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“Great, bro!”

And with that the phone went dead.

Eva was pissed. I hadn’t asked her and didn’t even know why I said “yes” to Cam’s great aunt staying with us.

“They didn’t even invite us to their wedding — it’s so fucking rude that they asked us to house his stupid ass aunt!” Eva said, angrily.

“I know, I’m sorry. I should have asked you,” I replied.

“He’s just trying to impress his aunt — if she loves jazz — he’s trying to prove to her he’s cool for knowing us,” Eva wearily added, “he’s just using us.”

The walk to Spirit Yoga was mostly done in silence.

It’s rare for Eva and I to have a fight. Very rare. I fucked up this time. I didn’t know how to make the situation better, but as I thought about it I decided to somehow figure out how to politely decline this unexpected houseguest.

When we finally arrived and climbed the stairs to the yoga studio, Meg was waiting at the check-in desk. Usually fairly formal, she was significantly more friendly this evening.

“Rad, Eva,” she said in a whispered tone so as to not distract the yogis who were sprawled across the studio floor, “Cam told me what you said on the phone — that was so nice of you to offer Auntie a place to stay.”

Offer, huh? I thought.

“Ah, well, about that…” I began to say as Eva interrupted me.

“Honestly, it’s not a big deal — we’re glad to help,” said Eva.

I kicked my wife’s shoe with my foot. She kicked me back. Sometimes we act like forth graders.

“Well, it’s just been so stressful,” continued Meg, “you know how it can be.”

“I do,” said Eva, “and I can’t imagine all that you’re going through right now.”

“Actually right after class I’m supposed to go to the Grand Hotel and meet Cam to look at the room’s we’ve booked,” Meg explained, “he wants everything to be just right for his family.”

I’m sure he does want everything to be just right for his rich ass family. I thought. Wouldn’t want to upset the trust fund and the allowance!

Although more warm to us than usual, Meg looked stressed.

“Is there anything else we can do?” I asked.

“Gosh, if you wouldn’t mind just cleaning up a bit and closing the studio down — I’d love to head out as soon as class is done. Never know how traffic will be getting into downtown Chicago.” Meg said.

“Sure thing,” I replied as she handed me the front door key. I added, “listen — when you’re done — just head out, Eva and I will make sure everyone leaves, we’ll tidy up, turn off the lights and make sure the studio gets locked. You can swing by our place when you’re done tonight to pick up the key.”

“It will probably be after eleven, is that too late?” Asked Meg.

“Not at all, we’re total night owls,” replied Eva.

During final savasana, Meg did a body adjustment on both Eva and I. She occasionally did adjustments on Eva, but had never done one of me before. I figured it was because I was a guy. She gently adjusted my legs and arms. Her light touch felt nice as she then rubbed essential oil on my temples. Without thinking, my eyes darted open when her fingers met my head. She giggled and winked, mouthing the words “thank — you”. I winked back and closed my eyes.

True to her word, Meg darted out the back of the studio just after saying her last “namaste”.

Eva and I poked around the studio a bit. I joked we could finally bang in there and no one would know.

“Too bad Ashley didn’t come to class tonight!” Joked Eva.

I went over and started to kiss the back of my wife’s neck as she swept the studio floor.

“I’m sorry for our fight earlier. Forgive me?” I asked.

“Yes, I can’t stay mad at you. Just promise me the next time you say ‘yes’ to a house guest it’s not spoiled Cam’s stupid-ass Great Auntie and instead it’s some hot twenty year old chick we can fuck.” Eva replied.

“Deal,” I said, as we kissed.

We closed the studio around 8:00 and headed back home.

It was a typical evening for us. We made a light “raw” stir fry dinner — meaning uncooked, unprocessed veggies — totally vegan and ultra healthy. After dinner, Eva played piano for a little while as I jammed a bit on the bass. We try to play music everyday.

We decided we had enough time before Meg would return for the key to have some fun downstairs in our playroom. As we headed downstairs, we joked that Great Auntie would never be allowed anywhere near our basement!

“Just to be safe, let’s make sure to keep the door leading to the basement locked at all times,” I said.

A few years ago at the height of the popularity of 50 Shades of Grey, Eva and I decided to convert our basement into a playroom. We occasionally enjoyed BDSM and toys, but more than anything it was just another way to get potential partners to loosen up. A lot of young women were interested in this “kinkier” side of life, and Eva would mention our playroom. It was a nice way to lure them into our secret world and get them in the right mindset for a nice fuck.

Just having a strippers pole in one corner of the room has led to several women quickly loosing all their clothes… and all their inhibitions!

Eva was wearing nice and skimpy booty shorts and a white tank top — her beautiful breasts and nipples looked amazing under the flimsy fabric. I was in boxers. We settled onto the couch downstairs and began to kiss. I leaned down and, pulling her shorts to the side, slowly began to tease her pussy. Just as she was starting to get wet, there was a loud knock on our front door upstairs.

We ignored it. Again, rapid fire knocks. We had left our phones upstairs, but could hear someone was calling her cell.

“Ignore it,” I said as my mouth rested on my wife’s twat, “it’s almost nine o clock — Meg won’t be here for at least two more hours!”

More frantic knocking.

“Jesus! Ok, ok!” I said.

Eva and I went upstairs and looked through the peephole.

It was Meg. And she was a wreck!

Without thinking, I opened the door realizing I was very hard under my boxers and Eva was in basically a see-through top with disheveled and slightly wet booty shorts.

“Meg! What’s wrong?” I said.

“Come in!” added Eva.

“I just started driving to the Grand, and he kept texting every two minutes,” she sobbed.

Meg continued, “just text after text about how I’m always late everywhere, how I’m so stupid I’ll probably get lost on the way to the wedding, just on and on and on. I guess I just totally freaked out.”

“I’m sorry,” Eva said genuinely.

“You guys don’t know the things he’s said. Sometimes I get the impression he thinks he’s royalty — and I’m just another one of his maids he had growing up,” Meg said tearfully.

“Do you know he’s never touched a washing machine before and doesn’t even know how to work it? I have to do everything for him — even his laundry!” Weeped Meg.

“Sit down, let me make you some tea,” I said.

Shit, I’ve been making lots of tea lately! I thought to myself as I headed to the kitchen.

Meg’s makeup was running down her face and she looked like a devastated raccoon. I knew Eva would be getting her a towel.

Eva was seated next to Meg on our couch, holding the tiny woman and rocking her back and forth. Meg was sobbing and Eva was gently running her fingers through the upset woman’s blonde mane.

“Does every bride feel this way?” Meg asked in between sobs.

“That depends,” said Eva, “I’m sure bride’s all handle stress differently.”