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Chapter Twelve

God but he was gorgeous. Just looking at him sleeping made her horny. Broad shoulders and smooth back, flat ass, long legs pulled up slightly. The calm, reassuring rhythm of his breathing.

The days had flown by on a magic carpet of sun, water, pine scent and the best sex of her life. Mornings began with lazy passion, punctuated with giggles, sighs, moans and shrieks. Long afternoons sunning nude on the deck, a newly installed motion activated brass bell alerted them to approaching visitors. Warm nights on a blanket by the water, covered with nothing but stars and the watchful Moon Goddess.

July Fourth.

As a child, it had both excited and saddened her. Spirit Cove, decked out in its most festive, most patriotic red, white and blue, the daylong festivities in the park. Hot dogs and sack races and Sousa marches filling the air. Fireworks lit the sky, reflected like fountains of multi-colored falling stars in the still, black water.

But in her child’s mind it had also signaled the halfway point, the beginning of the end of summer. Like a roller coaster creeping expectantly toward the first rise and then rocketing down the other side to Labor Day.

Labor Day.

Pack up her summer fantasies and return to the real world. Work. Duty. Obligation.

No strings she’d told him; whatever there was for however long it lasted. Swept up in the desire and need of the moment, she hadn’t considered anything beyond the prospect of his cock in her yearning, aching pussy.

But that had been before she’d loved him. Before he’d touched her heart as well as her clit. He’d wrapped himself around her body and slipped into her soul as easily as he slipped into her pussy.

She wanted to tell him how she felt. Whisper it to him in their most intimate moments. Say the words as they sat on the deck watching the sunset. Run through the world screaming it at the top of her lungs. Paint it on the clouds so that everyone would know.

Something stopped her though, the words sticking in her throat like a cork in a bottle of wine.

He hadn’t told her he loved her. For all she knew, this might be nothing more than a summer fling, a pleasant way to combine business with pleasure. When he unloaded her gear in front of her condo back in town, would he simply drive away and never look back? Perhaps his plans did not include her at all.

A knot formed in her chest and she put out her fingertips to touch him. She needed to reassure herself he was still really there.

What if she told him? Just said the words out loud?

“I love you Campbell Alexander Harm. I can’t tell you exactly when or exactly how it happened. All I know is that it did.”

Perhaps he’d smile, take her in his arms and say the words her soul thirsted for: “I love you too, Elgin Collier.”

Or he might gape at her, shock, uncertainty, and fear replacing his smile. Warmth and closeness giving way to distance and chill.

“I’m…I’m sorry, Elgin,” he’d stammer helplessly. “I don’t know what to say. I never meant to hurt you…I thought we both agreed. No strings…”

His words ripped into her gut, the pain so strong, so real, she had to squeeze her eyes shut tightly to keep the tears from coming.

Elgin felt him stir, turning his body and reaching out to pull her to him.

“Good morning,” he mumbled in her ear and she felt his steely cock, already solid and hot against her thigh. Hot need immediately rose up in her, pulsing out from between her legs like ripples in a pond.

She had him now, she told herself desperately. Now mattered. Here…this moment counted, not some maybe, some Labor Day that might never come. He wanted…needed her now. The heat of him melded with her own.

“Why do men always wake up with a hard-on?” she teased.

“Can’t speak for all men,” he answered, nuzzling the back of her neck, “but I wake up horny because you’re here. I also walk around horny all day and go to bed horny for the same reason.”

“I don’t think it’s me, I think it’s you.”

He curled himself around her like spoons in a drawer. “Uh-uh. It’s definitely you.”

“And what makes you say that?” She snuggled her ass against him, feeling his cock press like a hot iron rod on her soft flesh.

“Well, for one thing, you have all these great tasting parts that I like to nibble on. Like your ears…” He took a tender lobe in his mouth, raking his teeth across it and nipping a little. Her shivers of delight rewarded him. Sticking out the tip of his tongue, he moved it quickly along the outer shell and pushed it into the canal, tickling as he went.

“Ohhhh,” she breathed, her body tensing with pleasure.

“And there’s that beautiful, slender, sexy neck of yours.” His lips moved down the side, barely touching her. Waves of heat rolled across her.

“Melting into those creamy, round shoulders that just beg for me.” Gently, she felt the tips of his teeth brush the soft flesh, combined with vigorous sucking, his fingertips gliding from neck to shoulder and back.

A jolt of electricity shot through her, making her start with its force, but he held her firmly as he continued his travels, turning her to her back. Through dreamy eyes, she saw him eagerly taking in the sight, relishing and savoring her.

“Those beautiful, perfect breasts,” he breathed cupping one in each hand, feeling their round smoothness. When he’d first seen them, they’d been white as milk. But the nude sunbathing had turned them to a beautiful light brown, gold almost, blending into the dark pink of her nipples. Playfully, he grabbed them between his fingers, twisting and rubbing them as they became as stiff and erect as his cock.

“I like your all-over tan,” he chuckled. “Makes you look like a wild native virgin.”

“Yes, well considering how much time you spent covering me, I’m surprised I got any sun at all.”

“What can I say? I’ve always been a sucker for wild native virgins.”

Harm straddled her on his knees, his muscled thighs tight against her hips, his cock taut and red against his tanned stomach, growing like one of the forest pines out of tangled dark brush. The sight of him, horny and needful, heightened her own desire for him.

“No doubt a holdover from your Navy days in the South Pacific.”

“Uh-uh. When I was twelve, I found an old copy of World Travel magazine. Had a story about some island in the tropics somewhere. Don’t even remember which one now. But boy I sure remember the pictures. White sand, blue water and lots of golden brown skin. Which reminds me. Turn over.”


“Don’t argue. Just do what I tell you.”

“Harm’s Way?” she needled.

“Exactly.” He moved a little and put his hand on her thigh.

Slowly, she complied, turning on her stomach. “Now what?”

“Now I give you a relaxing massage and look at your beautiful back and that incredibly sexy ass and make you so horny you come all over my cock.”

“Mmmm, sounds like a plan to me,” she sighed and closed her eyes.

“You feel so good,” he told her softly, leaning forward and putting his big hands on her shoulders, kneading gently. Instantly, she felt herself melting. “I could just stay here and touch you forever.”

Leaning down, Harm nuzzled the back of her neck, running his tongue across her smooth flesh, gently nipping and biting as his hands moved up and back along her shoulders.

She trembled beneath him as he brushed his erect cock in the crease between her cheeks. Hot and hard, his desire fanned her own and she wriggled her ass, pressing him between their two excited bodies.

Gently, he moved his hands under her, lifting her up and back until her ass presented itself to him, round and hot and waiting.

“You taste so good,” he murmured as his lips brushed over the curves of her cheeks in a prolonged, passionate kiss. As he did so, his fingertips slid under her and found her dripping pussy and swollen clit. The wet heat of her bolted through him like lightning.