Payback time, Fidel!
21C: Second in command
AA: Anti-aircraft
AFSOC: Air Force Special Operations Command AGL: Above ground level aka: Also known as
ARG: Amphibious ready group
ASAP: As soon as possible
ASL: Above sea level
AT-4: Antiarmor rocket launchers
Attack board (also compass board): A board with a compass, watch and depth gauge used by subsurface swimmers
AWOL: Away without leave, i. E., absent from one's unit without permission, aka French leave
BOQ: Bachelor officers' quarters
Briefback: A briefing given to staff by a SEAL platoon regarding their assigned mission. This must be approved before it is implemented.
BDU: Battle dress uniform
BUD/S: Basic underwater demolition SEAL training course
C4: Plastic explosive
CAR-15: Compact model of the M-16 rifle
CATF: Commander, Amphibious Task Force
CNO: Chief of naval operations CO: Commanding officer Cover: Hat, headgear
CP: Command post
CPU: Computer processing unit CPX: Command post exercise CRRC: Combat rubber raiding craft CS: Tear gas
CSAR: Combat search and rescue CVBG: Carrier battle group DPV: Desert patrol vehicle
Det Cord: Detonating cord
Draeger Mk V: Underwater air supply equipment
DZ: Drop zone
E&E: Escape and evasion EPW: Enemy prisoner of war ESP: Extrasensory perception
FLIR: Forward-looking infrared radar
French leave: See AWOL FRH: Flameless ration heater FTX: Field training exercise
GPS: Global Positioning System
H&K MP-5: Heckler & Koch MP-5 submachine gun HAHO: High altitude high opening parachute jump HALO: High altitude low opening parachute jump
HE: High explosive
Head: Navy and Marine Corps term for toilet; called a latrine in the Army
Hors de combat: Out of the battle (expression in French) HSB: High-speed boat
JSOC: Joint Special Operation Command
K-Bar: A brand of knives manufactured for military and camping purposes
'CIA: Killed in action
LBE: Load-bearing equipment
LSSC: Light SEAL support craft
Light sticks: Flexible plastic tubes that illuminate
Limpet mine: An explosive mine that is attached to the hulls of vessels
LZ: Landing zone
M-18 claymore mine: A mine fired electrically with a blasting cap
M-60 E3: A compact model of the M-60 machine gun M-67: An antipersonnel grenade
M-203: A single-shot 40 millimeter grenade launcher MATC: A fast river support craft
MCPO: Master chief petty officer
Medevac: Medical evacuation
Mk 138 satchel charge: Canvas container filled with explosive
MRE: Meal ready to eat
MSSC: Medium SEAL support craft
Intelligence staff
Operations and plans staff
NAS: Naval air station
NAVSPECWAR: Naval Special Warfare
NCO: Noncommissioned officer, i. E., a corporal or sergeant
NCP: Navy College Program
NFL: National Football League
NVG: Night vision goggles
OA: Operational area
OCONUS: Outside the continental United States OER: Officer evaluation report
OP: Observation post
OPLAN: Operations plan. This is the preliminary form of an OPORD.
OPORD: Operations order. This is the directive derived from the OPLAN of how an operation is to be carried out. It's pretty much etched in stone.
PBL: Patrol boat, light
PC: Patrol coastal vessel
PDQ: Pretty damn quick
PLF: Parachute landing fall
PO: Petty officer (e. G., PO1C is petty officer first class) POV: Privately owned vehicle
PT: Physical training
RIB: Rigid inflatable boat
RPG: Rocket propelled grenade
RPM: Revolutions per minute
RTO: Radio telephone operator
SAW: Squad automatic weapon--M249 5.56-millimeter magazine or clip-fed machine gun
SCPO: Senior chief petty officer
SDV: Seal delivery vehicle
SERE: Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape SITREP: Situation report
SOCOM: Special operations command
SOF: Special Operations Forces
SOI: Signal operating instructions
SOLS: Special operations liaison staff
SOP: Standard operating procedures
SPECOPS: Special operations
Special boat squadrons: Units that participate in SEAL missions
SPECWARCOM: Special Warfare Command
TDY: Temporary duty
UN: United Nations
Unass: To jump out of or off of something
Watch bilclass="underline" A list of personnel and stations for the watch WIA: Wounded in action