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"You stubborn boy," indignantly said Elise, who had really tried her hardest; "I will give it you tomorrow."

Mademoiselle laughed, and, bidding me kneel at her feet, told me I must exercise as great control throughout the night under a worse penalty. Meanwhile Elise continued to dart angry glances at me.

"I will conquer him yet," angrily said Elise, "even if I have to have him myself!"

"Well, not tonight at any rate," said Mademoiselle, amused. "Get into my bed and warm it for me, Julian. I dislike a cold bed above all things. I will come in a moment when Elise has undressed me."

So I jumped into bed. How delicious, soft, and delightful it was to stretch oneself out and await Mademoiselle's coming. What ecstasy!

No sooner, however, had I put my head upon the pillow, than Elise flew at me.

"You monster! You wretch! How dare you put your head on Mademoiselle's pillow? Get down into the bed at once" (striking my head several blows with her open hand), "right down! My goodness, what can you be thinking of?"


Mademoiselle's Bed

The pretty bed was a single one. To lie as Elise tyrannically and unreasonably directed, I had to curl myself up very uncomfortably. She threw the clothes over me, and I lay like a hot water bottle. My head was on my arm, my knees well up to my chin. Presently I heard the door closed, and felt some one take hold of the sheets and blankets and turn them down, but not far enough to uncover me. Then some one got into bed and two white little feet came down close to me. I put my arms out and clasped them. Mademoiselle arranged her pillow and settled herself snugly. She allowed me to get under her nightdress. I kissed her legs all over, and twined my arms under her dress, round her exquisite form. She opened her thighs and caught my head between them from behind. She lay on her left side-her left leg became my pillow. She moved herself deliciously against me, until we had both arranged ourselves quite comfortably, she moving just as freely as if I had not been there, and without the slightest embarrassment. Then saying "Good night, Julian!" she fell asleep, and I also.

When next I awoke some time elapsed before I could make out where I was. I was stifled and in want of air. The contact of her warm soft flesh reminded me. When I found that my movements did not awaken her, their only effect being to make her turn over, the idea suggested itself in a dreamy way to me that now I might attempt to carry out my wishes. I slipped my hands underneath her garment, right up to her breasts and put them round her. I had to move to do this.

How delicious her form was-how lovely her bosom, as it rose and fell evenly! I must have half awakened her, for she very soon pushed my head forcibly down to her waist and put her right leg over me, clasping me tightly with the fleshy portion of the backs of her legs against my face.. Presently she gave a wriggle, and my face was pressed against her bottom and kept there, her legs and knees at my back pushing me up against her. Sleep again overcame me and I did not awake until the morning. I was dreaming that I was in a press or cupboard which was too small, and that some one was hammering me into it, when I awoke to find Elise had turned the clothes down and was belabouring me with a slipper, whilst Mademoiselle was quietly smiling at me.

"We thought we should never have succeeded in awakening you, Julian, and as Elise declared smacking you hurt her hand, I sent her for your old acquaintance of last night. How have you slept?" she asked as soon as she saw my eyes were fairly open.

I sat up and rubbed them, yawned, and stretched myself.

Elise had brought delicious chocolate and hot cakes and butter. I had no corset on now and felt famished.

Mademoiselle looked so lovely, rosy, and fresh in the morning light. She must have had a bath before she had succeeded in arousing me.

What a delicious perfume exhaled itself from her! How charming she appeared in her loosened robe de nuit-the voluptuous richness of her figure plainly appearing, and her wealth of hair admirably crowning her coquettish little head. I was not yet sufficiently awake to speak, so, as she reclined on the bed, I clasped first her bosom and then her legs tightly to my breast and face, by way of answer.

"Elise, come back in an hour! Julian," she continued, "you are a good boy and I do not see why I should deny myself and you. No; not so fast! You will see what I mean presently. But I can see how longingly you look at that chocolate. Sit beside me here, draw the table across the bed-it will swing round-and let us have breakfast together. Then you shall confer fleurettes, eh? All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, doesn't it?"


The Morning

I settled myself comfortably and closely to Mademoiselle in the place she had so graciously indicated, covering myself up to the waist with bedclothes, for, whether the reader remembers it or not, I had nothing on but was quite naked, exactly as I had been packed into bed the night before.

Elise had drawn the blinds and curtains and left the window open. The fresh fragrant air of the May morning entered, reviving and exhilarating me. The sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing gaily outside, as they hopped about on the dew-laden lawns. There was a gentle and sweet breeze which wafted in the scent of the flowers and made low melody with the boughs of the ornamented trees; and I was seated by her own desire close to a young woman who each moment disclosed fresh beauties and charms. I was in her bed-petted, fed, and caressed by her. What a multitude of little endearments she showered upon me! She placed her dainty fingers against my lips and let me drink from her cup. She let me try to cover myself with the masses of her wealth of hair, and rested her head lovingly against my shoulder. Presently to crown all, having pushed away the table, she slipped her hand underneath the sheets, and playfully taking hold of that portion of me which Elise had so tortured, asked me with a bewitching look for my experiences of the night and whether I felt at all naughty. Her air was most engaging and fascinating and her manner full of encouragement. I responded at once and described to her how I had enjoyed my slumbers, and she asked what I had dreamt about.

"Of you, Mademoiselle, and, oh, I do feel so naughty."

"No need to tell me so, Julian, I can feel it," pinching me meaningly. "And, do you know, so do I, a little."

Who that was human could have helped it, in that luxury and that paradise, a perfect garden of delight, the golden day so young, the rich scent of the May wafted in by the lazily moving air, the voluptuous couch, the freedom from care? A feeling produced by such causes could not be naughty. If only the lovely being at my side had been my wife! As she had taught me that then only could she allow me what I instinctively felt was necessary to existence and could alone crown my felicity!