Metamorphosis. Like change from caterpillar to butterfly.
Surfing the silicon to anything, anyone, and anywhere.
Earthbound no longer. Spread out, all over in Big Bad Bang.
Once, architecture was most durable of all the arts. Most concrete. No longer. It is architecture of numbers, of computers, that endures. New architecture. Architecture within architecture. Dematerialized. Transmitted. Cannot be touched. But touches all. Be careful.
Are you ready to play now?
In preparing this novel I have drawn on the work of many writers on architecture, particularly Ivan Amato, Reyner Banham, William J. R. Curtis, Mike Davis, Francis Duffy, Norman Foster, Ronald Green, Patrick Nuttgens, Nikolaus Pevsner, Richard Rogers, Karl Sabbagh, James Steele and Deyan Sudjic. In the fields of computers, artificial intelligence, complexity and fractals I am indebted to the work of Jack Aldridge and Philip Davis and Reuben Hersh, Stephen Levy, William Roetzheim, Carl Sagan and M. Mitchell Waldrop.
Thanks are also due to David Chipperfield, Sandy Duncan, Judith Flanders and Roger Willcocks; Caradoc King, Nick Marston and Linda Shaughnessy; Jonathan Burnham, Frances Coady, Kate Parkin and Andy McKillop.
However, this book is entirely a work of fiction and the views expressed in it are my own, as are whatever factual errors that exist in the text.
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