“'I'm nuts about you,' he sighed and started to climb all over me.
“He unzipped his pants and out popped his sex organ. I took hold of his meat and started to pull on it.
“'Honey, don't jerk me off,' he said, 'I don't want to waste my stuff.'
“'You won't waste it,' I told him, and leaned forward. When my mouth covered his dick he sucked in his breath sharply. The fellow simply hadn't been prepared for such an overture. Like all men, he thought that a woman had to be urged into oral sex.
“George patted my hair as I fellated him. He kept cooing sweet nothings and seemed contented to have my mouth on him instead of my vagina. Perhaps he even preferred it that way. When he pressed his hands against the back of my head I knew that he was about to climax. Like Alvin he didn't want me to break contact just as he spewed. He didn't want to 'waste his stuff'.
“His flow was a strong and salty one. I didn't know much about George's love life, but he seemed to have built up this load over many days of celibacy. He grunted in a pig-like fashion as he released himself. Once he shot out his last drop I started biting. At first he didn't seem to mind, but, once I started to hurt, he became uneasy.
“'Okay, honey,' he breathed, That's enough.'
“For an answer I brought my teeth even closer together.
“'Hey! Cut it out!' George cried and pulled my head up, forcing me to break contact.
“He looked at me in surprise. 'Are you a cannibal?' he wanted to know.
“'Yes,' I told him, 'I am a man-eater.'
“I grabbed his now limp sex organ and bent down again. But the fellow didn't want to have anything more to do with me and zipped his prize shut. He dropped me off at my apartment where, to my delight, I found William… alone. He hadn't made out.
“He wanted to know all about the fellow I had left with and I became evasive.
“'William, I don't expect you to tell me all about your affairs, do I?'
“The poor man burned but tried to play it cool. My husband, with typical male ego, hated the idea that another man could satisfy his wife. Just to tease him I hinted that George was built along the order of King Kong. Men have a fetish about penis size; when they hear that some other fellow is excessively endowed it makes them feel small and impotent.
“After George there was John… and then Donald… and then…. Well, why go on, doctor? I've committed adultery with at least a dozen men, and all of them orally. Alvin asked me once if I were some kind of nut and I guess that's why I'm here. I must be at least a little mad. While I don't think adultery is some kind of madness, I do believe there must be something wrong with a woman who only fellates lovers and never fornicates them. I've tried to have sex in the straight way with these men, but something always holds me back. I just have to mouth them and bite their sex_ organs until they beg me to stop. I would like to stop. Can you help me, doctor?
Ellen grew up resenting the freedom males have in the sexual area. As the only girl in a family of four brothers she became well aware that there was a double standard that restricted sexual expression amongst girls while allowing boys much wider license. She resents the fact that she had to remain a virgin for twenty-two years while her husband enjoyed total sexual freedom since the age of sixteen. Ellen does indeed suffer from penis-envy and this resentment of males found an outlet via fellatio. It isn't love that drives Ellen to mouth penises but hate. When she bites men sexually she is expressing a secret wish to render them impotent, to place them on her feminine level where they would not have male members but vaginas instead. To cure herself of penis-envy Ellen is trying to destroy the sex organs she will never have.
Franklin Klaf, in his book, “Nymphomania", claims that women who appear to be man lovers basically resent men for their enjoyment of the double sexual standard and therefore try to ape them by taking affairs casually and in great numbers. Ellen would not have turned to oral adultery if her husband had been faithful to her. But when William started to show off his extra-marital affairs, Ellen's submerged envy against men broke to the surface. Even then it took her four years before she acted upon her feelings because she is really a moral woman who cannot take a lover with ease. When Ellen finally did have another man for the first time in her marriage she could only accept him on an oral basis. By fellating instead of fornicating she could have the illusion that she wasn't really an adulteress. But Ellen found fellatio a way to control men and to completely dominate a penis. By having a male sex organ orally she gloried in the knowledge that she could castrate a man simply by bringing her teeth together. Ellen will never actually do this, of course, but the feeling of power alone is enough to satisfy her long-buried longings and resentment of men.
In every case of oral adultery Ellen found her men at parties. At no time was she ever completely sober when she performed sex acts upon these pick-ups. William Robie, in his study, “Sex And Life", states that women who must be primed with alcohol first before they allow themselves to have sex with men other than their husbands really desire a lasting marriage rather than a large number of lovers. This is true in Ellen's case. She only started having lovers when it was obvious that her husband would not stop having other girls. Ellen takes on lovers just to spite her husband and to show him that she, like him, can always find sex elsewhere.
Why can't Ellen bring herself to have 'straight' sex with the men she picks up at parties? One of the reasons is that she is afraid that she and not her husband is really fertile. Ellen enjoys her jet set life too much to take on the burden of an unwanted child. If she doesn't care to have a child by her husband she certainly will not be able to accept one by a stranger. It is true that Ellen can take precautions but her urge to have 'straight' sex with men other than her husband isn't all that strong. Her adulterous drive is completely oral.
When I pointed out my findings to the young woman she readily agreed with me that her oralism had its root in hate rather than love. Once she realized her problem she still had to solve it. The only way Ellen could ever really be happy was through a faithful marriage, but this could not be accomplished. William still insisted upon having affairs with other women, and Ellen, in revenge, went on having affairs… all oral… with other men.
A psychologist is not a judge or a policeman, and I could only show Ellen the cause of her problem and tell her how to solve it. Today this young, attractive woman is still picking up strange men at parties and fellating them, but at least she knows why and this, at least, is the beginning of a cure for her oral adulteries.
Chapter Two…
Name: Pamela M.
Age: 34
Pamela is a small, mousy woman who is married to a college professor. She is living proof of the old adage about appearances being deceiving for she looks like anything but the erotic type. When she spoke she blushed and lowered her eyes but this did not stop her from telling this most sensual story:
“I married fairly late in life… thirty. My husband, Thomas, is twelve years my senior and looks even older. His hair turned gray in his twenties and he never tried to cover it up. Unlike most men my husband takes a pride in looking mature. He doesn't have this youth complex that makes middle-aged men do their best to appear much younger. He tells me that his students at college respect him for it because too many teachers make themselves laughing stocks in their attempts to join the Now Generation. Thomas is the old-fashioned kind who believes that people should act their age.