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A flurry of low muttering voices, a flurry of scuttling feet, and the hide door was pulled aside. An old woman peered out, one eye in her thin brown face filmed over with white, the other dark and piercing. «Enter, Degar, and enter, Blade, that we may do you honor in this that is now your house. What is your wish?» She seemed quite unsurprised at the turn of events. No doubt she had been passed from one master to another half a dozen times in her life.

Blade drew himself up to his full height to make a proper entrance, then noticed that the doorway was barely five feet high. So he bowed head and shoulders with as much dignity as he could manage, and led Degar into the house.

Inside, the ceiling was no higher than the doorway. The bones and bits of wood that held the hide taut, the hide itself, the stone walls-all were black with years or even centuries of soot. The air was chill, heavy with the smells of smoke and grease and filth, as though it had crept into the house many years ago and been there unchanged ever since. But at least it was warmer here, thanks to a small fire burning in a circle of stones in the center of the main room. The smoke of the fire was supposed to rise up through a small hole in the roof. Some of it actually did. The rest of it filled the house, eddying to and fro.

For the first time in many hours Blade could no longer hear the endless whine of the wind. That alone was enough to make him feel that the house was almost luxurious.

The old woman led Blade to a seat by the fire. The seat was a large flat rock with layers of hides piled over it. Blade sat down, while Degar crossed the room to an even lower door set in the far wall.

«Tera! Come forth to meet your new master! Come forth to see he whose will shall be over yours from this night on!» There was a stirring in the darkness beyond the door, a small squeal of pain or surprise, and Degar reappeared, dragging a young woman.

Very young, in fact. But then Blade remembered that seventeen was very young only by Home Dimension standards. Here in Scador she had doubtless been considered a grown woman at fourteen. She would be old at forty, if she was still alive.

But now she was seventeen, and as Blade looked at her his eyes widened. Tera was beautiful. More beautiful than he had expected, almost more beautiful than he could believe in someone from this barbaric people living in their harsh, chill land. She was barely five feet tall and exquisitely formed. Huge dark eyes stared out at him from a face that missed being perfect only through the square lines of its jaw, and a great mass of dark brown hair poured down her back and over her-shoulders. It was matted and filthy, and right now her father had a firm grip on it. But Blade could not help imagining how that hair might look, clean and flowing. Or how the rest of Tera might look, stripped of the shapeless garment of hides that concealed her from neck to ankles and left bare only face, feet, and slim arms.

Degar released his daughter and made a sharp gesture with one hand. She nodded submissively, reached down to the hem of the garment, and pulled it over her head. Her nude body kept the promise of the rest of her, with small perfect breasts, slim waist, beautifully molded legs. Blade felt desire rising in him more quickly than it had for any woman in years.

«Is she not pleasing, Blade?»

«She is very pleasing, Degar.» The sincere enthusiasm in his voice made the warrior smile.

«She is small, and she has Nessiri blood in her through her mother. But is she not, in spite of that, formed to bear the sons of warriors?» The Nessiri were a people living to the south of Scador and east of Karan, a people of hunters and fishermen who fought both Scadori and Karani.

«She is.» As Blade spoke, Tera did a quick twirl on her small feet, showing herself off with a smile of pride on her face. She obviously knew just how desirable a man should find her.

«Can you believe that it is her fault that shame has come on my house because she has borne no sons? Can you believe that it was not the fault of Urgo, unable to do what a man should do?»

«Urgo indeed must have been as weak in his manhood as in his head,» said Blade. He looked Tera up and down, letting his face show all the appreciation and desire he felt. Her smile broadened. «A warrior of my people must fast and keep vigil after battle, before he can take a woman. This I have not done on the journey here. When I have done that, Tera will find that my manhood is as strong as my arms.» He flexed his arm and shoulder muscles. It would have been even more dramatic if he had been able to show a full erection, but he hadn't quite reached that point yeti

Tera's smile faded, and Degar frowned. «You speak the truth in this? It is the way of your warriors?»

Blade hardened his own voice and expression. «It is so. I am not as Urgo. There will be unhappiness between us, Degar, if you again doubt what I say.»

Blade did not want to start his life in Ukush by a quarrel with Degar. But among these people he doubted if he could let anyone call him a liar without losing reputation. He hoped his choice of words had struck the right balance.

Apparently it had. Degar shrugged his massive shoulders, then turned to his daughter. «There will be a time yet, girl, or this Blade shall tell me why.» His face softened for a moment as he gazed at his daughter. Then he turned and strode out without another word.

Tera stood, still naked and looking down at the floor. «Shall I cover myself, Blade?» she said softly.

Blade laughed. «You shall not, Tera. Why should you cover yourself just before I take you?»

Tera's mouth dropped open and she clapped both hands to her breasts with a little gasp. When she could speak, she could only stammer, «But-but the laws-your people-«

«There are things no laws of any people can make a man do when he has his manhood,» said Blade with a grin. «One of them is not to reach out for a woman such as you are, and do with her all that he can for as long as he can.» Tera giggled in delight and anticipation. Blade turned to the old woman.

«You shall keep silent on all that passes tonight. Or you will not have a tooth in your head tomorrow morning. Do you understand?»

«Yes, master.» The woman bowed so deeply that her forehead nearly touched the floor.

«Good.» Blade stepped forward and scooped Tera up in his arms. She was as light as he had expected. He carried her through the inner door into a tiny sleeping room, then laid her down on the furs that gave the floor a little softness. She lay back, hair making a fan around her head, legs spread nearly as wide, wearing nothing but a smile that seemed to light up the whole gloomy chamber. Blade felt desire rising in him again as he began stripping off his clothes. Tera's eyes widened at the sight of his erect maleness. But the smile never left her face, and her hips began to move slowly, with an almost liquid motion.

Then Blade lay down and surged into her. She was snug, but warm and wet and totally receptive and welcoming. He began thrusting, and she began moving faster. Slim arms came up to wrap around his neck; the superbly molded legs rose to clamp around his hips with more strength than he thought they had in them. Her teeth tightened painfully on his left ear. But he barely felt the pain in the rising joy and delight he felt as he moved inside Tera and she moved around him. He felt nothing except this woman and what was happening between them.