The Chaplain was puzzled for a minute; then he continued: "The evil consists in you are a clever girl. You will not compromise your present happiness by fruitless debates. Amuse yourself my child, and try to amuse others according to the rules of the school. I remit your sins unto you." "I thank you my father. And I testify my gratitude by acknowledging that the confession has served as a pretext for joining a friend who had given me a voluptuous rendezvous."
He smiled and replied:
"I do not wish to know the name of your accomplice.
As a penitence for your trick, you must, however, calm the irritation of the poor excited devil here between my thighs. Look, my child."
I leaned my forehead against the grate and saw the Chaplain with raised cassock, exhibiting a very, very long stiff instrument.
"How can I calm it, my father?"
"By sucking it in the sacristy. Will you yield to the penitence?" "If I had a right to refuse, I should ask a favor to do so."
"Oh, my child, you promise to be a splendid recruit to the school. Come to the sacristy."
"Why to the sacristy, Father? 1A? I joined you in your little cell and knelt down before you?" "Yes, yes, that's it."
Isabelle was still at the altar. She turned at the noise of the door of the confessional, and stood disconcerted when she saw me disappear beside the Chaplain.
I knelt down between his thighs. He caressed my head and hair. My lips approached the big thing. I longed for this pleasure. I had not had the male thing since I left Chartres. I blessed my own intelligence which had ushered me into the presence of the Chaplain's attributes. The enormous head entered my mouth. My heart leaped with joy and happiness and I took hold of the sprinkler with both hands.
What a size it was, my dear Paul Twice as big as the Abbe Dussac's and three times as big as your own.
I applied my lips to it slowly and glided down in sudden jerks till little by little I engulfed the whole splendid monster in my mouth. Alas, I could not take it all in. Thrown back in his chair, his thighs completely uncovered, the Chaplain resigned himself to my caresses, I could resist the intoxicating temptation to enjoy to the full the contact with his body. I let the thing slip out of my mouth, placed my forehead under it, raised the balls with my tongue and stooped to lick it as far as the beginning of his buttocks.
He sighed again and again.
He patted my head with his knob to remind me of the sucking and I resumed my work with lips and tongue.
He started wriggling his arse and from time to time squeezed down the upper part of his body by pressing his hands on my shoulders, and suddenly a mighty jet of sperm was sent into my mouth and over my nose and cheeks.
Oh, the trembling and jumping of his prick on my face. I shall never forget it. It throbbed violently. I lay with my head on his thighs in a delicious ecstasy. He caressed my cheeks which I glued to his naked body and then wiped my face with his handkerchief. I understood we had to blot out the traces of the adventure.
Some drops had stained my bodice. He told me to accompany him to the sacristy where he would dean it.
When we passed the altar, I observed that Isabelle, who was hidden on the other side, sent me an angry look.
In the sacristy the Chaplain cleaned the stain with water after which I washed my face and left him after he had kissed me tenderly and promised me his protection. In the passage I came across Isabelle, who seized me by the arm, and cried, boxing my ears:
"There, you dirty beast, sucker, that you are. You are not content with your friends. You want to play with the men. That's to teach you better manners. It's all over between us and I'll speak to Angela and she'll give it to you."
She turned her back on me and left me quite stunned.
Another vexation awaited me in the study. On my return Miss Blanche said with a certain irony:
"Your confession has been rather long, Adeline. I should not have thought you had so many sins to confess. They have, however, been rather important. I see you look quite distraught and your manners are strange. I deprive you of the recreations of tomorrow and beg you to copy the first act of Athalie." This awakening was rather disagreeable, dear Paul, but I submitted in silence.
A heart kiss from
From the Same to the Same
The Chaplain had promised me his protection and kept his word. It was some days before he got an opportunity of occupying himself with my humble person, but one morning he heard of my punishment and sent for my mistress and me. He said to Miss Blanche. I have just seen in the list of correction that Adeline has been punished. I had forgotten to give her a note of justification. This punishment is unjust and I ask Juliette to give her the Blue Riband as recompense. Thus she'll reward her for her submission. I take under my protection and I exact that she be annoyed by nobody."
Juliette kissed me on both cheeks and tied a blue Riband with a star around my neck. This proclaimed the Chaplain's protection and made me in a measure a favorite.
That morning he was content to kiss my forehead and I returned to the study with Blanche, who was published the nature of my reward to the schoolfellows. In spite of Isabella's low spirits in my presence, Angela did not share her anger and granted her devoted friendship as before.
I often passed my recreation time with my charming, friend who gratified my desires as best she could. But I longed for Isabelle because she insulted me most cruelly whenever we happened to be alone.
Putting a finger in her mouth, she cried: Dirty beast! Sucker! Oh she runs after men.
This vexed and irritated me. One day I told Marie about Isabelle and her abominable conduct. "Well," she said, "If you had answered by calling her a Sodomite, an encule. If you had thrown yourself upon her and drubbed her soundly, she would love you and lick you from head to foot. That's her way."
"What are the meaning of those words?"
"Don't you know? Those are the words for receiving a man's prick in his bumhole."
"Prick?" "Dear me, the instrument, yes. Isabelle is the favorite of M. Dandin who always inserts it into her bum."
The school time passed as usual but at the end of the lesson, Miss Blanche said to me:
"Go to the chapel during the recreation, Adeline, the Reverend Father expects you."
I guessed that he was about to make use of his privileges and if I had been in doubt, the looks of my school fellows and their remarks would have enlightened me."
"Look here," said one, "Before you do what he demands, ask him to give you a nocturnal feast in honour of you. We dance and amuse ourselves."
The Chaplain waited in the Sacristy and took me into the little boudoir. A dainty repast was served on a small table and he invited me to eat and drink.
While satisfying my appetite, I saw a thousand burning flames sparkle in his eyes.
His hand slipped under my petticoats, and he tickled me between my thighs. After that he tucked up my petticoats and setting me on his knees, placed his big instrument, his prick, between my buttocks, in the furrow you know, and encircling me with his arms, clamping his hands over my belly, he lifted me from time to time by the vigour of his member which insisted upon standing straight up.
When appeased my hunger, he said:
"My little favorite. Before we abandon ourselves to luscious sexual pleasures I want to do something for you. Give me an order and it shall be executed."
Well, then, I answered, "A nocturnal feast."
"Well, so be it. We will fix it for Saturday. But now you must suck me a little. Afterwards I shall ask you to give yourself up to me as you did to the Abbe Dussac."
I trembled all over. Sitting his knees, I felt his prick wander everywhere under my arse. When he transferred it from the furrow to under the buttocks, it seemed by the facility with which it pushed me from one side to another, to be even bigger than it really was.