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“Regis set me aside. Got married like a proper Comyn lord.” Although he knew it was unfair, Danilo could not keep himself from adding, “So what Danvan Hastur and half the Comyn Council could not force Regis to do, Rinaldo has now done.”

Listen to me!Linnea shifted to direct mental speech, where no lies or dissembling were possible. When I sent Regis away last spring , I was hurt and angry. And jealous—o fyou . I almost threw away something so precious, I would have regretted it for the rest of my life. Don’t make my mistake! What the two of you share, I can never be part of . . . and I swear to you, I will never try to come between you.

Danilo had been bending over Linnea, their heads close together. Now he lowered himself into the chair beside her. Bracing his elbows on his knees, he buried his face in his hands. He did not care who saw him. He had hoped for a word with Regis, a sign, a thought. He had not expected such a revelation, certainly not from Linnea. It was too much, all of it, the whole colossal misunderstanding, the savagery of Valdir’s ambition, and Rinaldo—who knew what his aims really were or what he might do to achieve them?

“Danilo . . .”

He had never heard that note of alarm in Linnea’s voice before. He lifted his head, stared at her. She hunched over, both arms wrapped around her belly. A high color had risen to her cheeks and even now faded into paleness. He sensed the ripple of energy arise deep within her body, stealing her breath, gripping her muscles.

“I really must lie down, and you had best send for a midwife and let Regis know.” It was unthinkable for a telepath to not attend the mother of his children in labor.

She paused, gulping air. “Our little Danilo has chosen a most inopportune time to make his appearance.”

Discreetly, Danilo arranged for women to help Linnea to her chamber, for the midwife to be summoned, for excuses to be made to Rinaldo and Bettany. Valdir deserved none.

Regis flashed Danilo a brilliant smile before he hurried after his wife. In the swirl of the festivities, there was no possibility of anything more.

Only when they were gone, when the music faded into a hum, did Danilo realize what Linnea had said about the baby.

Our Danilo.


The next morning, Danilo attended Rinaldo in the library, standing in his usual place behind his lord’s chair. Rinaldo’s marriage had not altered his daily routine. Poor Bettany,Danilo thought, to be paraded about one day and ignored the next.

One of the Guardsmen brought news that Lady Linnea had given birth to a healthy boy. Rinaldo beamed, as delighted as if it were his own son, and gave Danilo a meaningful look.

He intends that I should be next.Danilo set his teeth together. It isn’t enough that Rinaldo keeps me at his side, making it impossible for me to have a private word with Regis, but he would see me saddled with as loveless a union as his own.

Now that Danilo understood the true state of affairs with Linnea, how could he repay Regis by placing yet another person between them? Even if Danilo could bring himself to take a wife, it was not likely he could find one who, like Linnea, was willing to share her husband’s deepest loyalty with another man.

Something in Danilo’s expression must have betrayed his resistance, for Rinaldo responded with a half-smile that, while tolerant and good-humored, indicated he had no intention of relenting.

Rinaldo bade the messenger convey his congratulations to the new parents. Then he returned to the letter he had been contemplating before the interruption. His smile faded, and the creases between his brows deepened.

As the silence wore on, Danilo’s curiosity stirred. “My lord . . . ?”

Rinaldo looked up, his frown shifting towards annoyance.

“My lord, is there something I might help you with? A matter in which my experience might be of use?”

“I hardly think that is the case here.” Rinaldo pushed the paper away. “I suppose it is difficult to change beliefs people have clung to for so many centuries. I am speaking, you understand, of achieving full acceptance of the cristofororeligion throughout the Domains.”

“In matters of faith, I believe change comes slowly,” Danilo said in an encouraging tone. “People tend to stay with what they were taught as children.”

Rinaldo’s face tightened again. “I cannot wait a generation! Who knows how many souls may be lost? This prejudice against the true faith is intolerable!”

“There are more chapels in Thendara than ever before,” Danilo reminded him. “Surely, given time, the people will come to accept—”

“The common people, but not the Comyn! My own caste, the very men who should be leading this glorious battle, cling to the accursed superstitions of the past! What will it take to make them see that idolatrous worship of Aldones and the rest leads to damnation?”

Danilo flinched at Rinaldo’s ferocity. He could not believe that Regis or Lew Alton or any of the other Comyn who faithfully followed the practices of his ancestors, these decent, honorable men, must necessarily face eternal torture. Before he could think of a suitably nonconfrontational comment, he heard an angry voice outside the door, followed by a barrage of sharp raps.

“Out of my way, lout! I will not be put off again!”

The door flew open, and Valdir Ridenow strode in. He was richly attired in the green of his Domain trimmed in gold thread, and his face was flushed.

Drawing his sword, Danilo stepped between Valdir and Rinaldo. The steel sang softly as it came free. A feral smile warmed his lips. Very few things would have pleased him more than an excuse to plunge the blade into Valdir’s heart.

Valdir halted, quickly composing himself. Danilo held his position; it was for Rinaldo to command him to attack or to stand down.

Rinaldo waited another moment before speaking. “Danilo, lower your sword. While I appreciate your enthusiasm, I hardly think such a worthy man as DomValdir has come here with the express intent to assault me.”

“As you wish, vai dom.” Without taking his eyes off Valdir, Danilo replaced his blade in its scabbard. “I beg you to remember that Hasturs have been targets for assassins before this.”

He had killed his share of them, defending Regis.

“It seems,” Valdir said, attempting levity, “your tame paxman may not be so tame after all.”

“I take my oath seriously.” Danilo met Valdir’s eyes.

Valdir glared back, as if to say, You were my prisoner once, your life in my hands . . . and can become so again.

“Enough of this!” Rinaldo’s irritation returned in full force. “What do you want, Valdir? I already told your man that I have no time for foolishness.”

“The future of Darkover in the Federation is hardly foolishness. Now dismiss your paxman so we may discuss the matter freely.” Valdir moved toward the larger of the two chairs.

“Sit down if you wish,” Rinaldo said tightly, “but I have no intention of wasting my time on affairs that do not immediately concern Darkover . . . with my paxman present or without him.”

Valdir did not take a seat. He halted, poised on the balls of his feet. In that moment, he became far more dangerous. Any trained fighter, any experienced politician—in short, any Comyn—would have recognized the threat. Apparently Rinaldo did not, for he reached for the paper and began reading it again.

“I cannot force the Hastur Domain to act,” Valdir began, in clear control of himself.

“No,” Rinaldo glanced up, “you cannot. Unless you propose to overthrow your precious tradition and place another Domain in ascendancy or find someone to crown as king, you have no power.”