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Danilo halted at the library door and bowed. “Vai dom.”

Regis strode over to his grandfather’s desk, now hisas well, and sat down. “Close the door.”

Danilo held out his hands. Regis, in a spasm of inexpressible relief, took them. Danilo’s fingers felt warm, so his own must be half-frozen.

“It will be hard at first,” Danilo said softly, “adjusting to new arrangements, but that cannot change how I feel, what I want . . . You are the lord of my heart as well as of my sword. Nothing can take that away from us.”

Although he had heard these words before and had spoken them in his own turn, Regis could not respond aloud. He did not need to. A pulse of wordless understanding gathered them both. Regis felt his heart grow calmer.

“Meanwhile, I have need of my paxman, my friend and advisor.”

Danilo gestured theatrically. “He stands before you.”

“Then we had best get to work.” Regis outlined his thoughts on the duties ahead of him. Danilo nodded, making suggestions about what must be attended to first and what could be easily put off.

“No one will expect you to pick up where old Lord Hastur left off,” Danilo observed. “People will understand. They’ll give you time to find your feet.”

“Bless Aldones and anyone else who will take credit, I don’t have to deal with the Regency as well,” Regis said fervently.

“The Elhalyns aren’t going to storm Thendara, demanding the throne. Some may expect you to take on the title for ceremonial purposes, but that shouldn’t be onerous.”

Regis shook his head. “I won’t do it, not even as a token. I told Grandfather I would never be king, and I meant it! Regentis entirely too close to kingfor my taste.”

“Can you justifiably refuse a title that means nothing?”

“I can and will,” Regis repeated with a touch of savage heat.

Danilo would not be derailed. “At the same time, you cannot escape the fact that you are now Hastur of Hastur. You shake your head, Regis, but it is true. The Comyn may be less than we once were, but we are still here.”

“Not for long.”

Danilo shrugged, refusing to argue further.

“Be that as it may, the absence of a formal Comyn Council does present a problem.” Regis briefly described his intention to create a place for Rinaldo in the Domains.

At the mention of Rinaldo, Danilo stiffened. The warmth that had sprung up between the two men chilled. Danilo agreed that it would not be appropriate to bring the matter of Rinaldo’s legitimacy before the Telepath Council. Traditionally, the Comyn had governed themselves, especially in matters of inheritance, Domain-right, and marriage. Less than a generation ago, the Heir to a Domain could not have chosen a wife without the consent of the Council. Now, there was no authority to petition.

“There is a precedent,” Danilo pointed out after a little thought. “Historically, when urgent matters arose in between Council sessions, those Comyn still in Thendara would convene an informal decision-making body. They would in due course submit their actions to ratification by the full Council.”

Regis did not have a full tally of who had remained in Thendara after his grandfather’s funeral, enjoying the fair weather and summer festivities. Even one or two would be enough. Rinaldo’s status was as much social as it was legal. Documents could be drawn up and filed with the Cortes to ensure the latter.

“I will see to it,” Danilo said. “You have only to fix a date.”

“As soon as it can be arranged, after I have discussed the matter with my brother.”

The next moment, a tap sounded at the door. At a command from Regis, one of the Castle Guards stepped in. Regis did not know him but thought him to be one of Gabriel’s rising young officers.

“Vai domyn.”The Guardsman bowed in turn to Regis and then to Danilo. “There is a person wishing an audience with Lord Hastur. He is not known to me, but he claims to be Rinaldo Hastur.”

“He is my brother,” Regis said, “and I expect him to be treated with proper courtesy.”

The Guardsman bowed again, more deeply. A moment later, he escorted Rinaldo into the library, this time with almost obsequious attention. Rinaldo wore the same suit of clothing in which he had traveled, although it had been cleaned and pressed.

Before either Regis or Rinaldo could say anything, Danilo begged leave to be about his duties and hurried out of the room.

“Please make yourself comfortable.” Regis gestured to the chairs drawn up by the fireplace. “This was Grandfather’s library.”

“It’s very impressive,” Rinaldo said. His gaze lingered on the rows of books.

“You will of course have full access to the collection,” Regis said.

“Thank you, brother. That is most kind. But I wonder if I might prevail upon your generosity—” With a sheepish expression, he indicated his clothing.

“I will have my own tailor get to work immediately. Other than that, are you well? Your quarters are adequate?”

“More than adequate,” Rinaldo assured him. “I am ready to take on whatever work you assign me.”

“Rinaldo, you are my brother, not my secretary. It is for others to serve, not you.”

“But I cannot remain idle. I must make myself useful, as I have been accustomed.”

“I welcome your assistance once you have familiarized yourself with the way things are done here in Thendara,” Regis said. “One man alone cannot hope to perform all the duties expected of a Hastur. I don’t know how Grandfather managed it all and the Regency as well. Our first step must be to secure your position and inheritance.” Regis outlined what he and Danilo had discussed. Excitement and pleasure flared in Rinaldo’s face.

“I will have the legal documents drawn up and filed with the Cortes. You will not need to make an appearance. My declaration should be sufficient. Javanne is eager to arrange a ball in your honor. Have you had much opportunity to dance?”

Rinaldo shrugged. “Only as much as is seemly for a monk. Which is to say, none at all. I do not object to dancing if it is modest and innocent in nature. But the third thing you mentioned, presenting me to a body of Comyn as in olden times—I think that is the most important of all. Even though the Comyn Council no longer rules Darkover, their consent is essential, is it not?”

“It is of less importance than in the past,” Regis agreed guardedly. “Certainly, it would smooth things to have their approval. Do not underestimate the power of our family. Grandfather managed to ram all kinds of unpalatable truths down their collective throats. I am no Danvan Hastur, but I have had some experience in the arts of persuasion.”

“As Hastur or as Regent?”

Regis suppressed a grimace of exasperation, reminding himself that his brother could have no way of knowing how sensitive that issue was. “The Regency,” he explained patiently, “no longer exists. The Elhalyn, what is left of them, are scattered. No one even knows what the proper lineage is, except maybe a few moldy old scholars. There hasn’t been a single one capable of ruling since Grandfather’s time.”

“If there are no Elhalyn contenders for the throne,” Rinaldo said thoughtfully, “then the honor would pass to Hastur, would it not? One of us could be king . . .”

“There is nothing to be king of,” Regis said wearily. “The Comyn have collapsed as a power, the Council is gone, and we ought to direct our energies toward Darkover’s future, not reenacting her past.”

“Yes, yes, I see your point. Still, it is a pity the Council has been replaced by a less prestigious body. I would have liked to see the Crystal Chamber in all its glory, the color and pageantry, everything I have missed in my life. Now it is gone, and I have lost my chance.”