"We're gonna have a baby, Phira. We're gonna have a baby!!" Her eyes widened and she turned her head to look at the Father. He had returned to His throne and was watching them with a contented smile resting on His lips. She tugged gently on Saphira's neck, and Saphira released her to stand on her own once more. Esmeralda caught Saphira's hand in hers and walked to the throne, dropping to her knees when she reached it.
"Thank you, Father. We couldn't have asked for a greater honor."
"You've earned it, Esmeralda. You both have. And it will be nice to have some fresh blood here; we could use it." He looked around and saw the team that had served with Esmeralda on so many occasions waiting for them at the base of the stairs and jerked His head in their direction. "I think you have some people waiting to congratulate you. Go. We will talk soon and iron out the details."
They bowed their heads. "Thank you, Father," they offered together. Then they rose and walked towards their friends. For the first time in a very long time, heaven was alive with excitement, and they were ready to celebrate. Tomorrow would be the beginning of a new era, but tonight was all about being home again. It was good to be home... at last.
Chapter CXIV
Of course, the temporary injunction surrounding Brianna's and Charisma's personal life didn't last too long - the press took their statement as a challenge to dig up everything they could find and try to turn it into story fodder. Strangely, there was little for them to sensationalize. Brianna had never been outspoken about her sexuality, but she'd never made an effort to hide it either. That made for very little to find out that wasn't already public knowledge. And her friends and colleagues mostly closed ranks - offering either no comment or words of praise for her work ethic and congratulations on the personal front.
Digging into Charisma's life had nearly the same result - she had been planning her political career almost since she could speak, and definitely since she could read and write and there was simply nothing there for them to find - no dirt to dig up... no scandal to embellish upon. In fact, despite the press' best efforts and their frustration with their inability to produce any sort of ignominy they could exploit, there was a grudging admiration for Charisma's strong ethics. That in and of itself was story worthy at a time when shame and disgrace seemed to be the norm and not the exception.
The only action she had taken that could be considered morally questionable was her divorce from Kent and her subsequent liaison with Brianna Walker, and even that was progressing so slowly in public that Victorian standards would be considered loose by comparison. So far, the most anyone had seen was them holding hands and staring to the point where the action became serious eye sex. Once they had been witnessed leaning into one another, wrapping their arms around each other for support. Charisma had actually brushed a kiss against Brianna's temple, but otherwise things between them publicly remained almost Puritan in nature.
That isn't to say they didn't indulge in some heavy petting and long make-out sessions when they were alone together, because they certainly did. As soon as the divorce decree had been signed they had stepped up their physical intimacy by mutual, unspoken consent, though they had yet to completely consummate their union. Not from lack of desire, but rather a longing to make it special for each other, and rushing for a lack of time or privacy wasn't especially romantic. It did make for a lot of frustration and grumpy mornings though. They were both secretly counting the days until their European trip.
Still, their public decorum was, in point of fact, very maddening for members of the fifth estate - there was nothing for them to dramatize. The public, however, was quite fascinated. It was like watching a faery tale come to life and surprisingly, most weren't concerned that the two principal players were women. They were more enamored with the story being told in front of them.
Of course, as the saying goes - into every life a little rain must fall - and Brianna and Charisma were no exception to that... especially as there was a small minority whose entire political platforms focused on hatred and bigotry towards anything that varied from their own very public moral code. Even though their colleagues had originally rebuffed any inquiries made about them, those select few felt they could further their own righteousness by focusing attention on the perceived moral ambiguity that Charisma's and Brianna's actions had caused in an otherwise stellar career.
Thus, only two weeks after their statement to the press, and only a month before their scheduled trip to Europe, the Ethics committee convened with the intent of removing what some wanted to view as an embarrassment to the office. It was unfortunate for them that they chose not to let sleeping dogs lie, because things would have blown over on their own had they been left to do so. But then... hindsight is such a wonderful thing.
"Senator Walker, do you know why you're here this morning?" the Chairman asked as she seated herself behind the microphone. Brianna had not risen to show her respect for the Chairman's position when she entered the room, and she was more than a little put out by the lack of deference to her office. It was definitely time to put this woman in her place - show her how things were intended to run here. One couldn't get ahead if they didn't play by the rules like everyone else and after almost a year here, Brianna Walker should understand that fact. The Chairman peered over her glasses and frowned, hoping to intimidate her with her glare. Instead, Brianna snorted to keep from laughing aloud at her posturing, leaning back in her seat to regard the Chairman with humor.
"Of course. I am here because you have a stick up your ass and need to pick at something that is actually none of your business to keep your mind off it."
"Excuse me?!? You will not speak to me or anyone else involved in these proceedings with such disrespect, Senator. We have rules and processes that we follow and respect is key to that."
"Bullshit!" Brianna snapped with a vengeance, causing every person in the room to flinch. "You think because you were elected to office to SERVE," her emphasis on the word so strong, those listening could hear the capital letters in her voice, "that you're ENTITLED. Let me tell you something, Senator," sneering, "you're not *entitled* to anything. And you certainly haven't earned MY respect. You want me to excuse you?? There's no excuse for any of you, and trust me... I've looked."
"Senator Walker...."
"Nono... you don't get to talk now," holding up a hand and standing, walking around the table so she could lean against it to regard her accusers. Suddenly, the committee was thankful for two things - that they had decided to keep these actions closed and away from the press and that they had never faced Brianna Walker in court. It already felt as though she had eviscerated them thoroughly, and it was obvious from her stance that she hadn't even gotten started yet.
"You asked me a question - I'm quite willing to give you an answer. You brought me here with the intention of putting me in my place - making sure I towed a moral line *you* determined. You really think you can do that, Senator Gilbert? Rhetorical question," she instructed when the Chairman opened her lips to respond. "You don't want to answer yet. Because if you choose the wrong answer, there will be consequences."
"Are you threatening us, Senator Walker?"
"Not at all, Senator Gilbert. I'm simply explaining the truth to you. Surely you're acquainted with Newton's law - for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. I think you should be aware of what that reaction will be if you decide to pursue this course of action."
Gilbert held Brianna's eyes for a long moment, searching them for any hint of falsehood. When she found none, she leaned back in her chair as nonchalantly as she could manage and reached for the glass of water. When she noticed her shaking hand, she simply motioned for Brianna to continue instead.