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“Sol must have approved letting the gate be built,” Charban pointed out.

“You don’t understand. Sol is still fragmented. There are dozens of different sovereign governments in this star system, and on Old Earth itself, legacies from ancient times. They get along now, having warred to exhaustion centuries ago, but they’re probably still debating whether or not to approve letting the Alliance build the gate here. The authorities at Old Earth are the voice of an organization built on the ashes of the last wars here, an organization designed to prevent the projection of power by any government in Sol Star System.” Rione stopped speaking, looking appalled, then slapped a palm against her forehead so hard that the sound of the gesture reverberated around the bridge. “Stupid! We should have realized this would happen!”

“What do you mean?” Senator Sakai asked, while everyone else stared at Rione.

“We caused this!” Rione said. “We built the hypernet gate as a symbol. That’s what it is, a symbol whose meaning could provoke others but bring us no certain benefit. Why are these outer-star warships here? Why do they claim to protect Sol Star System and Old Earth? Because the Alliance staked a symbolic claim that other star systems near here could not ignore. They are here because we built that gate even though we should have known that Sol could not stop anyone else from doing what we did, acting unilaterally in the supposed best interests of Sol.”

After a long moment, Sakai nodded. “I believe that your reasoning is correct.”

“Then,” Senator Suva insisted, “this may be a misunderstanding.”

“I’m happy to go with that,” Geary said. “But we have to convince those outer-star people to laugh it off as well.”

“They’re not going to accept anything that we say!” Rione replied. “As far as they are concerned, we planted a flag here, in Sol Star System. They are going to assert their own authority to counter our claim. Even if they haven’t been bribed, they would contest our presence here. If they have been paid to ensure we don’t leave this star system alive, it would only reinforce their own agenda of keeping the Alliance out. For all we know, whoever tipped them off that we were coming also claimed that we were coming to establish a permanent military presence here.”

Costa grimaced. “I’d like to tell them to eat ground glass, but they outnumber us considerably.”

“We must consider the appropriate course of action,” Sakai agreed. “For safeguarding the interests of the Alliance, for the safety of the mission, and for the safety of all aboard this ship.”

“Nothing must be done until the governmental representatives on this vessel reach a decision,” Suva said, her eyes on Geary. “Our lives are on the line here as well.”

Geary could feel the fleet personnel on the bridge stiffening at the words, but before he could speak, Rione did, her tone serious and agreeable.

“You are right, Senator,” Rione said. “This must be debated and discussed. We must come up with a policy to address these unanticipated circumstances, and we should begin that discussion immediately.”

“You have no vote in the matter,” Suva said with disdain.

“Actually, I do. Senator Navarro gave me his proxy before we left.”


“But I don’t wish to use that proxy in haste. We need to talk about this. About who might have tried to ensure the failure of this mission and the destruction of this ship. About our best course of action. But we must talk in private.”

“I don’t—” Costa began.

“Of course we need to meet in private,” Suva declared, looking around the bridge, then pointedly at Costa. “Senator Sakai?”

“Of course,” Sakai echoed.

“Admiral Geary,” Rione said, “until we return with further guidance, you are to adhere strictly to the instructions the government already gave you.”

“Yes!” Suva agreed. “Strictly adhere to them, Admiral.”

“I will,” Geary said, trying not to smile. Rione was keeping a straight face, and if she could, so could he.

Charban watched the three senators leave, then gave a rueful look to Geary. “Not being actually elected to anything, or holding any proxies for anyone who was, I have no role in the debate. I will instead attempt to pass your earlier message on to the Dancers, unless you believe it should be changed.”

“Please do, General.” Geary indicated the Dancer ships on his display. “The Dancers still need to be told to stay well clear of the outer-star warships. But in light of that message we received, tell them there is some sort of misunderstanding that we need to work out, and until we do, it would be dangerous to approach those other ships.”

“I will do my best to get the message across, Admiral,” Charban said. He paused, then saluted with a wry smile before leaving the bridge.

Geary glanced at Desjani, who was staring stiff-jawed at her display. “What’s the matter?”

She turned her glare on him. “They tied your hands. Or did you miss that?”

“No, they didn’t. I was told to continue to follow previous instructions. Rione made sure that was emphasized before she and the others departed.”

The glare shifted to realization. “And your previous instructions allow you to act as you see fit in unanticipated circumstances.”


“Damn!” Desjani seemed even more upset now. “I hate it when that woman does that!”

“Does what?”

“Does something that’s… not evil. It makes me wonder what she’s actually up to.” Desjani settled back, her expression becoming thoughtful. “What will you do?”

“I could talk to them,” Geary said.

“That didn’t work with the enigmas or the Kicks. It has rarely worked with the Syndics. And as much as I don’t want to agree with anything those politicians said, it is very suspicious that those ships knew we were coming and who would be aboard. If they knew that, and have taken the actions they already have, they’re not going to listen to anything we say.”

“That’s a point. How about if I talk to them in a way they might understand? I’ll avoid admitting there are any Alliance governmental representatives aboard. That might confuse them. While we’re talking, we’ll keep heading for Old Earth.”

“And if they’re after you?”

“I’ll let them know we won’t roll over without a fight.”

He took another long look at the image of the flashy, overdressed, and over-medaled commander of the outer-star warships, then hit the reply command. “Captain Commodore Tavistorevas, this is Admiral Geary of the Alliance fleet. As I am sure you understand, this warship is a sovereign extension of the Alliance itself. I cannot permit this battle cruiser to be boarded by a foreign power operating in a neutral star system. I am also charged by my government to safely escort to Old Earth the ships carrying emissaries from the alien species we know as Dancers. The Dancers are the only intelligent alien species with which humanity has yet managed to establish friendly relations. In accordance with my orders, I must protect them from any interference or harm, and I will do so.

“Should you wish to issue a formal objection to the actions of the Alliance, please send it to me and I will ensure it is forwarded to appropriate authorities upon our return to the Alliance.