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‘Which way did they head?’

‘Down the park towards the adventure playground … that youth club place.’

‘You described one of the boys as being “in distress”?’

‘Well, the police asked me about that, and I think that, yes, I think that was the case.’

‘Which boy did you perceive to be in distress?’

‘Well, I think I said the one in the red top … ’

‘And you still remember that to be the case?’

‘I think so, yes. Best I can recall.’

‘What features or aspects of the boy’s behaviour led you to think that he was distressed?’

‘Well, I think the boy in the red top might have been crying.’

‘Might have been?’

‘Well, I was further away by this time, a few metres. It looked like it.’

‘By that do you mean wailing, a red face, tears?’

‘Tears maybe, yes, maybe tears and a red face. I seem to recall him rubbing at his eyes.’

Mr Rankine looked into the distance, his own watery eyes trying to see again what he had seen months before, and ignored.

‘The defendant in his interview confirmed that he did see you just after two that day, and that you called on him and the deceased to stop fighting. Did you see the boys fighting at another point that day?’

‘Yes, much later on, it must have been about three thirty, or maybe even four o’clock. I was just going to the shop. I looked over at the park and in the adventure playground I saw the same boys fighting again. I remember because I considered crossing the road and telling them off again … I wish I had … ’

‘Describe this second sighting.’

‘I looked over at the park as I walked to the shop. I saw them – the same white shirt and red T-shirt. I saw the boy in white swinging his fists at the boy in red.’

‘But this time you did nothing?’

‘No,’ said Rankine, seeming to crumple in the witness box. ‘I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.’ He put a hand to his mouth and pressed his eyes shut.

‘What brought you to report the two sightings to the police, at the incident van set up on Barnsbury Road, the morning after Ben went missing?’

‘Well, the next day there was the picture of Ben. He had been missing all night. I knew instantly when I saw it that he had been the little boy being beaten – the one in the red T-shirt.’

Sebastian had been following the evidence intently, watching Rankine with a thin frown between his brows. Sometimes he leaned into Daniel, peering over the crook in his arm at the notes he was making.

Rankine shifted restlessly in the witness box as Irene stood up and placed her notes on the lectern. Journalists craned from the gallery.

‘Listening to your evidence, Mr Rankine, and comparing it with your police statement, it would appear that you are not terribly sure of what you saw on the afternoon of 8 August. I refer you to page twenty-three in your bundle. This is your sworn statement which you gave to the police. Please could you read from the second paragraph.’

Rankine cleared his throat then began, ‘I saw two boys whom I recognised from the neighbourhood fighting on the crest of the hill in Barnard Park. Both boys were white. One of the boys was smaller, possibly younger, and dressed in a red T-shirt and jeans. He was being attacked violently by a larger boy, who was wearing a white or pale blue shirt.’

‘Thank you, Mr Rankine. The fight between the two boys you describe as “a violent attack” on one boy, and then again as “a bit of rough fighting”, and note yourself that “boys will be boys”. Which was it, Mr Rankine? Did you witness a violent assault, or was it a bit of rough and tumble play between two young schoolboys?’

‘It was quite violent. One of the boys definitely had the upper hand …’

‘Quite violent? Was there any blood? Did either of the boys seem to be in any way injured as a result of the blows?’

‘Well, like I said, there were a few hard punches. The younger boy did seem to be distressed …’

‘What exact words did you use to stop the fight?’

‘I think I said, “Boys, stop that … that’s enough of that.”’

‘I see. Did you enter the park and try to pull them apart?’

‘No, like I said, they stopped as soon as I called over.’

‘I see, and at this time neither boy was obviously injured.’

‘Well, no.’

‘And so you went on your way and they ran down the hill towards the adventure playground?’


‘You didn’t alert any authorities about the attack at this time?’


‘What in fact did you do?’

‘I went home.’

‘I see, and what did you do there?’

‘I … watched some television.’

‘So it is fair to say that after witnessing this initial “violent attack” you were unconcerned for the boy’s safety?’

‘Well, yes, but then, when I saw the boy was missing—’

‘To summarise your initial sighting of the boys, considering both your police statement and your evidence here today, it would be fair to say that the fight which you have described as somewhat violent was in fact a bit of normal rough and tumble, which did not merit reporting at the time, nor did it distract you from your other activities for the rest of the day, such as your afternoon television viewing. Would that be correct?’

‘Well, I … I suppose.’

‘As my learned colleague has reminded the court, my client stated on interview that he was play-fighting with the victim on the afternoon of his death and does remember an adult calling on them to stop. Let us now move to your supposed later sighting of the boys. You have testified that this second sighting was at about three thirty or four o’clock. Can you be more exact?’

‘No, but it was about that time.’

‘I refer to page thirty-six in the jury bundle, a map of Barnard Park and Barnsbury Road.’

Mr Rankine’s exact position was located, on the far side of the Barnsbury Road at the time of the sighting. The witness agreed that he was probably fifty metres from the boys at the time of the second sighting. Mr Rankine’s optician’s records were placed into evidence, showing that he was short-sighted with a prescription of –2.50. Rankine then testified that he wore glasses only to watch television or to drive. After this was established, Irene launched her attack.

‘The boy you saw in the white or pale blue top could have been any number of young people in the area. Is that not so?’

‘I recognise him now to be the … defendant.’

‘Now, I see … now. Earlier you told us that the boys you saw were not “noticeably different” in height, but your original statement to the police suggested a large and a small boy fighting. Which was it?’

‘Well, one was slightly larger. There wasn’t much in it, but one was discernibly larger – taller, as I said before.’

‘I see, and the clothing worn by the larger boy was “white or blue” but now you seem sure that it was white?’

‘I remember it being white now.’

‘Now you do, I see. Was that because the police specifically questioned you about a “boy in a white shirt” whom they had already arrested?’

‘I don’t think so. I can’t say for sure.’

‘Indeed, I don’t think you are sure of much, Mr Rankine, are you?’

Daniel tried not to smile. He felt a small swell of pride for her.

‘Well, I … ’

‘Let us go back to your original statement to the police. I refer you to page thirty-nine, paragraph two, in your bundle. Please could you read your statement, from some time later that afternoon …’

Rankine cleared this throat and then began to read. ‘… some time later that afternoon, I saw the boys again, this time fighting in the adventure playground. The smaller boy in red was being attacked by a larger person …’