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"We found that the yogi's heart did not as we had expected slow down, but rather went faster and faster, until it reached its physical limits and began to fibrillate.  He had not slowed his heart; he had sped it up.  It did not stop, but went into spasm.

"After our tests, I asked him if he had known these facts.  He said no, that they were most interesting.  He was polite about it, but clearly did not think our findings very significant."

"So you're saying ... ?"

"The problem with schizophrenics is that they have too much going on in their heads.  Too many voices.  Too many ideas.  They can't focus their attention on a single chain of thought.  But it would be a mistake to think them incapable of complex reasoning.  In fact, they're thinking brilliantly.  Their brains are simply operating at such peak efficiencies that they can't organize their thoughts coherently.

"What the trance chip does is to provide one more voice, but a louder, more insistent one.  That's why they obey it.  It breaks through that noise, provides a focus, serves as a matrix along which thought can crystallize."

The remote unlocked the door into a conference room deep in the administrative tunnels.  Eight microfactories waited in a neat row atop the conference table.  It added the ninth, turned, and left, locking the door  behind it.  "You know," Gunther said, "all these elaborate precautions may be unnecessary.  Whatever was used on Bootstrap may not be in the air anymore.  It may never have been in the air.  It could've been in the water or something."

"Oh, it's there all right, in the millions.  We're dealing with an airborne schizomimetic engine.  It's designed to hang around in the air indefinitely."

"A schizomimetic engine?  What the hell is that?"

In a distracted monotone, Krishna said, "A schizomimetic engine is a strategic nonlethal weapon with high psychological impact.  It not only incapacitates its target vectors, but places a disproportionately heavy burden on the enemy's manpower and material support caring for the victims.  Due to the particular quality of the effect, it has a profoundly demoralizing influence on those exposed to the victims, especially those involved in their care.  Thus, it is particularly desirable as a strategic weapon."  He might have been quoting from an operations manual.

Gunther pondered that.  "Calling the meeting over the chips wasn't a mistake, was it?  You knew it would work.  You knew they would obey a voice speaking inside their heads."


"This shit was brewed up at the Center, wasn't it?  This is the stuff that you couldn't talk about."

"Some of it."

Gunther powered down his rig and flipped up the lens.  "God damn you, Krishna!  God damn you straight to Hell, you stupid fucker!"

Krishna looked up from his work, bewildered.  "Have I said something  wrong?"

"No!  No, you haven't said a damned thing wrong--you've just driven four thousand people out of their fucking minds, is all!  Wake up and take a good look at what you maniacs have done with your weapons research!"

"It wasn't weapons research," Krishna said mildly.  He drew a long, involuted line on the schematic.  "But when pure research is funded by the military, the military will seek out military applications for the research.  That's just the way it is."

"What's the difference?  It happened.  You're responsible."

Now Krishna actually set his peecee aside.  He spoke with uncharacteristic fire.  "Gunther, we need this information.  Do you realize that we are trying to run a technological civilization with a brain that was evolved in the neolithic?  I am perfectly serious.  We're all trapped in the old hunter-gatherer programs, and they are of no use to us anymore.  Take a look at what's happening on Earth.  They're hip-deep in a war that nobody meant to start and nobody wants to fight and it's even money that nobody can stop.  The type of thinking that put us in this corner is not to our benefit.  It has to change.  And that's what we are working toward--taming the human brain.  Harnessing it.  Reining it in.

"Granted, our research has been turned against us.  But what's one more weapon among so many?  If neuroprogrammers hadn't been available, something else would have been used.  Mustard gas maybe, or plutonium dust.  For that matter, they could've just blown a hole in the canopy and let us all strangle."

"That's self-justifying bullshit, Krishna!  Nothing can excuse what you've done."

Quietly, but with conviction, Krishna said, "You will never convince me that our research is not the most important work we could possibly be doing today.  We must seize control of this monster within our skulls.  We must change our ways of thinking."  His voice dropped.  "The sad thing is that we cannot change unless we survive.  But in order to survive, we must first change."

They worked in silence after that.

Gunther awoke from restless dreams to find that the sleep shift was only half over.  Liza was snoring.  Careful not to wake her, he pulled his clothes on and padded barefoot out of his niche and down the hall.  The light was on in the common room and he heard voices.

Ekatarina looked up when he entered.  Her face was pale and drawn.  Faint circles had formed under her eyes.  She was alone.

"Oh, hi.  I was just talking with the CMP."  She thought off her peecee.  "Have a seat."

He pulled up a chair and hunched down over the table.  Confronted by her, he found it took a slight but noticeable effort to draw his breath.  "So.  How are things going?"

"They'll be trying out your controllers soon.  The first batch of chips ought to be coming out of the factories in an hour or so.  I thought I'd stay up to see how they work out."

"It's that bad, then?"  Ekatarina shook her head, would not look at him.  "Hey, come on, here you are waiting up on the results, and I can see how tired you are.  There must be a lot riding on this thing."

"More than you know," she said bleakly.  "I've just been going over the  numbers.  Things are worse than you can imagine."

He reached out and took her cold, bloodless hand.  She squeezed him so tightly it hurt.  Their eyes met and he saw in hers all the fear and wonder he felt.

Wordlessly, they stood.

"I'm niching alone,"  Ekatarina said.  She had not let go of his hand, held it so tightly in fact, that it seemed she would never let it go.

Gunther let her lead him away.

They made love, and talked quietly about inconsequential things, and made love again.  Gunther had thought she would nod off immediately after the first time, but she was too full of nervous energy for that.

"Tell me when you're about to come," she murmured.  "Tell me when you're coming."

He stopped moving.  "Why do you always say that?"

Ekatarina looked up at him dazedly, and he repeated the question.  Then she laughed a deep, throaty laugh.  "Because I'm frigid."


She took his hand, and brushed her cheek against it. Then she ducked her head, continuing the motion across her neck and up the side of her scalp.  He felt the short, prickly hair against his palm and then, behind her ear, two bumps under the skin where biochips had been implanted.  One of those would be her trance chip and the other ...  "It's a prosthetic," she explained.  Her eyes were grey and solemn.  "It hooks into the pleasure centers.  When I need to, I can turn on my orgasm at a thought.  That way we can always come at the same time."  She moved her hips slowly beneath him as  she spoke.

"But that means you don't really need to have any kind of sexual stimulation at all, do you?  You can trigger an orgasm at will.  While you're riding on a bus.  Or behind a desk.  You could just turn that thing on and come for hours at a time."

She looked amused.  "I'll tell you a secret.  When it was new, I used to do stunts like that.  Everybody does.  One outgrows that sort of thing quickly."

With more than a touch of stung pride, Gunther said, "Then what am I doing here?   If you've got that thing, what the hell do you need me for?"  He started to draw away from her.