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‘And Tshaya, his woman?’ breathed Engelmann. ‘Was she not with him when you drove the Gypsy to Senlis to get the explosives?’

She would have to eat a little to calm Jean-Louis. ‘Blame me if you wish, but I will not hide the truth. He said she was not well. The flu, I think.’ She took another bite.

‘And he forced you to drive him at what? Gunpoint?’

‘Yes. Tshaya had told him of the quarry. A client of hers, a prospector, had told her where his explosives were kept.’

It was all lies, thought St-Cyr. More and more of them were being piled up yet she seemed unaware of this.

She was tall and statuesque, said Engelmann to himself, and at the Club Mirage the troops avidly listened to her, but that could so easily be a screen behind which to hide a Terroristin. ‘Was that where he got the dynamite he boiled at the house on the rue Poliveau?’

Her lovely eyes widened with innocence. ‘It must have been.’

‘But you didn’t drive him to the quarry that time.’

‘No. No, I didn’t.’

‘Yet he must have got at least a case of dynamite then.’

She shrugged. Her napkin fell to the floor and as she bent to retrieve it, she said, ‘Perhaps, but I really wouldn’t know.’

Ah mon Dieu, mon Dieu … swore St-Cyr silently, it was coming now. Herr Max would grab her by the hair. He’d bring the glowing end of that cheroot to her face and what will I do? he demanded. Kill him quickly. I’ll have to.

‘Senlis,’ muttered Engelmann. ‘You and Nana Theleme went there on the thirteenth, a day before De Vries arrived in Paris. You dropped into the Luftwaffe base near Conflans-Sainte-Honorine for lunch – it’s all on record – and were given a tour of the clubhouse and aerodrome.’

Ah non! panicked St-Cyr. Gabrielle said nothing. She just seemed to tighten up. A hand was lightly pressed to her stomach. ‘A concert,’ she said at last but it was clear she was afraid. ‘A benefit Nana and I are to give on the thirtieth. We … we were asked there by the commanding officer of the base, the Oberst-leutnant Ritter Koenen. Could we have refused his very kind invitation?’

Paris’s venerable yacht club, the Cercle Violier, had a rambling old clubhouse, some eighty guest cabins and a fabulous collection of wooden scale models, the original mock-ups of famous racing yachts, and a fortune in silver cups. But had Suzanne-Cecilia sent over information of that base to London? worried St-Cyr, concluding sadly that she must have and that Herr Max had simply been confirming what the Gestapo’s and the Abwehr’s listeners had told him.

‘We went on to Senlis to visit the mother of Monsieur Jacqmain, only to find she had passed away. On our return, we brought the prospector’s daughter to Paris. She’s staying with Nana while we see if it is possible for her to remain in the city. The General von Schaumburg has most kindly agreed to intercede on her behalf.’

‘So, two trips to Senlis after all,’ grunted Engelmann. ‘One with the Fraulein Theleme on the thirteenth, and the other with the Gypsy yesterday morning.’


‘And you knew nothing of Janwillem De Vries until he forced you to drive him to that quarry?’

‘No, that is incorrect. Nana had told me of him but I had not met him until then.’

More lies, thought St-Cyr grimly. Gabrielle had to have met De Vries when he arrived in Paris on the fourteenth. She must have given him details of Cartier’s for the robbery on the night of the eighteenth. And what of the schedule at the Gare Saint-Lazare’s ticket office? he wondered bleakly. She must have stood in line to get details of that safe and the deposits, or had it been Suzanne-Cecilia or Nana, or all three of them? The same, too, for the pay-train.

Herr Max continued to study her in silence, she to resist all urge to move only to suddenly break and abruptly get up to look out of the windows and down into the kitchen garden.

Jean-Louis will die, she said to herself. Hermann will die – all of us – but I cannot give in. I must not break. Everything had seemed so straightforward. The Gypsy was to have been taken to Chateau Theriault once he had finished the targets they had lined up for him in Paris, but the reseau had been plunged into something they had not anticipated in the slightest and Janwillem De Vries had left them totally out in the cold.

‘Reinforced interrogations, Fraulein,’ said Herr Max. ‘Those are used only when all else fails.’

She didn’t flinch.

‘Herr Max, a moment,’ interjected St-Cyr. ‘A handkerchief was dropped in the powder magazine as a warning to us. Clearly Fraulein Arcuri felt she would not survive the trip.’

‘The Gypsy’s mad – insane,’ she said, turning to angrily face them. ‘He said he was going to leave me there for Jean-Louis and Hermann to find, that he wanted to kill them. “Those two,” he said. ‘They’re the only ones I have to fear. The others are nothing.” He … he had been told to be especially wary of them, I think, and … and yes, to kill them.’

Her eyes were wiped with the corner of a sleeve. ‘Forgive me,’ she said. ‘You see the state I’m in. He was very definite about what he wanted and, in spite of the powerful smell from the dynamite – I was soon sick at my stomach and had to go outside – he forced me to help him. Explosives, Herr Engelmann! Nitroglycerine! A woman!’

‘Yes, yes, but did he give any hint of his plans?’

‘His plans?’ she shrilled in despair and tossed her hands. ‘The Kommandantur perhaps? The Opera during a performance, since so many of the seats are taken up by members of the Reich. The rue des Saussaies itself … Who knows really what he and his friends will do?’

‘The “friends”. Describe them please.’

‘It’s … it’s all written down there, is it not?’ She pointed to her statement only to hear him snort and brutally say, ‘just tell us.’

Momentarily she shut her eyes to squeeze the tears from them, then blurted, ‘All right. Though they wore bandannas, I … I did see something I forgot to write down. They were swarthy. Their skin was like those of the Midi so at the time I thought nothing of it, you understand, but now must think they … they were gypsies.’

‘There aren’t any of them left. They’ve all been deported.’

‘Not all. Tshaya wasn’t. There … there is another thing, though I’m certain he told them not to speak Romani, one let slip the word Gaje.’

‘Six terrorists,’ muttered Engelmann.

‘But others, perhaps. Ah! I had forgotten. They did speak of piano concerts and that they would have to move their piano to another location and quickly. This has puzzled me greatly, as a singer, you understand.’

‘Their piano,’ said Engelmann darkly, and getting up, he started for her.

‘Their wireless transceiver!’ interjected St-Cyr. ‘It’s terrorist talk. We … we had best warn the Sturmbannfuhrer, otherwise the …’

The raid, Jean-Louis? Is this what you were about to say? wondered Gabrielle, sickened by the thought.

‘The telephone?’ demanded Engelmann.

‘Downstairs in the Sturmbannfuhrer’s study,’ said St-Cyr. ‘There’s another in the corridor.’

Engelmann motioned for Jean-Louis to leave and once the two of them were out in the hall, he closed the door and Gabrielle heard him lock it.

A raid … Suzanne-Cecilia, she silently pleaded, be brave, ma chere. Do it because you have to! You must!

And biting her knuckles to stop herself from completely going to pieces, sat down heavily to await the end.

The raid on the wireless set had been moved up. Kohler had been taken along. Helplessly he watched as Suzanne-Cecilia Lemaire tried to make a run for it. Others scattered in the Jardin des Plantes, others shrieked. Shots were fired.

She hit the ground, was dragged up, cried out, ‘No … No, you don’t understand!’ and was thrown against the bandstand, was pinned to the wall below its railing – was slammed, hit hard. Blood poured from her nose and broken lips. Shock registered in her dark brown eyes.