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Kneeling on all fours, he tongued her bum hole, and then jumping upon her arse, he bottom fucked her in.the most brutish manner, after which he went to bed and she retired.


She accomplished her ablutions in the cabinet before returning to her room, and as she opened the door to get out, she found herself face to face with Paul, who, with a candle in his hand was about to retire and enter. Being a quick-witted girl, she did not give him time to recover from his surprise, but blew out the light and whispered:

"Are you very much pressed?"

"No, I could not sleep and made a pretext of it to get out of bed." "If so, come with me to my room. Mama is asleep and will not suspect. "

The carpet deadened the noise of their footsteps. She made him strip stark naked as she had done herself, laid him on the floor and squatted over him so as to please him. Then she gradually stretched herself and the two innocents gradually discovered the delectable attitude of 69.

Adeline's bottom still retained the aromatic savour of the priest's discharge and this excited Paul very much, so that his prick increased in size and assumed quite formidable proportions. At the sight of that the girl interrupted her sucking, approached her lips to Paul, and said:

"Bury it in my bum hole and you will be very happy."

Ignorant as he was of the thing he was about to do, through her excellent advice, he slipped his prick into the furrow from which it easily arrived at her bum hole. Being still hot after the priest's assault, it still burned with satisfaction at this new visit; it was easy for the girl to support Paul's attack.

They kneaded one another's flesh with their fists, exchanging hot and loving kisses over her shoulder. They did not prolong their pleasure, for the little Paul soon lost his virginity in his sister's bottom hole. He discharged abruptly and it was only with great difficulty that he suffocated a loud cry of pleasure as he spent.

Content with her night's work, Adeline overwhelmed him with caresses and recommended he go to sleep if he ever wanted to come again.

Those who have tasted the fruit of love once want it again and again, Paul longed for it and Adeline never refused to gratify his desires. Under the thousands of circumstances which occur in daily life, they found a pretext for pleasure.

At last they found a little nook in the garret where there were some mattresses in a corner. They agreed to meet there from time to time after school hours, going up stairs one after the other to avoid suspicion.

This went off pretty well, once, twice, but the third time Mrs. Mirzan had seen her daughter climb the stairs in a mysterious manner and. she was astonished to see Paul soon follow his sister, observing caution. Their mother was puzzled a moment and wondered what she would do. Guided by a strong presentiment, she went upstairs and found that the children had shut themselves in the nook; she looked through the keyhole and was greatly disconcerted when she saw Adeline lying on her back, her clothes well tucked up and Paul passionately licking her little cunt.

Overwhelmed by this sight, Mrs. Mirzan had but one thought, to call her husband. Before she had explained herself, he understood that something serious had happened. He followed her, and both arrived in the garret as Master Paul, his prick in the air, was going to place himself in the attitude of 69 with his pretty little sister.

Their father's fury was terrible. He broke a stick on the back of the two culprits, stormed, abused and lectured them. The priest observed the greatest reserve during this period. He constantly trembled that the tempest should reach him also.

One mother consulting the priest about Adeline, he advised her to the Misses Gerund's boarding school in Paris which was especially known for restraining precocious passions in children. There was fortunately a vacancy in their boarding school, since Misses Geroud received only a limited number of young ladies and little girls. At first it gave her a pang to be away from home, but she soon got accustomed to her new surroundings.

Adeline to Paul

I keep my promise, my dear, to write you all my thoughts as well as my adventures I have cried a good deal over your departure and also when they led me away. The Abbot has not been kind although, I confess, it was he who received me in his room and taught me all tile pretty things I know now. But he did not intervene for me. However, he recommended this boarding house, and for that I am obliged to him.

After the first words spoken by Miss Juliet Geroud when we were alone, I understood that our parents had a very happy idea when they sent me here.

"Miss Adeline," she said, "we are not ignorant of the cause to which we are indebted for the pleasure of counting you among our pupils. Our system of education differs in an important degree from that which is carried out everywhere else, and if you will be reasonable, I have the hope that you will enjoy your sojourn at our establishment. Generally the pupils who have entered here have committed faults like yours. We correct them in the eyes of the world by a quite benevolent proceeding. But we demand absolute silence as to the management of our school. Will you be discreet, and we will then affect a reconciliation with your family."

I must tell you that Miss Juliette is a handsome woman of, thirty, a charming brunette with a delicate complexion and that she does not at all remind one of the ogress I had imagined.

"You are intelligent,' she continued. "Your good conduct will reward us for all we shall do for you. The system of punishment employed in our house (which is prohibited in France is flagellation of different

degrees, according to the nature of the fault. It is for you not to deserve it. To accustom the fresh pupils to this idea, the last arrival has charge of applying it at each week's tribunal. By your age and knowledge, you belong in the middle class. We unite the classes by an affectionate link by which the pupils always benefit. I shall introduce you to Miss Angele of the first class who will be your great friend. Each senior pupil is thus attached to one of the middle class and takes in addition into her care one of the junior class." Miss Juliette opened the door and I saw Miss Angele, a fair golden-haired girl of seventeen, very pretty and coquettish, smiling; she embraced me tenderly and said:

"Come, my dear, and get acquainted with your future friends and mistress."

There was no end to my astonishment. My mistress, Miss Blanche Delorme, a charming red-haired girl of twenty, received me in the most amiable manner and pulling my ear, said: "My darling, I only wish to be content with your work, and you will not have to complain of me. I have been Angele's great friend when she belonged to the middle class and I have been so happy about my education."

"Angele introduced me to all her friends, including the little Elizabeth, to whom I was to be the little sister. All received me kindly. Among them was a Miss Mannette Courtelin, a brunette of twenty-two with fiery eyes and a devilish manner; Miss Lucienne de Herbollien, mistress of the first class, a sentimental blonde of twenty-four, an ideal creature to devour with caresses. I foresaw happiness and revelled in joy. In my next letter you shall have an account of my alliances and adventures.


From Same to Same

Here I am, Dear Paul, introduced into real boarding school life, and at present I know a great many things of which I was ignorant before. I shall not conceal them from you.

The second night at the pension, half and hour before dinnertime, I saw my friend Angele enter and whisper to my mistress, Miss Blanche, who was reading. She called me.

"I want you to keep her company," she said. "You may follow Angeline." I perceived that the eyes of my little companion were beaming with mischief as I went away with her. We went to Angele's room, pretty and well furnished. She invited me to sit down on her bed beside her and looked at me with such tender expression in her eyes that I sighed and threw my arms about her neck. She emitted a sweet perfume which charmed me and what without having a clear understanding of what I did, I pressed my lips to hers. "Tell me," she said, "did you allow yourself to be surprised while amusing yourself at home?"