“Of course, but…”
“No ‘buts.’ It’s time for both of you to rest in peace.” Elgin kissed him softly, the salty taste of his tears on her lips. He responded, taking her in his arms and returning the kiss, opening her lips to explore her mouth.
In a moment, his cock had resumed its hot, hard shape, rubbing against her flesh as they embraced.
“I don’t think he wants to rest,” Harm laughed, pointing downward.
“Well, then, lets see if he’d like to play some more.” Elgin slid out of his grasp and out of bed.
“What are you up to?” he asked as she rummaged in her bureau.
“Ah, here we are,” she announced, turning around and holding up a hand full of colored scarves. “Let the games begin.”
“What are you going to do with those?” he asked warily.
“We’re going to play ‘Blind Man’s Bluff,’ and you’re ‘it.’ Put your arms up at the headboard.”
“Oh no,” he told her, shoving his hands under his body. “No games.”
“Of course games,” she chuckled, dragging the smooth, silky material over his cock. “He wants to play; I want to play. Don’t be a poop.”
The materials gliding over him sent a chill of pleasure through him. Reluctantly, he raised his arms for her, watching as she tied his wrists securely to a couple of the spiral posts that made up her headboard.
“Not too tight?”
“No, I guess not.”
“Good. I use the cotton instead of the silk because it’s not so likely to slip and tighten up when you’re…ah…moving around.”
“Hey, now what?” he barked as she folded a thick, dark blue scarf and leaned toward his head.
“You’re ‘it,’” she explained with a giggle. “You can’t play the game without a Blind Man. Now hold still.” Quickly she covered his eyes, tying the scarf securely behind his head.
“Okay, now what?”
“I’ll be right back,” she laughed and he felt her get up from the bed. “I have to go find my camera.”
“Elgin!” he shouted. “Elgin, you come back here. That isn’t funny.” Tugging, he couldn’t move his wrists.
“Don’t get so excited,” she told him as he heard her bare feet pad back into the room. “At least not yet.” He felt the weight of her as she climbed back into the bed. “Hmmm, you look positively yummy. All helpless and totally at my mercy.”
She took his cock in her hand, grabbing it firmly but not uncomfortably at the base. Something warm and thick touched the head, flowing slowly down like molasses.
“What is that?”
In answer, her lips closed around his shaft, her tongue licking the head, her mouth forming a tight vacuum. The sensation would have sent him crashing through the ceiling had he not been tied securely to the bed.
“I love hot fudge,” she sighed, raising her mouth from his cock but leaving her tongue to roll around the tip. “It’s so sweet and thick and rich. I like it on just about anything I can get in my mouth.”
Her lips moved to the base of his cock, her soft cheeks brushing his pubic hair and sac, her tongue moving around the shaft as it traveled slowly upward, making sure that not a drop of chocolate escaped her.
He’d never known anything like it. Certainly he’d had oral sex, but not like this. Helpless, his sight gone, his whole body seemed more alive, more sensitive than he could ever remember. Fire pulsed through his body, his cock straining at this sweet torture.
“You know what I like with hot fudge,” she murmured. “Nice cool, whipped cream.”
He heard a raspberry noise and his cock felt the chill of the light froth as it covered him completely, again from base to tip.
“Oh shit,” he muttered, “that’s cold.”
“Well then, let me get rid of it for you.”
Her pursed lips moved up and down his shaft, sucking the sweet cream up like a vacuum. At the top, her teeth raked gently over the tip as it disappeared, her tongue lapping up every last bit.
“Hmm, you taste good. A little salty, but very good. Let’s see what else there is to play with.”
Something smooth, cool and silky moved across his thighs and stomach, drifting lightly to snake itself around his cock. A feather tip tickled his balls as her breath blew softly on his pubic hair.
“Oh God…” he moaned, twisting and writhing in building pleasure.
“What a lovely, big, thick cock you have,” she cooed, dragging the silk scarf around his shaft like the red stripes on a candy cane. “So hot and full.”
Another scarf moved lazily across his throat and down to his nipples, the thin material barely touching his skin but sending icicles of excitement through him like a burst of electricity. The scarves moved around his cock and over every inch of his body. She pulled one tenderly up and down the arch of his foot, relishing the little chuckles they elicited from him.
His rising excitement was firing her own. Watching him squirm as she worked on him, she felt herself growing hot, her desire building. Removing the scarf with a last flourish, she straddled him, brushing her swelled, wet clit and pussy the length of his cock, his fiery, rippled hardness sending flashes of pleasure sizzling through her.
Under her, his cock twitched and wiggled like something alive, seeking her in hot desperation.
“Do you like that?” she whispered, laying herself out on him, her nipples touching him ever so slightly, her lips meeting his.
Groans and whimpers of pleasure answered her, his body moving against her. She watched the big vein in his neck throb as blood pumped through it, hot and horny and anxious for her. A wave of heat washed over her as she bent down and bit into his soft flesh just where his neck blended into his shoulders.
He whimpered and wiggled beneath her, his body musky and aroused, covered with a salty sheen of passion and exertion. Satisfied that the red marks of her teeth would blossom into a very nice hickey, Elgin traced her tongue slowly down his chest, stopping at his nipples. At her first touch, Harm shuddered, his hips bucking under her in response to the unexpected sensation. Encouraged, she nipped and sucked on the tiny buds, bringing them to their full erection.
She couldn’t stand much more foreplay and she knew he couldn’t either. Moving backwards a little, she eased herself up, taking him in her hand and guiding him until she sat, fully impaled on him, her clit rubbing on his balls, the feel of him filling her to bursting.
Groans and growls bubbled out as she moved slowly up and down his shaft, squeezing and teasing; pushing herself down on him as hard as she could, then easing up until only the head of his cock remained in her.
She watched, eyes half-closed in a dreamy fog as his stomach muscles tightened and relaxed with the rhythm of his pumping, chest hair darkened with his sweat, arms straining and outlined against the bedding and the dark wood spindles.
Sparklers fizzed in her blood and the first shudders of orgasm grew into full climax, rocking her as he came beneath her, their cries and moans mixing and running together like streamers of confetti in the wind.
Quickly, she undid the scarves, tossing them aside as she removed the blindfold and began to massage his wrists and arms.
“Turn over,” she ordered. “If I don’t rub your neck and shoulders, you’re going to feel like you played the first half without your pads.”
“Mmm,” he mumbled, dutifully turning on his stomach, letting her gently massage his neck, shoulders, back, arms and wrists.
“Okay?” she asked after several moments.
“More like terrific. Come here.”
She folded into his embrace and they lay quietly, listening to the morning birds and their breathing returning to normal.
“How ‘bout a nice refreshing shower and then a long soak in a warm tub? Help keep those muscles from getting stiff. Just in case…”
“I knew there was a reason they had those great big old tubs,” he laughed. “Nothing like a little aquatic hanky-panky for a honeymoon cottage.”