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His eyes blazed in the light of a streetlamp as he looked deep into hers. “That’s the best news I’ve ever heard, darlin’.” The truck moved again, the sound of gravel crunching under the tires. “We’ll figure everything out. I promise. For now,” he said, glancing out the window at Hard Ink, “welcome home.”


Sometimes a book takes you by surprise, takes you places you didn’t expect to go, and forces you into uncomfortable emotional spaces that are rewarding to endure. Shane and Sara’s story was like that for me. But I never could’ve given these characters everything they deserved without the help of a whole lot of people.

First and foremost, I have to thank my good friend, fellow author, and crit partner extraordinaire, Christi Barth, who once again went way above and beyond for me and the whole Hard Ink team. Her enthusiastic comments, biting criticism, good-natured ribbing for my sleep-deprived typos, and constant support strengthened this book in more ways than I can count. You deserve more than a T-shirt, Christi! You deserve a medal! Or a spa day!

Best friend and fellow author Lea Nolan also deserves a huge word of thanks. At crucial moments, she helped me plot out the book on a series of Panera paper napkins, now preserved for eternity in the bottom of my laptop case, and talked me down from stress-induced ledges. It’s a privilege to get to write with your best friend every day, and I’m so glad that’s you, Lea.

So many others stepped in along the way to offer guidance and encouragement, including: Stephanie Dray, my writing partner of awesome; Jennifer L. Armentrout, with whom I can lose a whole morning on the phone and not realize time has passed; crit group friends Joya Fields, Marta Bliese, and Laura Welling, who always cheered me on and offered comments on the early chapters of the manuscript; good friend Carolyn Locke, whose help at a few crucial moments was exactly what I needed; and, finally, my Heroes, the awesomest readers evah!

Of course, none of this would be possible without the support of and excellent editorial partnership with Amanda Bergeron, whose belief in me and the Hard Ink team is the stuff of which authors dream! Nor would this have been possible without the incredible support and sacrifice of my husband Brian and daughters Cara and Julia, who let me disappear into the world of Hard Ink with nothing but love and faith that I could do it.

Finally, I offer thanks to the readers, who welcome characters into their hearts and minds and let them tell their stories over and over again! You guys rock!