Amid its tingling she felt other places on her body that were wet and somehow… cold, even as the spellfire rose to warm the rest of her.
Narm groaned, deep in his throat, and she asked swiftly, "Are you hurt?"
"Ughh. My bruises have bruises of their own, as Torm once said," he muttered, "but nothing bad. Lie quiet!'
"'She died quietly'? Is that what you want to carve on my headstone?" Shandril gasped in amused protest, as spellfire washed through her, soothing and healing.
"Nay, I was hoping your remembrance would be something more like, 'Beloved of the gods, she saw two centuries, and her twenty children gave her seven-score grandchildren, who in turn-"'
"Twenty children? Narm, you rutting boar!"
"A man can hope," came the reply, in a voice of morose self-pity Shandril snorted. "If it's to be Candlekeep platitudes, here's an appropriate one: 'Keep your hopes to a size you can carry/ Are we finished lying still and silent yet?"
A spell-blast outside promptly rocked the wagon, and something inside with them broke and collapsed into small, clattering fragments. "Nay," Narm replied brightly, "I think not."
A thump outside was followed by a creaking of torn wood, and then a rough voice said, "This was the spellfire-wench's wagon. Quick, now!"
A dark form shouldered forward, scraping leather-clad shoulders on the side of the wagon now serving as a ceiling. It was followed by another, who spoke again in that rough voice. "D'ye see her?"
The man in leathers leaned forward, looming over the tangle of ropes where Shandril lay. Reflected daylight gleamed along the edge of a long, cruelly curved dagger. The man plucked aside the shattered ribs of a keg-and stared right into the eyes of the maid from Highmoon.
"Aww," Shandril complained, blinding him with a short gout of spellfire, "and I was lying so quietly, too!"
The man staggered back with a roar and fell over as Narm hamstrung him neatly from below.
"Why, you little vixen”, the rough-voiced man snarled, raising hands upon which rings flashed with awakened magic. "I'll-"
"You'll die, that's what you'll do!" another voice said calmly from just outside the wagon. A burst of green flames outlined the rough-voiced man in sudden, convulsed agony. Burning, he fell forward on his face without a sound, revealing to Shandril a sudden scorched vista of daylight where wagon-timbers had melted away before those green flames.
A man in robes was standing outside, his hand still raised from hurling his spell. Three grim-looking men in leather armor were clustered around him, looking nervously in all directions and clutching swords in whitening, helpless fists. No blade could defend them against the restless spells warring on all sides.
Warriors and merchants alike had swords and daggers and even stools in their hands as they ran. Some hacked at everyone within reach, and others aimed wands or fists that winked with rings.
Shandril saw the sky suddenly vomit forth whirling blades in a short-lived swirl that shredded a man spurring a horse among the wagons, then diced the horse, too. A ghostly dragon's head as high as eight men reared up into the sky, jaws gaping wide-but then collapsed and blew away as two blades met in the chest of the wizard who'd spun it. Sudden pillars of flame struck from the sky to immolate screaming warriors, and a lone crossbow quarrel sprouted in a man's head and snatched him from his feet, sword and dagger spilling from dead hands as he fell from view.
Ignoring all this tumult, the man who'd hurled green flame bowed smoothly to Shandril.
"Lady Shessair," he said pleasantly, "you may have noticed me earlier as Nargalarr the pot-seller, a somewhat half-witted man. Know that I am in truth the wizard Praulgar, and I desire to defend you against all who would take spellfire from y-"
A dagger flashed end-over-end past the nose of one of Praulgar's guards, and burst into nothingness against an unseen shield-but the dagger that spun in its wake sped right through where the exhausted shield had been, and bit through the wizard's throat.
Praulgar staggered, choking on blood, clutched at his throat, and took a few helpless, failing steps, his face suddenly pleading with Shandril as he struggled to speak… and managed no more than a bubbling scream.
"You'll defend no one, Zhentarim," said the man who'd hurled the dagger, striding into view with a sword ready in his hand. There was a second man at his elbow, and together they glared at the wizard's guards.
"D'you want to die, too?" the newcomer asked them softly. The nearest guard shook his head, turned, and drove his sword firmly through the dying wizard. Praulgar slid forward off that darkly glistening blade into a boneless heap on the ground.
"Nay," the guard replied, "not now you've rid us of this tyrant. We'll begone. Tymora smile on all!" He backed a few hasty steps away from the newcomers and then turned and fled, the other wizard's guards with him.
The two newcomers promptly buried their swords in the fallen Zhentarim, just to make sure, and gave Shandril smiles that were meant to be reassuring. "Well met, lady," one said in a deep voice. "I'm Brasker, and this is Holv-"
Shandril sighed and fed them both spellful-short, swift jets, right at their eyes.
Her aim was improving. Screaming, they staggered back, blindly slashing empty air with their swords. Brasker promptly tripped over fallen wagon gear, and Narm sprang up out of the wreckage, dagger gleaming, and pounced on the man. Setting his teeth, he stabbed down, hard.
Shandril struggled for breath, shuddering. She had almost no spellfire left, yet it tugged at her, calling for more of her, trying to pull her into oblivion in its wake.
Feeling empty and weak, she swayed, mastered herself, and sighed, "From the Zhentarim to the Cult of the Dragon. You were right, love-we should have gone on playing dead longer." She looked around the ruined wagon, largely so she wouldn't have to watch Narm clambering forward to gingerly slay Holvan, and sighed again. " 'Twouldn't have worked, though," she added sadly. "They've torn this wagon apart around us."
Narm came back toward her, pale-faced and gasping, bloody dagger in hand, and was promptly sick all over the split and splintered remains of a water-cask. "I–I-sorry, Shan, I-"
"Don't ever be sorry you're not good at slaying," she told him gently. "I hate it just as much as you do. I'll never be good at battle-tactics and lures and being ruthless and all that-and still this fire Mystra gave me eats men I should be fleeing screaming from, and I slaughter them in their tens and dozens." She shivered and managed a weak smile, putting her hand on his arm.
Narm drew in a deep, shuddering breath, nodded, and tried to smile. Someone shouted-a short, desperate, cut-off cry-and he looked back over his shoulder.
He couldn't tell who'd just died or who'd slain them. Several wagons were burning, and others lay scattered in shards and ashes, blown apart by this magic or that.
Narm shook his head, felt around in the wrack at his feet for a leather water-flask, and asked, "Why don't we find ourselves a wagon that's still intact and go play dead there?"
Shandril smiled slowly. "As Torm might put it: you say the sweetest things."
Narm winced, took a swig of water, and crouched low as magic flared out from behind a wagon. Small, sizzling balls of flame streaked across trampled, body-strewn Haelhollow at someone else, for once.
"On the other hand," he gasped, sitting down hastily amid the wreckage, "we could far more convincingly play dead right here!"
His lady burrowed through the tumbled heap of gear like a small whirlwind, hooting with laughter, to put warm arms around him.
Arauntar trotted into view, breathing hard and drenched in too much blood for it all to be his own. He held a drawn, dripping sword in either hand, and looked grim and dangerous. Peering at the heap of shattered gear, he scowled at the giggling mirth rising from it, and growled, "That's all we need! Dead men everywhere, a dozen wagons wrecked or gone, an' now the lass has gone mind-shattered on us!"