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Randall took a call on Thursday evening. DeLorean in LAX. The irresistible lure of the last phone booth before embarkation. ‘I am going to be in London this weekend. I was hoping you could meet me… You’re not doing anything that can’t be dropped, are you?’

What was he going to say? ‘Funny you should ask, I was hoping I might take a stroll in the Botanical Gardens.’

‘No,’ he said, ‘not at all.’

He flew over on Saturday morning, later than intended. The flight was delayed due to the cancellation of the previous night’s last inbound flight from Heathrow: a regular occurrence in Randall’s limited experience. ‘Any time there’s an emergency on another route they pinch a plane from Belfast,’ the woman who took his ticket said with a smile. ‘I suppose they think, sure who’s going to notice?’

He rang the Ritz from the arrivals lounge. Mr DeLorean had already gone out, but he had left a message to meet at three p.m. in Soho Square.

‘Soho Square?’ Randall asked. ‘What is that? A restaurant?’

‘No, it’s a park.’

Randall did not think he had ever seen DeLorean out of doors when there was not a factory to be an announced or a car to get into. He was half expecting to find a film crew in attendance, or at the very least a photographer, but instead the only cameras on display in the square (‘park’ was maybe stretching it a little) were being wielded by tourists arranging others of their party around the plinth of the statue of the man in stockings and wig at its heart, or trying to get an angle on the curious half-timbered building out of which the gentleman on the plinth might have stepped moments before he was petrified and in the lee of which (and not, Randall thought, incidental to the photograph being composed) stood three bona fide London punk rockers, all spikes and studs and sideways snarls.

He had sat on a wooden bench for almost twenty minutes before he spotted DeLorean coming — walking… alone — along the narrow street to his right. He was carrying a paper bag under his arm. A book it looked like. ‘Instructions from Maur,’ he explained as he sat and placed the bag on his lap. He eased the book out part way. Faded blue slipcover, an eight- or nine-line title, of which Randall took in only the words in larger font: Morris Movement and Fiftieth Anniversary. ‘Hard to come by, he tells me, even in New York.’

DeLorean looked about him, filling his nostrils with Soho Square air, nodded, yes, this was exactly how he had he expected it. ‘What I like about London is how inconspicuous it lets you be.’ He turned a smile on Randall. ‘Even the sex shops I passed are discreet compared to Times Square. You could take your grandmother for a walk around here.’

‘Without someone trying to buy her off you, you mean?’

They sat a moment or two more. ‘What do you know of Lear Fan?’ DeLorean said then.

‘The plane?’

‘The factory.’

Randall shrugged. ‘Only what we have already discussed. I met Moya Lear at a reception a few weeks back. A handshake, nothing more.’

DeLorean’s nod this time was slower, shallower. ‘I knew Bill better.’ Bill Lear had died a couple of years earlier. His wife had made a mission, at an age when most people were thinking of retiring, of seeing his plane through to production. ‘Another guy I know, Morgan Hetrick, used to fly people down to parties in his house.’ Randall had heard that name Hetrick somewhere before. He must have frowned trying to dredge it up. DeLorean took it the wrong way. ‘Oh, it was quite the thing then flying people in for parties. I guess Moya was just never around for Bill’s. I sometimes wondered if that wasn’t where he got the idea for that little jet of his… Eight guys bouncing down to the Caribbean for the weekend… Or girls…’ A sideways glance as he said this then a shake of the head, he was straying from the point: the factory. ‘I’m worried that Thatcher has made it her pet project. I was assured she didn’t much care for other women, but she seems to have made an exception for Moya. As long as she doesn’t try to use her to make an example of me as well, you know: Good American, Bad American.’ He straightened the book bag on his lap. ‘What I’m trying to say is you are there day to day, you talk to people, they talk to you, anything you pick up that might be of interest let me know.’

‘I think you are maybe overestimating my social circle, but OK, I will let you know if anything comes my way.’

They talked a while longer. Maur wanted some more photographs of the house. Dick and Roy were still racking up the dealer numbers: getting on for four hundred now. Eventually there was a silence. They seemed to have exhausted everything.

DeLorean looked at his watch. ‘How’s Chuck?’ The question — addressed more to his wrist than Randall’s face — took Randall almost as much by surprise as the earlier one about Lear Fan.

‘Fine,’ he said. ‘I mean, I hardly see him. You know Chuck, how much he takes on.’

DeLorean breathed in audibly through his nose: he knew all right.

A heavily bearded young man in a plaid work shirt had crouched down beside an olive drab gear bag on the grass about ten yards away. He proceeded to take from it a camera with a hole where the lens ought to have been. The lens came from a separate smaller nylon bag on his other shoulder: four, maybe five inches in length. He wasn’t intending to take tourist snaps with it.

DeLorean clapped his hands on his thighs, tucked Maur’s book back under his arm. ‘Listen, I have another appointment now.’ The young man stood as DeLorean did. So there was a photographer after all. ‘I would say stick around, but I fear the next half-hour or so will be immensely dull.’ It was as though he had forgotten in the novelty of walking that Randall hadn’t just strolled down to this square this afternoon too. He leaned a little closer. ‘The only thing that keeps me smiling is the thought that if this winds up on a cover it’s worth eight million dollars to us in publicity.’

And he smiled, half, shook Randall’s hand, and walked out to do again what he had to do to make the world want his car.


So that was it. He wasn’t expected to stay the night. He got about fifty yards down Oxford Street, vaguely intent on the British Museum, when he saw a London cab coming his way, its roof-light lit. He stuck out his arm. ‘Heathrow Airport, please.’

There was a traffic accident just beyond the start of the overpass at Chiswick — a ‘proper pile-up’ the taxi driver called it. ‘I hate to tell you, mister, but you ain’t going nowhere at this rate.’ Randall looked at his watch twice a minute for a quarter of an hour then resigned himself. An ambulance passed on the shoulder, a fire tender, another ambulance. The taxi driver whistled through his teeth, breaking off every now and then to toss a question into the back. Where had Randall been, then, in London? What did he reckon to the food? The weather? Then, ‘Hang on’, the car in front rolled forward a foot, braked, rolled forward another two, braked before rolling again, and in that stop-start way they covered half a mile in first gear until the flashing blue lights and the tow trucks were all behind them. He made it to the airport minutes before the last flight of the day was scheduled to leave, although as the airline was still making up the time lost earlier in the day he had another hour to wait. It was well past eleven by the time he got back to Warren House. No sign of Bennington.

No sign either the next morning.


Randall decided to take the train. There were so many restrictions on parking — so few secure car parks — he was surprised anyone drove into the city ever. The train halt (it was no more than a couple of benches and a Plexiglas shelter) was less than a fifteen-minute walk, but once there he stood for almost four times as long without seeing a train in either direction. After the twenty-four hours that had preceded it he would nearly have been surprised if it had been otherwise.