully. He looked down at Infidel with a smug expression. Infidel didn’t move a muscle.

“That didn’t take long,” Ivory Blade said from the edge of the circle.

“It’s not over,” said Numinous. “She’s still conscious.”

As he said this, Infidel’s fists closed around big handfuls of gravel. In a flash, she sat up and whipped her arms toward the Golden Child, letting the gravel fly in a dangerous hail of stone shrapnel. Yet before the gravel had even left her fingers, Numinous dove toward her. His body twisted as he spun through the stony cloud, avoiding every last piece. The gravel sparked as it struck the boulders beyond.

Infidel was still sitting with her arms out when the boy reached her. His leg blurred as he kicked her three times in the throat with cries of “Hyia! Hyia! Hyia!” She went down, flat on her back, her arms limp. The boy landed, hopping on a single foot. His placid expression was replaced by an unmistakable frown. He winced as he placed weight on his kicking-foot.

Infidel sat back up, rubbing her wind-pipe. “Son of a bitch,” she muttered.

Among the king’s men, there was a simultaneous furrowing of brows.

Relic cleared his throat. “The War Doll has been programmed to utter simple phrases to simulate pain or frustration. The old kings demanded this verisimilitude.”

The boy wasn’t distracted by the conversation at the edge of the arena. His eyes were locked on Infidel as she rose. The kicks to the throat might have decapitated an ordinary woman. Right about now, the Golden Child was probably starting to wonder about the possibility of steel bones after all.

Infidel made it back to her feet. She took a deep breath, steadying herself. She leaned forward slightly and the boy danced back. Even with a sore foot, he was still as nimble as a cat. Maybe he was going to have a hard time breaking Infidel, but she faced an equally tough challenge in knocking him down.

Infidel lunged toward the boy. Instead of aiming a blow at the child, she raised both fists above her head, then dropped to her knees, delivering a powerful two-fisted strike to the ground. Gravel flew into the air in a wave. I gave the cave roof a worried glance as the shock toppled boulders and popped tent pegs. Numinous merely lifted his feet into the air as the destructive energy passed beneath him. When he landed, he somersaulted toward Infidel. She rose, punching out, and he used her outstretched arm as a springboard. He landed behind her and shouted, “Hyuh!” as he kicked into the bend of her knees. Infidel’s legs folded beneath her, but before she hit the ground, the boy unleashed a whirlwind of blows — “Hyi! Hyun! Haih! Yah! Huu!” — as he aimed precise strikes at nerves in her spine, elbows, and shoulders.

Infidel sucked in air as her face twisted in pain. She rolled to her back as the Golden Child dropped toward her, sinking both knees into her gut just beneath her ribs, then rolling forward and cuffing both ears simultaneously as he shouted, “Kiii!” His momentum carried him out of Infidel’s reach as she flailed her arms uselessly in the air.

“I’ve seen enough,” said Lord Tower, raising his hand. “The War Doll has failed the test.”

Relic sighed. “Centuries of wear have cost the War Doll some of its former prowess. Still, you must admit, it has withstood the best the boy can throw at it without breaking.”

I prayed that he was right, that Infidel wasn’t broken, but I wasn’t sure. Her eyes were unfocused as her legs uselessly pushed at the gravel. Her arms were splayed to her side, fingers twitching.

The Golden Child paced in a circle around his victim.

“The fight continues!” he cried, his voice a fierce growl. “She has not yet cried out for mercy! I will not rest until she confesses her ruse!”

“Your holy urchin is a sadist,” Aurora said, from across the sunlit arena.

“He has an unwavering passion for truth,” said Father Ver.

“Nonetheless,” said Lord Tower, “The fight is over. We should-”

He never got to complete his sentence. The Golden Child leapt into the air above Infidel, spinning like a top, as he unleashed an ear-piercing battle cry. Gone was the placidity that had gripped his features earlier. Blood-lust blazed in his eyes.

Then, to everyone’s surprise, Infidel moved, grabbing a fist-sized rock in her right hand, a slightly larger one in her left. She swung her arms together as the boy dropped toward her, his feet aimed at her belly. Numinous tucked up his legs, and the rocks passed beneath his toes. The stones collided with a BANG that raised everyone’s hands to their ears. The rocks were pulverized, concealing Infidel and the boy inside a cloud of smoky gray dust.

From inside the haze there was a sharp high-pitched shout of “Aiigh!” It took a fraction of a second to realize that this wasn’t another war-cry. Numinous trailed dust as he shot skyward, a good fifty feet up the shaft, both hands grasping his crotch. Infidel sprang up as the boy reached his apex. The Golden Child’s eyes went wide as he spun his body, trying to avoid landing in Infidel’s grasp, but, as I knew all too well, no amount of arm-flapping and desperate kicking can change the trajectory of a falling body.

Infidel lifted an arm and grabbed the boy by the ankle, then swung him in an overhead arc to plant his face in the gravel.

“The fight is over!” shouted Lord Tower, jumping toward the combatants.

“The hell it is,” growled Infidel, whipping the boy up again, painting the gravel before her with a line of bright blood.

“The War Doll is programmed to taunt its enemies,” Relic said, though I don’t know if anyone was listening. Everyone’s eyes were wide with horror as Infidel spun the boy’s limp body around overhead and flung him. The child smashed into the stone wall above the Truthspeaker. The boy bounced off, completely limp, as the Whisper dove to catch him. She lowered his battered body gently to the ground. He was bleeding from both ears. His arms were bent at odd angles, as if they had too many joints.

Everyone was paralyzed as they stared, slack-jawed, at the bloodied child. Ivory Blade was the first to recover his senses. He whirled around, drawing his sword, as he shouted, “You’ve broken our Golden Child!” He leapt toward Relic, the tip of his sword aimed for the hunchback’s eyes.

Lord Tower reached out his gauntleted hand and caught the albino swordsman in mid-strike. The sword sliced the air six inches away from Relic’s hood.