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  The lion is not the one who roars, but the one who tears up a lot of greenery!

  When a politician is not a fox, then three skins are torn off him and put on his collar!

  A politician has a wide ass to sit on two chairs, but he has a breadth of soul only in words!

  A tank is pierced with a uranium-core projectile, a politician makes his way to the top without a heart, but with a golden purse!

  With bare feet, a woman can lead a billionaire into the slum of ruin to the level of a tramp!

  Politicians adore, and bare feet of women and voters to put on shoes!

  The politician undresses the women, and puts on the men's shoes!

  The politician wants to bare women's legs, and shod men to the ears!

  Politicians want to undress the woman in bed, and shod the men near the ballot boxes!

  For a politician, the bare foot of a girl is to raise dignity, but the rating rises, shoeing voters!

  The politician has bare heels of women in his head, and the voter is a blunt boot for him!

  The politician loves women without clothes at all and voters who are fully shod!

  A woman, throwing off her shoes in time, will drive a politician under the heel, even if he is a seasoned boot!

  A politician whom a woman is able to drive under the heel with her bare foot, stupid boots!

  Love bare female legs, but don't be a felt boot!

  How ugly the bare legs of women are, it's disgusting to let them drive you under the heel!

  Admire the girls' bare feet, but don't let them put you on like a felt boot!

  Women's bare legs will make a full boots out of a politician who is accustomed to shoeing voters!

  A woman, having thrown off her shoes, is able to put on her knees not only a felt boot!

  A blow from a woman is stronger when she takes it off, kicking off her shoes!

  A politician is a round felt boot if he is driven under the heel by the bare feet of women!

  There is such strength in the bare feet of the girls that she will drive the most seasoned boot under the heel and thoroughly put on the most inveterate felt boots!

  This is how Gulliver made winged sayings.

  The girl squeaked:

  - Lovely! Your sayings are just super and hyper !

  Then she stamped her bare, chiselled foot.

  Orcs elsewhere were deep in thought. Captured boy and girl do not give information!

  And at the same time, even the sticks were powerless. And toasting bare heels did not loosen their tongues.

  And what to do? Orcs are not very creative in torture. Well, maybe try to shake on the rack?

  So the orcs resorted to this remedy. They took the boy and twisted his hands and raised him on the rack higher. The boy moaned and wheezed. Then he was released, and the boy collapsed down. And at the very surface, the rope stretched and the child screamed from hellish pain.

  And the orcs laugh like pigs grunt.

  Here is the company...

  Gulliver sang in despair;

  My homeland, darkness of the universe,

  An ax of hellish forces hovered over you!

  He suddenly became omnipotent - terrible Satan,

  Stretched out his hand over the whole universe!

  We have no Earth, only one Tartarus -

  Gloom blazes with burning, vile darkness!

  I thought just a jester - shouted nonsense,

  And now the whole world is under his heel!

  But the life of the Fatherland, you cannot cross,

  Let's win, hordes and crowds!

  After all, he is a mighty elves bear,

  The Fuhrer's head - he says, I'll take it down!

  How hard it is for us if the enemy is powerful,

  If he has a move in reserve...

  A vampire roars under the moon from the clouds,

  He wants to put us under the saw at the expense!

  The spirit of elves is such, no chains to be found,

  Rigidity and love all in one soul!

  Better not fight - you will be the targets,

  And with your beloved paradise even in a hut!

  The future of the world is every demiurge,

  Can you sculpt happiness for ages

  But a bandit came, even very cool,

  And now the dream burns like pitch!

  But there is hope, it has great meaning,

  That the Lord will come - to judge the Fuhrer!

  You are very light - a human thought,

  Although sometimes thin, strands of silk thread!

  There will be a new world where everyone is free

  Where any of us is a mountain man!

  And the time of change is coming,

  Drive out of my veins, you are the instinct of a thief!

  . CHAPTER #2